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i want to iterate for each crack size from 25 to 250mpa with 25 increments
for S = 25 : 25 : 250 and get rid of the S=S+25 and the test for S==250
1 hour ago | 0
How to Discretize a Polygon boundary in to equally spaced points?
See John D'errico file exchange contribution interp_arc
4 hours ago | 0
.mat file to bin file
Probably something like filename = 'OUTPUTFILENAMEGOESHERE.bin'; [fid, msg] = fopen(filename, 'w'); if fid < 0; error('Failed...
15 hours ago | 1
USRP X310 support in MATLAB
According to the USRP X310 is not compatible wit...
16 hours ago | 0
How to set UDP communication in Matlab applications?
%first application system('matlab -batch SecondApplication() &'); pause(10); u = udpport(); write(u, 1:5, "uint8", "127.0....
17 hours ago | 0
Question related to area trapz
If C1/C approaches 0.9 then it is normal that trapz(t,y)/trapz(t,C) would approach 0.9 Let's say that C1 is 8 and C is 10, the...
1 day ago | 0
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How to resolve the issue of Y must be a column vector?
IncMdl = fitcensemble(Xinit, Yinit, 'Method', 'Bag', 'Learners', template); The result of fitting with method 'bag' is a Classi...
1 day ago | 0
Is it possible png to geotiff using mapping toolbox?
Sure. Just use imagefile = [basename '.png']; instead of imagefile = [basename '.jpg'];
2 days ago | 0
"Too Many Input/Output Arguments" error for nrlmsise00 function
The nrlmsiese00 function at does not acc...
2 days ago | 0
Roots of Symbolic Transfer Function
syms s gm1 gmp ro1 rop R2 R1 Cgs Cout Zcgs Zcgd Zcout Z1 Z2 Vinp Vinm Vout1 Vd Vout2 Htf eqn1 = Vout1 == (-gm1*Vinp + gm1*Vin...
3 days ago | 0
Does upgrading from 2023 to 2024 require a new license key?
Yes, all upgrades to different versions require new license keys. The existing license key covers all releases up to R2023b, bu...
3 days ago | 0
A composite signal is defined as: x(t) = sin(2*pi*10*t) + sin(2*pi *40*t) + sin(2*pi *60*t) + sin(2*pi *50*t). Separate the four frequencies without using any of the transform techniques.
t = 0:0.001:1; x1 = sin(2*pi*10*t) + sin(2*pi *40*t) + sin(2*pi *60*t) + sin(2*pi *50*t); plot(t, x1) x2 = @(f14) sin(2*pi*f1...
3 days ago | 0
Conversion to logical from table is not possible
T = regionprops3( BW,'Volume'); regionprops3 always returns a table object. if T==26.67 You are attempting to compare the ta...
3 days ago | 1
How can Plot in Matlab by exported data in maple?
data = load('ST1.txt'); core = reshape(data(:, 3),100,100).'; subplot(3,1,1) surf(real(core),'edgecolor', 'none') ...
4 days ago | 1
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Why the squeeze function squeeze 1x3 array to 1x3, but squeeze 1x1x1x3x1 to 3x1?
"because" It was a design choice for the function. It leaves the array alone if ndims is 2 and otherwise removes all of the s...
4 days ago | 1
I want to divide an array up into sections and add each section to its own column in a table.
example = rand(85,48); sections = 6; T = cell2table(mat2cell(example, ones(1,size(example,1)), sections*ones(1,size(example,2)...
5 days ago | 0
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Geoaxes Interactive Drawing Issue
I suspect the code would look like this: %assumes the geoplot already exists function draw_on_geofigure() fig = gcf; set(f...
5 days ago | 0
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I can't open the example on matlab simulink
That example is new as of R2024b. You do not mention which MATLAB release you are using, but there is a significant chance you...
5 days ago | 0
How to randomly select the datapoints in a vector based on percentage for each group?
Perhaps use randsample n = 4; k = number of samples to generate w = [0.25, 0.30, 0.20, 0.25]; y = randsample(n,k,true,w)
5 days ago | 0
Assigning vectors to a list of names
It isn't hard. vectors=["name1","name2","name3","name4","name5"]; tname = tempname + ".m"; [fid, msg] = fopen(tname, 'w'); ...
6 days ago | 0
'parfor' seems to assign jobs of different loopvars to cores beforehand. How may I assign jobs dynamically to speed up calculation?
You can create a parforOptions object specifying RangePartitionMethod "fixed" SubrangeSize 1 and pass that parforOptions object...
6 days ago | 1
How can you use svd() command on an uint8 matrix?
In order to run svd() on a uint8 matrix, you need to run your own svd() function that handles singular value decomposition on a ...
7 days ago | 2
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My simple work running Genetic Algorithm with simulink doesn't work, with error 'Unable to resolve the name... '.
By default, To Workspace outputs to the base workspace. Your code assumes that out.ITAE is available in the workspace of the fun...
7 days ago | 0
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Why am I keep getting "Unrecognized function or variable 'title'. " and "Variable might be used before it is defined" for dynamic title in app designer
Very likely, at some later point in the code you have an assignment to title . MATLAB "looks forward" and sees the eventual assi...
8 days ago | 1
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"undefined function or variable" errors when using "readgeotable" and "georasterinfo"
readgeotable() did not exist in R2019a; it was introduced in R2021a.
8 days ago | 2
Is it possible to create script hooks which are run when entering a given folder?
You would have to define your own cd.m that used builtin('cd') first and then detected whether you were in one of the target dir...
8 days ago | 1
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How to assign values to an array with broadcasting
xi1 = x1(index_i); xi2 = x2(index_i); xj1 = x1(index_j); xj2 = x2(index_j); You access x1 and x2 at two di...
8 days ago | 0
matlab 6.5
Arrays in MATLAB 6.5 used to be the same as arrays in current versions of MATLAB. However, as best I recall, "handle" objects we...
8 days ago | 0
Error using VideoWriter/writeVideo (line 344) Frame must be 2560 by 1360 - Help
A = getframe(figure(1)); The exact size of the frame returned by getframe() can vary a little. In particular, it can vary acco...
8 days ago | 0
Why does scatter now return an error
Please show the result of which -all height which -all width You would encounter the RGB error if either height or width are ...
9 days ago | 2
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