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Can "Pause on Errors" be enabled by a script, or set as the default?
dbstop if error It is sometimes useful to use dbstop if caught error However, it turns out that caught errors are expected in...

3 hours ago | 1

| accepted

How to process cwt in chunks?
since I have thousands of chunks, the data, once combined, does not look smooth and might have artifacts Consider: if you proce...

4 hours ago | 0

How to go through each splits of a set?
dec2bin(0:2^N-1) is pretty short and is fairly efficient. N=10; X = dec2bin(0:2^N-1); partA = arrayfun(@(row) find(X(row,:)==...

4 hours ago | 2

expanded matrix wont be bigger than 8 by 8
unique_elements = unique(element); nodemax = numel(unique_elements) nodemax is 8. K_global = zeros(nodemax, nodemax); You in...

1 day ago | 0

Problem with ploting involving function handle
sym ii That is equivalent to ans = sym('ii'); which creates the symbolic symbol ii but throws away the reference to the sym...

2 days ago | 0

Need help plotting these 'Time-Series Graphs' in the 'Chaotic attractor' for loop
Your first for j = 1:NT and your for mm = 1:Ntrans and your second for j = 1:NT are all building arrays iterativel...

2 days ago | 1

Make persistant changes in executable app by user
You have several possibilities: Use a search strategy to try to find configuration information. For example use the Windows USE...

2 days ago | 0

Error Message: Execution of script builtin as a function is not supported:
This suggests that you have somehow added a builtin.m to your MATLAB path. You will need to track it down and remove it. If you ...

3 days ago | 0

"Invalid text character. Check for unsupported symbol, invisible character, or pasting of non-ASCII characters." My teacher typed 2ˆ6, and she got the answer, but I don't.
Your teacher probably typed 2^6 and you probably typed 2ˆ6 The valid entry is U+005E (unicode 5e) The invalid entry is U+02...

4 days ago | 0

how to convert mat file to dcm file
When you write a DICOM file, you need to set a number of entries in the data dictionary, including SOPClassUID (but several othe...

4 days ago | 1

Not able to use imread on images in subfolders
No, there is no way to get imread() to work on reading subfolders. You should be using roughly SearchPath = uigetdir('C*'); i...

4 days ago | 0

Trying to Differentiate Parametric Equation, Error "Error using diff Difference order N must be a positive integer scalar."
syms R Z e v real You declare v as symbolic v = linspace(0, 2*pi,1000); You overwrite v as numeric.

4 days ago | 0

MATLAB eig function giving different eigenvectors on different computers?
MATLAB Online is running using Linux on X64 CPUs, not Apple Silicon. Apple Silicon uses a different library for the calculatio...

5 days ago | 0

PWM outputs does not seem to work with a Rasberry pi 5.
Raspberry Pi 5 is not currently supported in Simulink;

5 days ago | 0

Unable to extract field 'build_problem' from 'mxArray'.
You are declaring the function build_problem twice in the same scope. You cannot declare class-dependent methods inside a MATLA...

5 days ago | 0

Does mathworks support a linux C complier
R2022a supported GCC 7.x, GCC 8.x, GCC 9.x, and GCC 10.x for Simulink Coder. However, it did not support gfortran 10.x

5 days ago | 0

Matlab Showing Imaginary Numbers as Real
syms B U = 3; N = 4; g = 10 e = [0 1 2 3]; S =solve(U==N*sum(e.*exp(-B.*e))./sum(exp(-B.*e)), B, 'MaxDegree', 3) if imag...

6 days ago | 0

When creating a swarmchart from categorical X and double Y values, is there a way to extract the resulting jittered X values?
ss = struct(s); ss.XYZJittered Note: the default setting for swarmchart is Jitter = 'off'

6 days ago | 2

| accepted

I have put different log in name in mathworks account than that of my OS. How to resolve this?
You re-run the activation process. This time, you need to specify the username the same as the Windows username https://www.math...

6 days ago | 1

Convey binary sting into 2 bits format
11111111111111111111110000011120101111000111100000 (48 bytes) MATLAB is going to treat this as a decimal number, in double pr...

7 days ago | 0

starting vector (zero vector) equals lower bounds but gets projected to non-zero vector
Although the documentation says that lb specifies that x(i) >= lb(i) for all i the implementing code has violatedLowerB...

7 days ago | 0

| accepted

R2024b: When trying to open an M file, I receive the message: Unrecognized function or variable 'uiopen'
Experiment with using restoredefaultpath; rehash toolboxcache If that works then savepath

7 days ago | 0

| accepted

As of R2013a you can create a triangulation object, passing in the connectivity and x and y and z data. Unfortunately, you cann...

8 days ago | 0

Why am I recieving the following error "Warning: Failure at t=1.705994e+00. Unable to meet integration tolerances without reducing the step size below the smallest value all"
When you call a function from ode45(), it is strictly necessary that the called function is continuous to its second derivative....

8 days ago | 0

How do I share files with matlab drive?
Open Navigate to the directory containing the files you want to share. Right click and select Sha...

8 days ago | 1

Unable to perform assignment because the size of the left side is 1-by-1 and the size of the right side is 3-by-1.
You initialized ImJPG_Sepia as an n by m by 1 matrix.

8 days ago | 0

Fminsearch error: not enough input arguments.
[y_ex,fval]=fminsearch(@(beta,sigma) subjectval(beta,sigma),y0) fminsearch passes a single vector to the object function. You h...

8 days ago | 0

Given the spectrum of a signal x(t) , What is the minimum sample rate that would allow for x[n] to be recoverable?
This is a square wave. The fourier transform of a square wave consists of an infinite series of odd harmonics; https://dsp.stack...

8 days ago | 0

is it possible to perform a nested Batch?
Once you have reached the limit on the number of simultaneous batch jobs, individual batch jobs are not going to suspend themsel...

8 days ago | 0

Find the indices of numbers that occur first
[found, idxV] = ismember(X, V); This will return the idx of elements of X within V; found(K) will be false if X(K) does not mat...

8 days ago | 1

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