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WLAN packet format


format = packetFormat(cfg) returns the packet format of the WLAN transmission parameterized by physical layer (PHY) format configuration cfg.



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Create an S1G configuration object with default property values.

cfgS1G = wlanS1GConfig;

Compute and display the packet format. The default properties specify a transmission with short preamble.

format = packetFormat(cfgS1G);

Now create an S1G configuration object, specifying a long preamble.

cfgS1GLongPreamble = wlanS1GConfig('Preamble','Long');

Compute and display the packet format.

format = packetFormat(cfgS1GLongPreamble);

Input Arguments

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Output Arguments

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WLAN packet format, returned as a character vector.

  • When you specify the cfg input as a wlanEHTMUConfig object, the function returns 'EHT-MU'.

  • When you specify the cfg input as a wlanEHTTBConfig object, the function returns 'EHT-TB'.

  • When you specify the cfg input as a wlanEHTRecoveryConfig object, the function returns 'EHT-MU'.

  • When you specify the cfg input as a wlanHESUConfig object, the function returns 'HE-EXT-SU' or 'HE-SU'.

  • When you specify the cfg input as a wlanHEMUConfig object, the function returns 'HE-MU'.

  • When you specify the cfg input as a wlanHETBConfig object, the function returns 'HE-TB'.

  • When you specify the cfg input as a wlanHERecoveryConfig object, the function returns 'HE-EXT-SU', 'HE-SU', or 'HE-MU'.

  • When you specify the cfg input as a wlanS1GConfig object, the function returns 'S1G-1M', 'S1G-Short', or 'S1G-Long'.

  • When you specify the cfg input as a wlanWURConfig object, the function returns 'WUR'.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2017b

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