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Set Java path for MATLAB

Since R2021b


    To configure the JRE™, choose either the jenv version syntax for a single user account or the jenv -allusers version syntax for the MATLAB® installation.

    jenv(version) sets the Java® path to use the version included with MATLAB, a version on your system, or the version in a specified folder. For supported version information, see MATLAB Interfaces to Other Languages. For more information, see Configure Your System to Use Java. You must restart MATLAB to use the updated path.

    This function sets the path for all future MATLAB sessions but does not change the path for other applications on your computer.


    jenv("-allusers",version) sets the path for all users. The jenv version syntax takes precedence over the jenv -allusers version syntax.


    je = jenv returns environment details as a JavaEnvironment object.

    je = jenv(___) additionally returns environment details as a JavaEnvironment object. Use this syntax with any of the input argument combinations in previous syntaxes.


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    Use the version of Java included with MATLAB.

    jenv factory

    Restart MATLAB to use the specified version.

    Then, verify the version.

    version -java

    Use the version of Java installed at C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_202.

    jenv("C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_202")

    Restart MATLAB to use the updated path.

    Then, verify the version.

    version -java

    If you have administrator privileges, you can specify the Java version used by all users.

    Start MATLAB with administrator privileges. Specify for all users to use the version of Java on their system.

    jenv -allusers system

    Restart MATLAB to use the specified version.

    Then, verify the version.

    version -java

    Input Arguments

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    Java version, specified as a string or a character vector with one of these values:

    • "factory" — Version included with MATLAB

    • "system" — Searches your system for a supported version 8. If not found, it searches for version 11, then for version 17. The search is based on platform.

      • Windows® platforms:

        1. java -version system command

        2. Registry entries

      • Linux® platforms:

        1. JAVA_HOME environment variable

        2. System path

      • macOS platforms:

        1. /usr/libexec/java_home -f -v 1.8

        2. /usr/libexec/java_home -f -v 11

        3. /usr/libexec/java_home -f -v 17

    • Custom Java path — Folder to an installed Java on your computer

    For information about Java versions compatible with MATLAB, see MATLAB Interfaces to Other Languages.

    Example: jenv("system")

    Example: jenv("/usr/local/jre") for OpenJDK® JRE on Linux and macOS


    Version History

    Introduced in R2021b

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