How can I find index of element in array?

5,091 views (last 30 days)
I know that I have a number 5 as an element in array X, but I do not know its index. Does MATLAB have a built-in function similar to Python's "index" method for finding the index of an element in an array?

Accepted Answer

James Tursa
James Tursa on 4 Sep 2024
Edited: MathWorks Support Team on 5 Jun 2024
To find the index of a specific integer value (without roundoff error) in an array of integers, use the "find" function and == operator. For example, find the index of an element equal to 5 in a 1-by-11 vector of integers. 
x = 0:1:10; k = find(x==5)
To find a numeric value in an array of floating-point numbers, use a tolerance value based on your data. Otherwise, the result is sometimes an empty matrix due to floating-point roundoff errors. For example, find the index of an element equal to 0.5 within a roundoff error of 1e-6. 
y = 0:0.1:1; k = find(abs(y-0.5) < 1e-6)
Ehsan Partovi
Ehsan Partovi on 2 Oct 2021
The function find() is useful as far as matrices (2-D tensors) are concerned. I cannot, however, find a useful function for nd-arrays where, for instance, the index could be an array on its own. See example below:
M = reshape(1:24, [2,3,4]);
indices = index_finder(M==20); % indices = vector of indices
It would be very useful if there was a function which worked for tensors of any dimensionality.
Jesse Ivers
Jesse Ivers on 29 Jun 2023
@Ehsan Partovi I couldn't agree with you more; this is a problem I seem to run into often, and here is my solution:
% Example ND-array
arr = reshape([1:6000], [5 5 10 4 6]);
numberOfInterest = 99;
% Get the linear index of the
linearIndex = find(arr==numberOfInterest);
% Convert linear index to subscript
[row, col, depth, channel, time] = ind2sub(size(arr), linearIndex)
row = 4
col = 5
depth = 4
channel = 1
time = 1
The only drawbacks are the reuirement that you know how many dimensions. YOu can get around this with CSLs like so:
% Use CSL to get all the outputs
[idicies{1:ndims(arr)}] = ind2sub(size(arr), linearIndex)
idicies = 1×5 cell array
{[4]} {[5]} {[4]} {[1]} {[1]}

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More Answers (2)

RONG on 4 Aug 2024
% Suppose X is your array
X = [3, 5, 7, 5, 9];
% Find the index of the element 5
index = find(X == 5);

RONG on 4 Aug 2024
firstIndex = find(X == 5, 1);


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