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Model for 3-D motion estimation

Since R2022a


The insMotionPose object models 3-D motion assuming constant angular velocity and constant linear acceleration. Passing an insMotionPose object to an insEKF object enables the estimation of 3-D motion, including orientation, angular velocity, position, linear velocity, and linear acceleration. For details on the motion model, see Algorithms.



model = insMotionPose creates an insMotionPose object. Passing model to an insEKF object enables the estimation of:

  • The orientation quaternion from the navigation frame to the body frame.

  • The angular velocity of the platform, expressed in the body frame.

  • The position of the platform, expressed in the navigation frame.

  • The velocity of the platform, expressed in the navigation frame.

  • The acceleration of the platform, expressed in the navigation frame.



collapse all

Create an insMotionPose object and pass it to an insEKF object.

motionModel = insMotionPose
motionModel = 
  insMotionPose with no properties.

filter = insEKF(motionModel)
filter = 
  insEKF with properties:

                   State: [16x1 double]
         StateCovariance: [16x16 double]
    AdditiveProcessNoise: [16x16 double]
             MotionModel: [1x1 insMotionPose]
                 Sensors: {}
             SensorNames: {1x0 cell}
          ReferenceFrame: 'NED'

Show the state maintained in the filter.

ans = struct with fields:
        Orientation: [1 2 3 4]
    AngularVelocity: [5 6 7]
           Position: [8 9 10]
           Velocity: [11 12 13]
       Acceleration: [14 15 16]


The insMotionPose object models the orientation-only motion of platforms. The state equation of the motion model is:



  • q = (q0, q1, q2, q3) is the quaternion from the navigation frame to the body frame.

  • ω is the angular velocity of the platform, expressed in the body frame.

  • p is the position of the platform, expressed in the navigation frame.

  • v is the linear velocity of the platform, expressed in the navigation frame.

  • a is the linear acceleration of the platform, expressed in the navigation frame.

Version History

Introduced in R2022a

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