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Waveform-Level Simulations

High-fidelity simulations, signal generation, environmental echoes, target returns, micro-Doppler signatures, algorithm testing

Use radarTransceiver to model waveform-level signal and data processing chains, generate I/Q signals, test target detection algorithms, and perform micro-Doppler processing.


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radarTransceiver Monostatic radar transceiver (Since R2021a)
pulseWaveformLibraryCreate library of pulse waveforms (Since R2021a)
rcscylinderRadar cross section of cylinder (Since R2021a)
rcsdiscRadar cross section of flat circular plate (Since R2021a)
rcssphereRadar cross section of sphere (Since R2021a)
rcstrunconeRadar cross section of truncated cone (Since R2021a)
radarChannelFree space propagation and reflection of radar signals (Since R2021a)
backscatterBicyclistBackscatter radar signals from bicyclist (Since R2021a)
backscatterPedestrianBackscatter radar signals from pedestrian
barrageJammerBarrage jammer (Since R2021a)
constantGammaClutterSimulate constant gamma clutter (Since R2021a)
gpuConstantGammaClutterSimulate constant-gamma clutter using GPU (Since R2021a)
twoRayChannelTwo-ray propagation channel (Since R2021a)
widebandTwoRayChannelWideband two-ray propagation channel (Since R2021a)
rcsSignatureRadar cross-section pattern (Since R2021a)


Backscatter BicyclistBackscatter signals from bicyclist (Since R2021a)
Backscatter PedestrianBackscatter signals from pedestrian (Since R2021a)
Barrage JammerBarrage jammer interference source (Since R2021a)
Constant Gamma ClutterConstant gamma clutter simulation (Since R2021a)
GPU Constant Gamma ClutterConstant gamma clutter simulation using gpu (Since R2021a)
Two-Ray ChannelTwo-ray channel environment (Since R2021a)
Wideband Two-Ray ChannelWideband two-ray channel environment (Since R2021a)
Pulse Waveform LibraryLibrary of pulse waveforms (Since R2021a)


  • Barrage Jammer

    Create jamming signals that can reduce a receiver’s target detection performance.

  • Clutter Modeling

    Reflections from land and sea can overwhelm a target echo. Use these tools to simulate clutter.

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