Visualize data using RTI and DTI displays
The Phased Array System Toolbox™ lets you graphically display RTI, DTI, and other time-dependent data.
phased.ATIScope | View angle-time array response (Since R2022b) |
phased.AngleDopplerScope | Angle-Doppler scope |
phased.DTIScope | Doppler-time intensity scope |
phased.IntensityScope | Range-time-intensity (RTI) or Doppler-time-intensity (DTI) display |
phased.RangeAngleScope | View range-angle response |
phased.RangeDopplerScope | Range-Doppler scope |
phased.RTIScope | Range intensity scope |
Angle-Time Intensity Scope | Angle-time intensity scope (Since R2022b) |
Doppler-Time Intensity Scope | Doppler-time intensity scope (Since R2022a) |
Range-Time Intensity Scope | Range-time intensity scope (Since R2022a) |
- Measure Intensity Levels Using the Intensity Scope
This tutorial shows you how to measure the intensity of signals using the UI of the intensity scope.