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Algebraic variable derivatives in the DAE solution process
0 = dg/dx * x' + dg/dy * y' + dg/du * u' = dg/dx * f + dg/dy * y' + dg/du * u' Solve for y'.

34 minutes ago | 0

System of state dependent delay equations causes ddesd to run forever.
y(5) is negative shortly after t = 0. Thus your delay d = t - y(5) in principle would refer to values of y(1) that are not yet k...

2 days ago | 0

Integrating multivariate Gaussian pdf in 4 dimensions
Use "mvncdf": If your function is more complicated than posted, try "integralN...

2 days ago | 0

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The mean function isn't working and i don't know why
Check whether the data type of Data_IV_KE is "double". To this end, MATLAB should return "double" when you type class(Data_IV...

5 days ago | 0

Solving Second-Order BVP with unknown Constants using fsolve
solinit = bvpinit(linspace(-6.17415,6.17415,64),[0;0],[.809827,0]); sol = bvp4c(@mat4ode,@mat4bc, solinit); xint = linspace(...

5 days ago | 0

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Hi,I tray RUN this code but i get tis error ( below the code)
Variables and/or functions are missing to run your code. According to the error message, m90_plot is an array of size 12784, bu...

6 days ago | 0

expressing the complex function
Use syms x t real instead of syms x t Then real(series) and imag(series) will work.

7 days ago | 0

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beginner integration trouble.
"int" cannot find an analytical antiderivative for f(x). Thus to get the numerical value for the integral, use Area=2*vpainte...

8 days ago | 0

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Using erfcinv and array indices are being rejected as not positive or valid, despite all being positive in the vector
As far as I understand, "erfbatp" is an array of numbers. So erfbatp(2*.05/2) = erfbatp(0.05) does not make sense, does it ? V...

9 days ago | 0

Converting symbolic ODE solution to function ... Warnings
The solution is implicitly given by the equation (a*y+b*y^2/2+c*y^3/3+d*y^4/4)-(a*y0+b*y0^2/2+c*y0^3/3+d*y0^4/4) - integral_{x'...

9 days ago | 0

convert the above expression into this graph
I'll show you how to solve for theta2 given theta from the equation sin(theta2-theta)+exp(-theta2/(omega*tau))*sin(theta)=0 F...

9 days ago | 1

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Trouble using ODE45 for coupled non-linear differential equation
I can't recover the four differential equations you solve from the two equations you included in mathematical form. Your equati...

10 days ago | 0

How to get the answer from the following code. How can i extract the values from the code?
F = U1.y(5,1)-Nt*U1.yp(5,1) J = -1i*U1.y(6,1) N1 = -U1.y(7,1) N2 = -U1.y(8,1)

11 days ago | 0

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Explicit method for Allen-Cahn equation
xstart = -1.0; xend = 1.0; nx = 401; x = linspace(xstart,xend,nx).'; dx = x(2)-x(1); tstart = 0.0; tend = 1.0; nt = 10; ...

11 days ago | 0

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How to fill a variable with the results of an if...elseif statement
Use imin = 0; imax = 0; isaddlePts = 0; iinconcl = 0; for ind = 1:9 D=fxx(Xc(ind),Yc(ind))*fyy(Xc(ind),Yc(ind)) - (fx...

11 days ago | 0

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Need to rectify error in my matlab code given below
I want to get a plot of dn/dt versus t. syms t mu=2500*(10^-4); %cm^2*V^-1 * s^-1 R = 0.318; eta=377;% ohm N=3.681; %refind...

11 days ago | 0

Using Runge Kutta to solve second-order differential equations with two degrees of freedom
I don't understand from your code if you want to perform a parameter study for 1000 different values of omega or if you want to ...

12 days ago | 0

Cannot get fmincon to work
clear close clc format long %% Variables dp = 11.6; taup = 3710e-6; dn = 2; taun = 371e-6; Jl = 50e-3; ni = 9.696e9; ...

13 days ago | 1

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I continue to get this error and can't figure out how to fix it, Unable to perform assignment because the size of the left side is 1-by-4 and the size of the right side is 1-b
If you take the derivative of a polynomial, the degree of the resulting polynomial is one less than the degree of the original p...

14 days ago | 0

coupled differntial equation using ode45
G = 1; Na = 1; xstart = -1; xend = 1; nx = 51; x = linspace(xstart,xend,nx); solinit = bvpinit(x, [0;0;1;0]); sol = bvp...

15 days ago | 1

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coupled differntial equation using ode45
syms y mu0 G Na U(y) T0(y) eqn1 = diff(mu0*diff(U,y)) == G; eqn2 = diff(T0,y,2) + Na*mu0*(diff(U,y))^2 == 0; conds1 = [U(-1)=...

15 days ago | 0

Using tabular data for Curve fitting of function z = f (x, y) with incomplete values of z. These blank z (i, j) automatically takes zero values and this is a problem
green = [5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 1 1 1]; blue = [5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 5 10 15]; yellow = [455 322 261 205 169 410 306 246 191 25...

17 days ago | 1

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Numerical method of the "fimplicit" function
Since you can specify a mesh density in x- and y- direction, my guess is that the function is simply evaluated on X x Y. Sign ch...

17 days ago | 0

My roots don't match example roots when solving routh criterion
syms K s p = s^3+9*s^2+12*s+15+3*K; solve(p,s,'MaxDegree',3) var2 = vpa(ans); var = subs(var2,K,-1)

18 days ago | 0

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Interrupt a while loop with functions if it takes too long
Is there a way of timing the iteration during its execution and break it? No. You could go into the function and time certain o...

18 days ago | 1

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How to solve the system of time dependent coupled PDE's?
ode23t seems to work for high Reynolds numbers. In case ode23t fails (e.g. for the low Reynolds number regime), I recommend the ...

20 days ago | 1

Problem with my gamma_water values not giving me the correct pressure using fsolve
Look at the curves and see what's happening. Your first equation has two solutions while your second has none: DelH = -1* (-917...

21 days ago | 0

An absolutely ascending sequence
x = 0:10; all(diff(x)>0)

21 days ago | 0

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Find zero of simple monotonic function where the independent variable can only be integer
If you know a lower integer value xl and an upper integer value xu with y(xl)*y(xu) < 0, you could do a binary search starting f...

22 days ago | 0

Model simulation Code for SEIR
seir_simulation() function seir_simulation() % Parameters beta = 0.3; % Effective contact rate without control sigma = 1/5; ...

22 days ago | 0

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