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Quasicrystal Tapestry Animated
on 18 Oct 2024
- 19
- 107
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- 184
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Write your drawframe function below
function drawframe(f)
% Quasicrystal animation via summation of plane waves
% Based on my File Exchange submission:
% https://mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchnage/56593
N = 800; % Dimension of output image
s = 20; % Scale - number of periods per wave
m = 7; % Integer number of plane waves to sum (m-fold symmetry)
p = (f-1)*pi/16; % Phase parameter - vary to animate output
% Scaled x-coordinate data
x = ones(N, 1)*(-1:2/(N-1):1)*pi*s;
% Sum m plane waves over [0,pi)
q = 0;
for a = (0:m-1)*pi/m
q = q+cos(x*cos(a)+x'*sin(a)+p);
% Wrap output to [0,1] and apply colormap
imshow((cos(q+2)+1)/2, 'Border', 'tight', 'Colormap', jet);
This submission does not have audio.