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Compare Loss Given Default Models Using Cross-Validation

This example shows how to compare loss given default (LGD) models using cross-validation.

Load Data

Load the LGD data. This data set is simulated for illustration purposes.

load LGDData.mat
      LTV        Age         Type           LGD   
    _______    _______    ___________    _________

    0.89101    0.39716    residential     0.032659
    0.70176     2.0939    residential      0.43564
    0.72078     2.7948    residential    0.0064766
    0.37013      1.237    residential     0.007947
    0.36492     2.5818    residential            0
      0.796     1.5957    residential      0.14572
    0.60203     1.1599    residential     0.025688
    0.92005    0.50253    investment      0.063182

The histogram of LGD values for this data set shows a significant number of values at or near 0 (full recovery) and only a relatively small fraction of values at or near 1 (total loss).

title('LGD Histogram')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title LGD Histogram, xlabel LGD, ylabel Frequency contains an object of type histogram.

Cross-Validate Models

Compare three Tobit LGD models by varying the censoring side choice between the three supported options ("both", "left", and "right"). For more information, see the 'CensoringSide' name-value argument for a Tobit object.

Use the cvpartition function to generate random partitions on the data for a k-fold cross-validation. For each partition, fit a Tobit model on the training data with each of the censoring side options and then obtain two validation metrics using the test data. This example uses the validation metrics for area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) and the R-squared metric. For more information, see modelDiscrimination and modelCalibration.

NumFolds = 10;
rng('default'); % For reproducibility
c = cvpartition(height(data),'KFold',NumFolds);

ModelCensoringSide = ["both" "left" "right"];

NumModels = length(ModelCensoringSide);

AUROC = zeros(NumFolds,NumModels);
RSquared = zeros(NumFolds,NumModels);

for ii=1:NumFolds
   fprintf('Fitting models, fold %d\n',ii);
   % Get the partition indices.
   TrainInd = training(c,ii);
   TestInd = test(c,ii);
   % For each model, fit with training data, measure with test data.
   for jj=1:NumModels
      % Fit the model with training data.
      lgdModel = fitLGDModel(data(TrainInd,:),'Tobit','CensoringSide',ModelCensoringSide(jj));
      % Measure the model discrimination on test data.
      DiscMeasure = modelDiscrimination(lgdModel,data(TestInd,:));
      AUROC(ii,jj) = DiscMeasure.AUROC;
      % Measure the model calibration on test data.
      CalMeasure = modelCalibration(lgdModel,data(TestInd,:));
      RSquared(ii,jj) = CalMeasure.RSquared;
Fitting models, fold 1
Fitting models, fold 2
Fitting models, fold 3
Fitting models, fold 4
Fitting models, fold 5
Fitting models, fold 6
Fitting models, fold 7
Fitting models, fold 8
Fitting models, fold 9
Fitting models, fold 10

Visualize the results for a selected metric for the three models side-by-side.

SelectedMetric = "R-squared";
if SelectedMetric=="AUROC"
   PlotData = AUROC;
   PlotData = RSquared;

title('Validation Metric by Fold')
grid on

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Validation Metric by Fold, xlabel Fold, ylabel R-squared contains 3 objects of type bar. These objects represent both, left, right.

The AUROC values for the three models are comparable across the folds, indicating that the three versions of the model effectively separate the low LGD and high LGD cases.

Regarding accuracy, the R-squared metric is low for the three models. However, the "right" censored model shows a lower R-squared metric than the other two models across the folds. The observed LGD data has many observations at or near 0 (total recovery). To improve the accuracy of the models, include an explicit limit at 0 when censoring on the "left" and on "both" sides.

See Also

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