Logit panel with Simulated Maximum Likelihood. Convergence question with fminunc

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I'm testing a very basic logit panel model. The setup is as follows: We observe a binary variable where i is individual and t is time. For simplicity two periods. It is assumed that the true parameters are and and ε is an independent logit error. It's assumed that is individual specific but the same accross time.
I coded this, the problem is that when passing the function thorugh fminunc, the algorithm runs only one or two iterations and returns exactly the same values I provide as initial parameters. I coded this in other languages, but in this case I cannot see the problem.
I've tried different algorithms, other initial values, etc. The info after fminunc is pretty much the same:
Iteration Func-count f(x) Step-size optimality
0 4 1386.49 2.42e+07
1 64 1386.25 6.57442e-15 2.62e+07
Local minimum possible.
fminunc stopped because the size of the current step is less than the value of the step size tolerance.
My exact code is:
%%to 2 and the algorithm to Mersenne Twister
% goal: estimate the panel logit
%% DGP
T = 2; % maximum number of periods per agent
N = 1000; % number of agents
x = randn(N, T); % covariates: observables
beta_aux = 2+randn(N, 1); % random slope; agent specific but same in time
beta_i = [beta_aux, beta_aux];
beta_0 = 1;
z = beta_0 + beta_i .* x; % Calculate linear predictors
p = 1 ./ (1 + exp(-z)); %Calculate choice probs for each individual at every time (because independence)
% Generate binary outcomes based on probabilities
y = binornd(1, p); % N x T matrix of binary outcomes
options = optimset('Display', 'iter', 'MaxIter', 1000);
negLogLik=@(params) logit_loglik(params,x,y,N,T);
params_init=[0, 0, 0];
[params_hat, fval] = fminunc(negLogLik, params_init, options);
%% Functions
function loglik = logit_loglik(params, x, y,N,T)
%unpack params
sigma_beta=exp(aux_sigma); %To ensure sigma is greater than 0
%Montecarlo draws
%We first need to get the unconditional choice probabilities by integrating
%over values of beta_i
for m = 1:M
beta_aux=mu_beta+sigma_beta*randn(N, 1);
beta_i = [beta_aux,beta_aux];
z = beta_0 + beta_i .* x;
% Calculate probabilities for all individuals, time periods, and MC simulations
py = 1 ./ (1 + exp(-z));
%approximated integral of the choice probability Pr(y=1) for each
integrated_PY=log(y.*(integrated_py) + (1 - y).* (1 - integrated_py));
%We sum first over time
%Then over individuals

Accepted Answer

Torsten on 4 Mar 2024
Edited: Torsten on 4 Mar 2024
Your objective function depends on random values. This is not allowed for deterministic optimization as done by "fminunc". Convergence of these solvers depends on the differentiability of the objective function that gets lost in this case.
To estimate distribution parameters by maximum likelihood estimate, use "mle":
Marcos on 5 Mar 2024
I will make a follow up question as documentation for mle() is not quite intuitive. Everything above is the same. I'm trying to use the mle() function but it is not intuitive at all. mle() requires a single data vector. In my case, my negative log likelihood function needs x and y. I vectorized x, y to pass them to in the function but its not woking at all.
I don't see the proble. Is there any other maximization function that allow me to do Maximum Simulated Likelihood as I am proposing?
%%to 2 and the algorithm to Mersenne Twister
% goal: estimate the panel logit
%% DGP
T = 2; % maximum number of periods per agent
N = 1000; % number of agents
x = randn(N, T); % covariates: observables
beta_aux = 2+randn(N, 1); % random slope; agent specific but same in time
beta_i = [beta_aux, beta_aux];
beta_0 = 1;
z = beta_0 + beta_i .* x; % Calculate linear predictors
p = 1 ./ (1 + exp(-z));
% Generate binary outcomes based on probabilities
y = binornd(1, p); % N x T matrix of binary outcomes
% Combine x and y into a single matrix for mle
data = [x(:); y(:)];
negLogLik=@(p1,p2,p3,data) logit_loglik(p1,p2,p3,data);
params_init=[0, 0, 0];
% Set options for the optimization
options = statset('MaxIter', 1000, 'Display', 'iter');
dummy_data = zeros(N*T, 1);
% Estimate parameters using mle with custom negative log-likelihood function
[params_hat, ~] = mle(data, 'nloglf', negLogLik, 'Start', params_init, 'options', options);
% Display the estimated parameters
%% Functions
function loglik = logit_loglik(p1,p2,p3, data)
x=[data(1:1000), data(1001:2000)];
y=[data(2001:3000), data(3001:4000)];
N = size(x, 1);
T = size(x, 2);
%unpack params
sigma_beta=exp(aux_sigma); %To ensure sigma is greater than 0
%Montecarlo draws
%We first need to get the unconditional choice probabilities by integrating
%over values of beta_i
for m = 1:M
beta_aux=mu_beta+sigma_beta*randn(N, 1);
beta_i = [beta_aux,beta_aux];
z = beta_0 + beta_i .* x;
% Calculate probabilities for all individuals, time periods, and MC simulations
py = 1 ./ (1 + exp(-z));
%approximated integral of the choice probability Pr(y=1) for each
integrated_PY=log(y.*(integrated_py) + (1 - y).* (1 - integrated_py));
%We sum first over time
%Then over individuals
Torsten on 5 Mar 2024
Edited: Torsten on 5 Mar 2024
I don't have the background knowledge to follow what you are trying to do.
For "mle", usually realizations of a random variable are known (thus one vector of values). You guess that these realizations follow a certain distribution (from which usually the pdf is known). "mle" then tries to fit the distribution parameters such that the maximum likelihood function attains its maximum.

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