S-Function SimStruct Functions
About SimStruct Functions
The Simulink® software provides a set of functions for accessing the fields of an
S-function's simulation data structure (SimStruct
). S-function
callback methods use these functions to store and retrieve information about an
Language Support
Some SimStruct
functions are available only in some of the
languages supported by the Simulink software. The reference page for each SimStruct
macro or function lists the languages in which it is available and gives the syntax
for these languages.
Most SimStruct
functions available in C are implemented as
C macros. Individual reference pages indicate any SimStruct
macro that becomes a function when you compile your S-function in debug mode
(mex -g
The SimStruct
The file simstruc.h
is a C language header file that defines the Simulink data structure and the SimStruct
access macros. It
encapsulates all the data relating to the model or S-function, including block
parameters and outputs.
There is one SimStruct
data structure allocated for the
Simulink model. Each S-function in the model has its own
associated with it. The organization of these
s is much like a directory tree. The
associated with the model is the
. The SimStruct
s associated with the
S-functions are the child
SimStruct Macros and Functions Listed by Usage
Macro | Description |
ssGetBusElementComplexSignal | Get the signal complexity for a bus element. |
ssGetBusElementDataType | Get the data type identifier for a bus element. |
ssGetBusElementDimensions | Get the dimensions of a bus element. |
ssGetBusElementName | Get the name of a bus element. |
ssGetBusElementNumDimensions | Get the number of dimensions for a bus element. |
ssGetBusElementOffset | Get the offset from the start of the bus data type to a bus element. |
ssGetNumBusElements | Get the number of elements in a bus signal. |
ssGetSFcnParamName | Get the value of a block parameter for an S-function block. |
ssIsDataTypeABus | Determine whether a data type identifier represents a bus signal. |
ssRegisterTypeFromParameter | Register a data type that a parameter in the Simulink data type table specifies. |
ssSetBusInputAsStruct | Specify whether to convert the input bus signal for an S-function from virtual to nonvirtual. |
ssSetBusOutputAsStruct | Specify whether the output bus signal from an S-function must be virtual or nonvirtual. |
ssSetBusOutputObjectName | Specify the name of the bus object that defines the structure and type of the output bus signal. |
Data Type
Macro | Description |
ssGetDataTypeId | Get the ID for a data type. |
ssGetDataTypeIdAliasedThruTo | Get the ID for the built-in data type associated with a data type alias. |
ssGetDataTypeName | Get a data type's name. |
ssGetDataTypeSize | Get a data type's size. |
ssGetDataTypeZero | Get the zero representation of a data type. |
ssGetInputPortDataType | Get the data type of an input port. |
ssGetNumDataTypes | Get the number of data types defined by an S-function or the model. |
ssGetOutputPortDataType | Get the data type of an output port. |
ssGetOutputPortSignal | Get an output signal of any type except
double . |
ssGetSFcnParamDataType | Get the data type of a parameter. |
ssRegisterDataType | Register a data type. |
ssSetDataTypeSize | Specify the size of a data type. |
ssSetDataTypeZero | Specify the zero representation of a data type. |
ssSetInputPortDataType | Specify the data type of signals accepted by an input port. |
ssSetOutputPortDataType | Specify the data type of an output port. |
Dialog Box Parameters
Macro | Description |
ssGetDTypeIdFromMxArray | Get the Simulink data type of a dialog parameter. |
ssGetNumSFcnParams | Get the number of parameters that an S-function expects. |
ssGetSFcnParam | Get a parameter entered by a user in the S-Function block dialog box. |
ssGetSFcnParamsCount | Get the actual number of parameters specified by the user. |
ssSetNumSFcnParams | Set the number of parameters that an S-function expects. |
ssSetSFcnParamTunable | Specify the tunability of a dialog box parameter. |
Error Handling and Status
Macro | Description |
ssGetErrorStatus | Get a character vector that identifies the last error. |
ssGetLocalErrorStatus | Get a character vector that identifies the last error in a thread-safe manner. |
ssPrintf | Print a variable-content msg . |
ssSetErrorStatus | Report errors. |
ssSetLocalErrorStatus | Report errors in a thread-safe manner. |
ssWarning | Display a warning message. |
Function Call
Macro | Description |
ssCallSystemWithTid | Execute a function-call subsystem connected to an S-function. |
ssDisableSystemWithTid | Disable a function-call subsystem connected to this S-function block. |
ssEnableSystemWithTid | Enable a function-call subsystem connected to this S-function. |
ssGetCallSystemNumFcnCall- | Get the number of function-call destinations. |
ssGetExplicitFCSSCtrl | Determine whether this S-function explicitly enables and disables the function-call subsystem that it invokes. |
ssSetCallSystemOutput | Specify that an output port element issues a function call. |
ssSetExplicitFCSSCtrl | Specify whether an S-function explicitly enables and disables the function-call subsystem that it calls. |
Input and Output Ports
I/O Port — Signal Specification
Macro | Description |
ssAllowSignalsWithMoreThan2D | Enable S-function to work with multidimensional input and output signals. |
ssGetInputPortComplexSignal | Get the numeric type (complex or real) of an input port. |
ssGetInputPortDataType | Get the data type of an input port. |
ssGetInputPortDirectFeedThrough | Determine whether an input port has direct feedthrough. |
ssGetInputPortFrameData | Determine whether a port accepts signal frames. |
ssGetInputPortOffsetTime | Determine the offset time of an input port. |
ssGetInputPortRequiredContiguous | Determine whether the signal elements entering a port must be contiguous. |
ssGetInputPortSampleTime | Determine the sample time of an input port. |
ssGetInputPortSampleTimeIndex | Get the sample time index of an input port. |
ssGetInputPortUnit | Get unit of input port |
ssGetOutputPortComplexSignal | Get the numeric type (complex or real) of an output port. |
ssGetOutputPortDataType | Get the data type of an output port. |
ssGetOutputPortFrameData | Determine whether a port outputs signal frames. |
ssGetOutputPortOffsetTime | Determine the offset time of an output port. |
ssGetOutputPortSampleTime | Determine the sample time of an output port. |
ssGetOutputPortUnit | Get unit of output port |
ssRegisterUnitFromExpr | Register unit from unit expression |
ssSetInputPortComplexSignal | Set the numeric type (real or complex) of an input port. |
ssSetInputPortDataType | Set the data type of an input port. |
ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough | Specify that an input port is a direct-feedthrough port. |
ssSetInputPortOffsetTime | Specify the sample time offset for an input port. |
ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous | Specify that the signal elements entering a port must be contiguous. |
ssSetInputPortSampleTime | Set the sample time of an input port. |
ssSetInputPortUnit | Specify unit of input port |
ssSetNumInputPorts | Set the number of input ports on an S-Function block. |
ssSetNumOutputPorts | Specify the number of output ports on an S-Function block. |
ssSetOneBasedIndexInputPort | Specify that an input port expects one-based indices. |
ssSetOneBasedIndexOutputPort | Specify that an output port emits one-based indices. |
ssSetOutputPortComplexSignal | Specify the numeric type (real or complex) of this port. |
ssSetOutputPortDataType | Specify the data type of an output port. |
ssSetOutputPortOffsetTime | Specify the sample time offset value of an output port. |
ssSetOutputPortSampleTime | Specify the sample time of an output port. |
ssSetOutputPortUnit | Specify unit of output port |
ssSetZeroBasedIndexInputPort | Specify that an input port expects zero-based indices. |
ssSetZeroBasedIndexOutputPort | Specify that an output port emits zero-based indices. |
I/O Port — Signal Dimensions
Macro | Description |
ssAddOutputDimsDependencyRule | Register a method to handle current dimensions update. |
ssAddVariableSizeSignalsRuntimeChecker | Register a method to check the current input dimensions. |
ssAllowSignalsWithMoreThan2D | Enable S-function to work with multidimensional signals. |
ssGetCurrentInputPortDimensions | Gets the current size of dimension dIdx of input port pIdx. |
ssGetCurrentInputPortWidth | Gets the total width (total number of elements) of the signal at input port pIdx |
ssGetCurrentOutputPortDimensions | Gets the current size of dimension dIdx of the signal at output port pIdx. |
ssGetCurrentOutputPortWidth | Gets the total width (total number of elements) of the signal at output port pIdx. |
ssGetInputPortDimensions | Get the dimensions of the signal accepted by an input port. |
ssGetInputPortDimensionSize | Get the size of one dimension of the signal entering an input port. |
ssGetInputPortDimensionsMode | Gets the dimensions mode of the input port indexed by pIdx, |
ssGetInputPortNumDimensions | Get the dimensionality of the signals accepted by an input port. |
ssGetInputPortWidth | Determine the width of an input port. |
ssGetOutputPortDimensions | Get the dimensions of the signal leaving an output port. |
ssGetOutputPortDimensionSize | Get the size of one dimension of the signal leaving an output port. |
ssGetOutputPortDimensionsMode | Sets the dimensions mode of the output port indexed by pIdx. |
ssGetOutputPortNumDimensions | Get the number of dimensions of an output port. |
ssGetOutputPortWidth | Determine the width of an output port. |
ssSetCurrentOutputPortDimensions | Sets the current size corresponding to dimension dIdx of the output signal at port pIdx. |
ssSetDWorkRequireResetForSignalSize | Set the block flag for resetting the dIndex DWork size upon subsystem reset. |
ssSetInputPortDimensionInfo | Set the dimensionality of an input port. |
ssSetInputPortDimensionsMode | Sets the dimensions mode of the input port indexed by pIdx. |
ssSetInputPortDimsSameAsOutputPortDims | Set the dimensions of output port outIdx to be equal than the dimensions of input port inpIdx. |
ssSetInputPortMatrixDimensions | Specify dimension information for an input port that accepts matrix signals. |
ssSetInputPortVectorDimension | Specify dimension information for an input port that accepts vector signals. |
ssSetInputPortWidth | Set the width of a 1-D (vector) input port. |
ssSetOutputPortDimensionInfo | Specify the dimensionality of an output port. |
ssSetOutputPortDimensionsMode | Sets the dimensions mode of the output port indexed by pIdx. |
ssSetOutputPortMatrixDimensions | Specify dimension information for an output port that emits matrix signals. |
ssSetOutputPortVectorDimension | Specify dimension information for an output port that emits vector signals. |
ssSetOutputPortWidth | Specify the width of a 1-D (vector) output port. |
ssSetOutputPortMatrixDimensions | Specify the dimensions of a 2-D (matrix) signal. |
ssRegMdlSetInputPortDimensionsModeFcn | Register the method to handle dimensions mode propagation for each input port. |
ssSetSignalSizesComputeType | Set the type of output dependency on the input signal. |
ssSetVectorMode | Specify the vector mode that an S-function supports. |
I/O Port — Signal Access
Macro | Description |
ssGetInputPortBufferDstPort | Determine the output port that is overwriting an input port's memory buffer. |
ssGetInputPortConnected | Determine whether an S-Function block port is connected to a nonvirtual block. |
ssGetInputPortOptimOpts | Determine the reusability setting of the memory allocated to the input port of an S-function. |
ssGetInputPortOverWritable | Determine whether an input port can be overwritten. |
ssGetInputPortRealSignal | Get the address of a real, contiguous signal entering an input port. |
ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs | Access the signal elements connected to an input port. |
ssGetInputPortSignal | Get the address of a contiguous signal entering an input port. |
ssGetInputPortSignalPtrs | Get pointers to input signal elements of type other than
double . |
ssGetNumInputPorts | Can be used in any routine (except
mdlInitializeSizes ) to determine how many
input ports a block has. |
ssGetNumOutputPorts | Can be used in any routine (except
mdlInitializeSizes ) to determine how many
output ports a block has. |
ssGetOutputPortConnected | Determine whether an output port is connected to a nonvirtual block. |
ssGetOutputPortBeingMerged | Determine whether the output of this block is connected to a Merge block. |
ssGetOutputPortOptimOpts | Determine the reusability of the memory allocated to the output port of an S-function. |
ssGetOutputPortRealSignal | Access the elements of a signal connected to an output port. |
ssGetOutputPortSignal | Get the vector of signal elements emitted by an output port. |
ssSetInputPortOptimOpts | Specify the reusability of the memory allocated to the input port of an S-function. |
ssSetInputPortOverWritable | Specify whether an input port is overwritable by an output port. |
ssSetOutputPortOptimOpts | Specify the reusability of the memory allocated to the output port of an S-function. |
ssSetOutputPortOverwritesInputPort | Specify whether an output port can share its memory buffer with an input port. |
Model Reference
Macro | Description |
ssRTWGenIsModelReferenceRTWTarget | Determine if the model reference Simulink Coder™ target is generating. |
ssRTWGenIsModelReferenceSIMTarget | Determine if the model reference simulation target is generating. |
ssSetModelReferenceNormalModeSupport | Specify if S-function can be used in referenced model simulating in normal mode. |
ssSetModelReferenceSampleTimeDefaultInheritance | Specify that a referenced model containing this S-function can inherit its sample time from its parent model. |
ssSetModelReferenceSampleTimeDisallowInheritance | Specify that the use of this S-function in a referenced model prevents the referenced model from inheriting its sample time from its parent model. |
ssSetModelReferenceSampleTimeInheritanceRule | Specify whether use of an S-function in a referenced model prevents the referenced model from inheriting its sample time from the parent model. |
Run-Time Parameters
These macros allow you to create, update, and access run-time parameters corresponding to a block's dialog parameters.
Macro | Description |
ssGetNumRunTimeParams | Get the number of run-time parameters created by this S-function. |
ssGetRunTimeParamInfo | Get the attributes of a specified run-time parameter. |
ssRegAllTunableParamsAsRunTimeParams | Register all tunable dialog parameters as run-time parameters. |
ssRegDlgParamAsRunTimeParam | Register a run-time parameter. |
ssSetNumRunTimeParams | Specify the number of run-time parameters to be created by this S-function. |
ssSetRunTimeParamInfo | Specify the attributes of a specified run-time parameter. |
ssUpdateAllTunableParamsAsRunTimeParams | Update all run-time parameters corresponding to tunable dialog parameters. |
ssUpdateDlgParamAsRunTimeParam | Update a run-time parameter. |
ssUpdateRunTimeParamData | Update the value of a specified run-time parameter. |
ssUpdateRunTimeParamInfo | Update the attributes of a specified run-time parameter from the attributes of the corresponding dialog parameters. |
Sample Time
Macro | Description |
ssGetInputPortSampleTime | Determine the sample time of an input port. |
ssGetInputPortSampleTimeIndex | Get the sample time index of an input port. |
ssGetNumSampleTimes | Get the number of sample times an S-function has. |
ssGetOffsetTime | Determine one of an S-function's sample time offsets. |
ssGetOutputPortSampleTime | Determine the sample time of an output port. |
ssGetPortBasedSampleTimeBlockIsTriggered | Determine whether a block that uses port-based sample times resides in a triggered subsystem. |
ssGetSampleTime | Determine one of an S-function's sample times. |
ssGetTNext | Get the time of the next sample hit in a discrete S-function with a variable sample time. |
ssIsContinuousTask | Determine whether a specified rate is the continuous rate. |
ssIsSampleHit | Determine the sample rate at which an S-function is operating. |
ssIsSpecialSampleHit | Determine whether the current sample time hits two specified rates. |
ssSampleAndOffsetAreTriggered | Determine whether a sample time and offset value pair indicate a triggered sample time. |
ssSetInputPortSampleTime | Set the sample time of an input port. |
ssSetModelReferenceSampleTimeDefaultInheritance | Specify that a referenced model containing this S-function can inherit its sample time from its parent model. |
ssSetModelReferenceSampleTimeDisallowInheritance | Specify that the use of this S-function in a referenced model prevents the referenced model from inheriting its sample time from its parent model. |
ssSetModelReferenceSampleTimeInheritanceRule | Specify whether use of an S-function in a referenced model prevents the referenced model from inheriting its sample time from the parent model. |
ssSetNumSampleTimes | Set the number of sample times an S-function has. |
ssSetOffsetTime | Specify the offset of a sample time. |
ssSetSampleTime | Specify a sample time for an S-function. |
ssSetTNext | Specify the time of the next sample hit in an S-function. |
Simulation Information
Macro | Description |
ssGetBlockReduction | Determine whether a block has requested block reduction before the simulation has begun and whether it has actually been reduced after the simulation loop has begun. |
ssGetErrorStatus | Get a character vector that identifies the last error. |
ssGetFixedStepSize | Get the fixed step size of the model containing the S-function. |
ssGetMaxStepSize | Get the maximum step size of the model containing the S-function. |
ssGetMinStepSize | Get the minimum step size of the model containing the S-function. |
ssGetSimMode | Determine the context in which an S-function is being invoked: normal simulation, external-mode simulation, model editor, etc. |
ssGetSimStatus | Determine the current simulation status. |
ssGetSolverMode | Get the solver mode being used to solve the S-function. |
ssGetSolverName | Get the name of the solver being used for the simulation. |
ssGetStateAbsTol | Get the absolute tolerance used by the model's variable-step solver for a specified state. |
ssGetStopRequested | Get the value of the simulation stop requested flag. |
ssGetT | Get the current base simulation time. |
ssGetTaskTime | Get the current time for a task. |
ssGetTFinal | Get the end time of the current simulation. |
ssGetTNext | Get the time of the next sample hit. |
ssGetTStart | Get the start time of the current simulation. |
ssIsExternalSim | Determine if the model is running in external mode. |
ssIsFirstInitCond | Determine whether the current simulation time is equal to the simulation start time. |
ssIsMajorTimeStep | Determine whether the current time step is a major time step. |
ssIsMinorTimeStep | Determine whether the current time step is a minor time step. |
ssIsVariableStepSolver | Determine whether the current solver is a variable-step solver. |
| Determine if the model is running in Accelerator mode. |
ssSetStateAbsTol | Set the values of the absolute tolerances that the variable-step solver will apply to the S-function states. |
ssSetBlockReduction | Request that Simulink attempt to reduce a block. |
ssSetOperatingPointCompliance | Specify how Simulink treats an S-function when saving and restoring the simulation state of a model containing the S-function. |
ssSetOperatingPointVisibility | Specify whether or not the simulation state of the S-function is visible (accessible) in the simulation state of the model. |
ssSetSolverNeedsReset | Ask Simulink to reset the solver. |
ssSetStopRequested | Ask Simulink to terminate the simulation at the end of the current time step. |
State and Work Vector
Macro | Description |
ssGetContStates | Get an S-function's continuous states. |
ssGetDiscStates | Get an S-function's discrete states. |
ssGetDWork | Get a DWork vector. |
ssGetDWorkComplexSignal | Determine whether the elements of a DWork vector are real or complex numbers. |
ssGetDWorkDataType | Get the data type of a DWork vector. |
ssGetDWorkName | Get the name of a DWork vector. |
ssGetDWorkUsageType | Determine how the DWork vector is used in S-function. |
ssGetDWorkUsedAsDState | Determine whether a DWork vector is used as a discrete state vector. |
ssGetDWorkWidth | Get the size of a DWork vector. |
ssGetdX | Get the derivatives of the continuous states of an S-function. |
ssGetIWork | Get an S-function's integer-valued (int_T )
work vector. |
ssGetIWorkValue | Get a value from a block's integer work vector. |
ssGetModeVector | Get an S-function's mode work vector. |
ssGetModeVectorValue | Get an element of a block's mode vector. |
ssGetNonsampledZCs | Get an S-function's zero-crossing signals vector. |
ssGetNumContStates | Determine the number of continuous states that an S-function has. |
ssGetNumDiscStates | Determine the number of discrete states that an S-function has. |
ssGetNumDWork | Get the number of Dwork vectors used by a block. |
ssGetNumIWork | Get the size of an S-function's integer work vector. |
ssGetNumModes | Determine the size of an S-function's mode vector. |
ssGetNumNonsampledZCs | Determine the number of nonsampled zero crossings that an S-function detects. |
ssGetNumPWork | Determine the size of an S-function's pointer work vector. |
ssGetNumRWork | Determine the size of an S-function's real-valued
(real_T ) work vector. |
ssGetPWork | Get an S-function's pointer (void * ) work
vector. |
ssGetPWorkValue | Get a pointer from a pointer work vector. |
ssGetRealDiscStates | Get the real (real_T ) values of an
S-function's discrete state vector. |
ssGetRWork | Get an S-function's real-valued (real_T )
work vector. |
ssGetRWorkValue | Get an element of an S-function's real-valued work vector. |
ssSetDWorkComplexSignal | Specify whether the elements of a Dwork vector are real or complex. |
ssSetDWorkDataType | Specify the data type of a Dwork vector. |
ssSetDWorkName | Specify the name of a Dwork vector. |
ssSetDWorkUsageType | Specify how the DWork vector is used in S-function. |
ssSetDWorkUsedAsDState | Specify that a Dwork vector is used as a discrete state vector. |
ssSetDWorkWidth | Specify the width of a Dwork vector. |
ssSetIWorkValue | Set an element of a block's integer work vector. |
ssSetModeVectorValue | Set an element of a block's mode vector. |
ssSetNumContStates | Specify the number of continuous states that an S-function has. |
ssSetNumDiscStates | Specify the number of discrete states that an S-function has. |
ssSetNumDWork | Specify the number of Dwork vectors used by a block. |
ssSetNumIWork | Specify the size of an S-function's integer
(int_T ) work vector. |
ssSetNumModes | Specify the number of operating modes that an S-function has. |
ssSetNumNonsampledZCs | Specify the number of zero crossings that an S-function detects. |
ssSetNumPWork | Specify the size of an S-function's pointer (void
* ) work vector. |
ssSetNumRWork | Specify the size of an S-function's real
(real_T ) work vector. |
ssSetPWorkValue | Set an element of a block's pointer work vector. |
ssSetRWorkValue | Set an element of a block's floating-point work vector. |
Code Generation
Macro | Description |
ssGetDWorkRTWIdentifier | Get the identifier used to declare a DWork vector in code generated from the associated S-function. |
ssGetDWorkRTWIdentifierMustResolveToSignalObject | Get a flag indicating if a DWork vector resolves to a
Simulink.Signal object. |
ssGetDWorkRTWStorageClass | Get the storage class of a DWork vector in code generated from the associated S-function. |
ssGetDWorkRTWTypeQualifier | Get the C type qualifier (e.g., const )
used to declare a DWork vector in code generated from the
associated S-function. |
ssGetNumInputPorts | Get the number of input ports that a block has |
ssGetNumOutputPorts | Get the number of output ports that a block has |
ssGetPlacementGroup | Get the name of the placement group of a block. |
ssRTWGenIsCodeGen | Identify any code generation that is not used by the Accelerator. |
ssSetArrayLayoutForCodeGen | Specify array layout of the S-function. |
ssSetDWorkRTWIdentifier | Set the identifier used to declare a DWork vector in code generated from the associated S-function. |
ssSetDWorkRTWIdentifierMustResolveToSignalObject | Specify if a DWork vector resolves to a
Simulink.Signal object. |
ssSetDWorkRTWStorageClass | Set the storage class of a DWork vector in code generated from the associated S-function. |
ssSetDWorkRTWTypeQualifier | Set the C type qualifier (e.g., const )
used to declare a DWork vector in code generated from the
associated S-function. |
ssSetPlacementGroup | Specify the name of the placement group of a block. |
ssWriteRTW2dMatParam | Write a Simulink matrix parameter to the S-function's
file. |
ssWriteRTWMx2dMatParam | Write a MATLAB® matrix parameter to the S-function's
file. |
ssWriteRTWMxVectParam | Write a MATLAB vector parameter to the S-function's
file. |
ssWriteRTWParameters | Write tunable parameters to the S-function's
file. |
ssWriteRTWParamSettings | Write settings for the S-function's parameters to the
file. |
ssWriteRTWScalarParam | Write a scalar parameter to the S-function's
file. |
ssWriteRTWStr | Write a character vector to the S-function's
file. |
ssWriteRTWStrParam | Write a character vector parameter to the S-function's
file. |
ssWriteRTWStrVectParam | Write a character vector vector parameter to the S-function's
file. |
ssWriteRTWVectParam | Write a Simulink vector parameter to the S-function's
file. |
ssWriteRTWWorkVect | Write the S-function's work vectors to the
file. |
Macro | Description |
ssCallExternalModeFcn | Invoke the external mode function for an S-function. |
ssGetModelName | Get the name of an S-Function block or model containing the S-function. |
ssGetParentSS | Get the parent of an S-function. |
ssGetPath | Get the path of an S-function or the model containing the S-function. |
ssGetRootSS | Return the root (model) SimStruct . |
ssGetUserData | Access user data. |
ssSetExternalModeFcn | Specify the external mode function for an S-function. |
ssSetOptions | Set various simulation options. |
ssSetPlacementGroup | Specify the execution order of a sink or source S-function. |
ssSetUserData | Specify user data. |
ssSupportsMultipleExecInstances | Allow an S-function to operate within a For Each Subsystem. |