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Options for configuration of insEKF object

Since R2022a


The insOptions object specifies properties for an insEKF object.



options = insOptions returns an insOptions object with default property values.

options = insOptions(Name=Value) specifies properties using one or more name-value arguments. For example, options = insOptions(ReferenceFrame="ENU") sets the reference frame used in the insEKF object as the east-north-up (ENU) frame. Unspecified properties have default values.



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Data type of insEKF variables, specified as "single" or "double". This data type applies to variables such as state, state covariance, and other internal variables.

Data Types: char | string

Source for the names of the sensors fused in the insEKF object, specified as "default" or "property".

  • "default" — The insEKF object names the fused sensors using the default convention. See the SensorNames property of the insEKF object for details on the default names.

  • "property" — Specify the names of sensors fused in the insEKF object using the SensorNames property of the insOptions object.

Data Types: char | string

Reference frame of the insEKF object, specified as "NED" for the north-east-down frame or "ENU" for the east-north-up frame.

Data Types: char | string

Names of sensors fused in the filter, specified as a cell array of character vectors.

Example: {'Sensor1','Accelerometer2'}

Data Types: cell


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Create an insOptions object, and specify the sensor names as Sensor1 and Sensor2. Specify the data type as single.

options = insOptions(SensorNamesSource="Property", ...
    SensorNames={'Sensor1','Sensor2'}, ...
options = 
  insOptions with properties:

             Datatype: 'single'
    SensorNamesSource: property
       ReferenceFrame: NED
          SensorNames: {'Sensor1'  'Sensor2'}

Create an insEKF filter object with one accelerometer and one magnetometer. Specify the properties of the filter using the insOptions object. In the created filter, the sensor names are Sensor1 and Sensor2, respectively. The data type is single.

filter = insEKF(insAccelerometer,insMagnetometer,options)
filter = 
  insEKF with properties:

                   State: [16x1 single]
         StateCovariance: [16x16 single]
    AdditiveProcessNoise: [16x16 single]
             MotionModel: [1x1 insMotionOrientation]
                 Sensors: {[1x1 insAccelerometer]  [1x1 insMagnetometer]}
             SensorNames: {'Sensor1'  'Sensor2'}
          ReferenceFrame: 'NED'

Version History

Introduced in R2022a

See Also

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