Bug Fixes in R2025a Prerelease
The following software and documentation bugs are considered resolved in the prerelease. The bugs listed below may be of interest to customers, based on general use of our products. Return to this page for future updates.
Available in R2025a, Update 4 Prerelease
Product | Record | Bug Summary |
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset | 3487122 | The 'Register Read/Write' block is not supported for Cortex-M cores. This includes device families F2838x_CortexM4, F28M35x_CortexM3, and F28M36x_CortexM3. |
DSP System Toolbox | 3429697 | Time Scope axis does not scale down automatically when signal values decrease |
Embedded Coder | 3385433 | Incorrect condition generated when comparing an input signal with constant using Relational Operator block if the target is set to AUTOSAR.tlc |
Embedded Coder | 3506571 | Assertion failure during code generation for rate-based model that includes Rate Transition block configured for concurrent execution |
Embedded Coder | 3508126 | Signals in referenced models not logged during SIL or PIL simulation |
HDL Coder | 3496314 | Hyperlinks to the generated models in the HDL Coder reports may not work correctly. |
HDL Coder | 3504326 | HDL Coder generates incorrect code for constant comparison operations if native floating-point is used and option 'Aggressive dataflow conversion' set to 'on' |
HDL Coder | 3506224 | HDL Coder generates incorrect code when the hdl.npufun function is called twice on the same variable with the same kernel size but with different BoundaryMethod values on each call |
HDL Coder | 3525269 | Spyglass lint tool issues warning for the usage of always constructs with sensitivity list in the generate HDL code |
MATLAB | 3445550 | Some custom documentation does not render correctly |
MATLAB | 3547753 | MATLAB may crash when saving an object with customized serialization (including Handle Graphics objects) if the path is corrupted |
Polyspace Bug Finder | 3515928 | Incorrect number of reviewed coding standard results given in report summary for multiple result sets |
Simulink | 3352533 | Export-function models might produce incorrect results in normal mode simulations if function-call subsystem contains a Merge block |
Simulink | 3437878 | Wrong variable reuse when a referenced model uses a global data store defined by a Simulink.Signal object in the base workspace |
Simulink | 3470296 | Models configured for concurrent execution containing Event Listener blocks might throw a Codegen error |
Simulink | 3510384 | Loading MLDATX file containing enumerated data with an underlying data type other than int32 might crash MATLAB |
Simulink | 3510771 | Accelerator mode results might not match normal or generated code when referenced model contains continuous, discrete, and fixed-in-minor sample times |
Simulink | 3527646 | Incorrect code generation occurs when a variant subsystem with Propagate conditions outside of variant subsystem is connected to a block with zero crossings. |
Simulink | 3539185 | Incorrect results from simulations run using a Simulation object if parameters are tuned between initializing and starting the simulation |
Simulink Design Optimization | 3453263 | Simulink Design Optimization API throws data type mismatch errors when you use it in the deployed mode to tune model variables of non-double data type |
Simulink Design Verifier | 3285571 | Variant control Variable in a Stateflow chart and Variant subsystem may lead to incorrect results |
Simulink Design Verifier | 3450634 | Parameter with different data type used inside multiple bocks may result in analysis incompatibility. |
Simulink Design Verifier | 3491254 | Simulink Design Verifier compatibility check might fail for an export function model which uses custom code |
Simulink Design Verifier | 3514112 | Simulink Design Verifier might fail to identify integer overflow caused by a left shift operation |
Simulink Real-Time | 3490142 | XIL APIs are unable to read signals with names that include a two-digits port index |
Simulink Test | 3498285 | Exporting multi-release test results with coverage data from Test Manager might produce an error |
Available in R2025a, Update 3 Prerelease
Product | Record | Bug Summary |
Deep Learning Toolbox | 3496654 | Previously quantized networks incorrectly retain quantization information, effecting network output |
Deep Learning Toolbox | 3501377 | Executing gradCAM on a quantized DAGNetwork returns incorrect results |
DO Qualification Kit | 3492618 | Restarting MATLAB clears settings that you define prior to executing the tool-specific qualification tests |
DSP System Toolbox | 3485749 | Changing spectrumAnalyzer MeasurementChannel parameter does not change the results of getMeasurementsData |
Embedded Coder | 3401342 | Inconsistent simulation and code generation output for model that contains a Stateflow Chart with certain configuration and directly connected to a Vector Concatenate block inside a For Each Subsystem block. |
Embedded Coder | 3413701 | Simulink might crash when building a model if a subsystem name begins with "\" (backslash). |
Fixed-Point Designer | 3482853 | MATLAB Function blocks outside of selected Subsystem Under Design report warning and errors during conversion in Fixed-Point Tool optimization workflow |
HDL Coder | 3402939 | Simulink simulation may fail when HDL FIFO block is connected to Data Type Propagation block |
HDL Coder | 3487480 | Discrete-Time Integrator block with floating point inputs generates incorrect HDL code when Show saturation port option is enabled |
HDL Coder | 3511578 | Incorrect latency generated for the model that uses the mixed native floating point and AMD floating point libraries |
MATLAB | 3413389 | Experiment Manager exports incorrect results for custom training if columns are added during training |
MATLAB | 3425246 | MATLAB crashes when a function call is made on a deleted COM object |
MATLAB Coder | 3481247 | Format property of MATLAB duration that is retrieved from a dictionary might contain uninitialized memory |
MATLAB Coder | 3488647 | Dictionary that uses structures or cells as keys |
MATLAB Compiler | 3288786 |
Excel Add-ins fail with ClassFactory automation error on 64-bit Excel
Simulink | 3096249 | Signal Editor Interpolate data parameter value not saved when changed in Subsystem Reference |
Simulink | 3461464 |
Incorrect simulation result with runtime Variant activation when Parameter Writer block has Validate parameter set to off
Simulink | 3477699 | Protected models from previous releases might crash MATLAB |
Simulink | 3493952 | MATLAB crashes if S-Function throws exception while executing mdlSetDefaultPortDimensions |
Simulink | 3495854 | Simulink might crash for model with For Each subsystem that contains masked subsystem |
Simulink | 3512903 | Multi-Port Switch block errors for unbounded variable-size arrays of buses inputs |
Simulink | 3517840 | Model with Reinitialize, Reset, or Terminate Function block in For Each subsystem might produce incorrect results |
Simulink Design Verifier | 3342245 | Compatibility check fails when a model contains inactive variant choices that include Model blocks with buses at the interface |
Available in R2025a, Update 2 Prerelease
Product | Record | Bug Summary |
Embedded Coder | 3434837 | Incorrect code might be generated when data reuse occurs between 1D array and multi-dimensional array that preserves dimension |
Embedded Coder | 3503672 | Generated code uses incorrect SIMD intrinsic functions |
HDL Coder | 3460153 | Task 4.4 Program Target Device in the HDL Workflow Advisor fails with an error message when the RFSoC target platform is not connected to the host PC. |
Simulink | 3456109 | Reciprocal block output in normal mode differs from output in accelerator mode |
Simulink | 3491684 | The UserData property of a block may not be serialized in a model file with linked blocks. |
Simulink | 3502542 | Simulink.AliasType generates NaN value for Discrete State-Space block |
Simulink Design Verifier | 3366535 | Simulink Design Verifier Analysis for generated code might generate incorrect answers for objectives impacted by parameters with ImportedExtern storage classes |
Simulink Fault Analyzer | 3501471 | Faults on Subsystem Reference Block ports disappear after reopening the model |
Simulink Fault Analyzer | 3505966 | Simulink.fault.enable fails if the input is a mix of Simulink and Simscape elements |
Available in R2025a, Update 1 Prerelease
Product | Record | Bug Summary |
Simulink | 3145717 | Simulation throws an error "Unsupported pointer to function type" for the C Function block |
HDL Coder | 3154884 | Generated HDL code for Sqrt block that has fixed-point input may have simulation mismatch. |
Requirements Toolbox | 3343181 | Verification results cannot be retrieved in the case when main and reference projects exist, and from the scope of the main project, the test results file or artifacts in the reference projects are accessed. |
Embedded Coder | 3355649 | Using storage classes with reusable subsystems might generate incorrect code when the Pack Boolean data into bitfields model configuration parameter is selected |
HDL Coder | 3401937 | Unable to edit the native floating-point settings in the configuration parameter dialog box when you select the AMD floating-point vendor-specific library |
Simulink | 3413688 | MATLAB might crash when simulating model with model reference containing Discrete State-Space block using large A, B, C, and D sizes |
Simulink | 3436530 | Rate Limiter Dynamic block might output incorrect results before reaching saturation when simulating with continuous time input signals |
HDL Coder | 3438280 | Internal error occurs when generating HDL code for Discrete Time Integrator block. |
Simulink PLC Coder | 3441183 | Trigger event variables are not updated correctly in a For Each iteration context. |
AUTOSAR Blockset | 3447716 | Data dependency violation in RTE call for an IRV write when AUTOSAR classic model contains Sine Wave block feeding Unit Delay block |
Simulink Check | 3449215 | Model Testing Dashboards do not update test results when current directory is outside project root |
Automated Driving Toolbox | 3452811 | Simulink actor behavior model that simulates vehicle without wheels in RoadRunner Scenario fails in particular case |
Embedded Coder | 3458170 | Incorrect results might occur for models containing global Data Store Read/Write blocks and referenced models |
Simulink | 3461942 | Simulation and generated code mismatch when base workspace variable is accessed using global data store |
Stateflow | 3464373 | Stateflow throws a SaneConditionalExprs violated error when generating code for a chart that calls built-in functions |
Simulink | 3465565 | Event Listener block in a library model might cause MATLAB to crash during model compilation |
Stateflow | 3467331 | duration operator produces invalid simulation results in referenced models |
Embedded Coder | 3468398 | Simulink crashes during code generation for a model that contains connected Switch blocks inside triggered and nontriggered subsystems |
Simulink | 3479106 | While running a simulation, a Rapid Accelerator standalone executable might crash when binaries from a different MATLAB version are on the path |
MATLAB Coder | 3482204 | xcorr function when at least one input contains nonfinite values |
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset | 3484873 | Booting from flash does not work for CPU2 in the TI F2838xD device after power cycle |
HDL Coder | 3487404 | Assertion hit when generating HDL code for a Simulink model with Mux and Demux blocks which also uses Clock-Rate Pipelining |
MATLAB Coder | 3489677 | gcd function when first input is 0 and second input is intmin |
Stateflow | 3490072 | Using the this identifier in a MATLAB function may cause a crash |
HDL Coder | 3494069 | Internal error could occur during HLS code generation when there are multiple division operations with large fixpt types (> 53 bits) having same bit width. |
Available in R2025a Prerelease
Product | Record | Bug Summary | ||
5G Toolbox | 3453111 | “Evaluate Performance of Cell-Free mMIMO Networks” example encounters an error | ||
Aerospace Toolbox | 3307758 | Linear matrices generated by linearize and staticStability methods for imported JSBSim aircraft contain only zeros | ||
AUTOSAR Blockset | 3277905 | Software address method specified on a runnable using code mappings is not applied on functions generated for Stateflow charts | ||
AUTOSAR Blockset | 3306850 | Generated code for AUTOSAR classic model that contains a root outport mapped to ImplicitSendByRef might be incorrect | ||
AUTOSAR Blockset | 3334815 | Generated code for AUTOSAR classic model that contains a Switch block might be uncompilable | ||
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset | 3302304 | No conflict error thrown for multiple instances of ADC block using different ADC resolution on TI F2838x | ||
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset | 3465546 | ADC blocks do not support differential mode in F28P65x target | ||
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset | 3484873 | Booting from flash does not work for CPU2 in the TI F2838xD device after power cycle | ||
Control System Toolbox | 3408625 | allmargin can misdiagnose closed-loop stability for some discrete-time systems | ||
Curve Fitting Toolbox | 3444992 | Curve fitting and surface fitting with weights lead to incorrect results | ||
Database Toolbox | 3402199 | Database Explorer unable to connect to ODBC data sources | ||
Deep Learning HDL Toolbox | 3223145 | Linux Image boot failure on Altera Arria 10 SoC development kits | ||
Deep Learning HDL Toolbox | 3344328 | Error with Deep Learning Compiler when utilizing a network with both imageInputLayer and featureInputLayer. |
Deep Learning HDL Toolbox | 3356479 | int8 data type bitstream build fails when the dlhdl.ProcecsorConfig FC module is turned off |
Deep Learning Toolbox | 3303541 | Cannot export Experiment Manager result that contains cancelled trial | ||
Deep Learning Toolbox | 3317254 | Loading a neural network that contains an addition layer can be at least 2x slower than in R2023b | ||
Deep Learning Toolbox | 3353050 |
Experiment Manager cannot restart experiments initially created and run in releases prior to R2024a |
Deep Learning Toolbox | 3357409 | trainNetwork errors when training a network with a nested layer or nested network | ||
Deep Learning Toolbox | 3431772 | Incorrect predictions on CPU after you update state property of a dlnetwork with LSTM or BiLSTM layers | ||
Deep Learning Toolbox | 3455668 | Making predictions on the CPU crashes MATLAB for some network architectures | ||
DO Qualification Kit | 3311779 | In Simulink Coverage kit, the model coverage filter file used in the test model SLBscBlks_Ovflw_FltrByInstnc_Jstfy.slx differs from what is mentioned in the trace matrix. | ||
DO Qualification Kit | 3332347 | Requirement ID SLT_AST_xxx needs to be replaced by SLT_ASR_xxx in the trace matrix | ||
DO Qualification Kit | 3339785 | Requirement ID "SLREQ_VER_JFD" incorrectly contains two definitions for the requirement. | ||
DO Qualification Kit | 3339790 | Spacing issues in Polyspace Test requirements PST_CC_ SC_COMP and PST_API_COV_INSTRUM | ||
DO Qualification Kit | 3339791 |
Bidirectional trace issues between the TOR and Trace Matrix are fixed in Simulink Coverage artifacts |
DO Qualification Kit | 3343066 |
Bidirectional trace issue for ID 'MC_SL_ToWorkspace' is corrected for the SLCOV kit
DO Qualification Kit | 3360515 | Rerunning tests for mathworks.hism.hisl_0070 causes a Simulink Check kit failure | ||
DO Qualification Kit | 3369331 | TQP for TQL-5 tools incorrectly references 10.2.5 and 10.2.6 sections from DO-330 |
DO Qualification Kit | 3370745 | Incorrect references in the qualification summary reports generated for some TQL-5 tools | ||
DO Qualification Kit | 3380362 | The Tool Artifacts section in each tool-specific TQP incorrectly states that the applicant must review all tool-specific artifacts in the DO Qualification Kit, including tool documentation. | ||
DO Qualification Kit | 3384345 | TQP for Polyspace Code Prover, Polyspace Bug Finder and Simulink Code Inspector reference incorrect names for Independence Analysis documents | ||
DO Qualification Kit | 3389510 | Simulink Code Inspector Tool Qualification Plan provides incorrect names for trace matrix files | ||
DO Qualification Kit | 3413754 | DO Qualification Kit for Simulink Check sporadically reports a false positive for test case verifying the output of Model Advisor check mathworks.hism.himl_0004 | ||
DO Qualification Kit | 3414814 | False-positive results in Simulink Test Kit due to the presence of dots in path | ||
DO Qualification Kit | 3414824 | Simulink Test kit execution reports a false positive when the Machine Name doesn't exist in the user generated Simulink Test report | ||
DO Qualification Kit | 3450612 | Simulink Coverage can produce false-positive qualification results depending on date formats shown on the report | ||
DSP System Toolbox | 3017429 | Signals plotted using timescope MATLAB object may experience loss in signal fidelity under certain conditions | ||
DSP System Toolbox | 3094883 | Horizontal zoom or autoscale on Spectrum Analyzer block changes spectral content if input is fixed-point | ||
DSP System Toolbox | 3389897 | Usage of timescope object with MATLAB compiler fails with a license error | ||
DSP System Toolbox | 3412196 | Time Scope TimeDisplayOffset does not apply correctly if an input signal has more than 1 channel | ||
Embedded Coder | 2338515 | Code fails to compile when a model references multiple Bus types having identical properties | ||
Embedded Coder | 2846315 | Generated code might contain violations of MISRA C:2012 Rule 19.1 and CERT C: EXP43-C | ||
Embedded Coder | 2922330 | Code generator ignores sender and receiver mappings that use during-execution or outside-execution communication if the dictionary default mapping is direct-access |
Embedded Coder | 3172505 | SIL/PIL and normal mode simulation results might differ when generated code contains mdlEnable entry point and fast restart is enabled | ||
Embedded Coder | 3231187 | MATLAB might crash when generating code for model that contains Interpolation Using Prelookup block with symbolic dimensions | ||
Embedded Coder | 3282427 | Incorrect results might occur for models containing Unit Delay and State Writer blocks | ||
Embedded Coder | 3286065 | Code generator for AUTOSAR classic model might incorrectly place assignment of non-scalar global data store to local variable | ||
Embedded Coder | 3287034 | C++ code generation might not create access functions or cause MATLAB to crash when model contains nonvirtual Bus Element blocks | ||
Embedded Coder | 3324079 | Error "cg_assert(!containsRenamedNamedType(inType))" when generating code for model containing MATLAB Function block | ||
Embedded Coder | 3324767 | Generated code for AUTOSAR adaptive model that provides method implementation might result in incorrect code | ||
Embedded Coder | 3325052 | Generated code from protected model fails to compile | ||
Embedded Coder | 3343016 |
Embedded Coder | 3343278 | Code generator incorrectly omits service interface header file includes from code generated for nonvirtual subsystems configured with nonreusable function packaged in separate files | ||
Embedded Coder | 3346362 | Models with S-Function block having the enhanced TLC block interface enabled, with Use memcpy for vector assignments and block I/O optimization configuration parameters enabled, might generate incorrect code | ||
Embedded Coder | 3347892 | Models with S-Function blocks that have enhanced TLC block interface enabled might produce incorrect code when they are within For Each Subsystem block that uses partition width in powers of 2 | ||
Embedded Coder | 3378763 |
Incorrect SIL/PIL simulation results when a data store memory is present at component interface and signal logging is enabled on a signal with specific type of sample time
Embedded Coder | 3379383 | Invalid array indices generated for model with S-Function operating on data that preserves dimensions | ||
Embedded Coder | 3380743 | Models with S-Function blocks that have the enhanced TLC block interface enabled and use a Bus Selector block that selects a matrix-type field, might generate incorrect code | ||
Embedded Coder | 3387979 | MATLAB crashes during A2L file generation for model with signal driving control port block in library subsystem | ||
Embedded Coder | 3404246 | Models with S-Function blocks that have the enhanced TLC block interface enabled might produce incorrect code when mask parameters pass data types that differ from those specified in the S-Function | ||
Embedded Coder | 3404418 | CRL block replacement with pointer type DWork may generate incorrect code for Neighborhood Processing Subsystems or For Each Subsystems | ||
Embedded Coder | 3407342 | Extra initialization code might be generated for root inport connected to an Initialize Function subsystem mapped to an unstructured storage class created using Embedded Coder Dictionary | ||
Embedded Coder | 3413883 | Models with Neighborhood Processing Subsystem block might produce incorrect Halide code | ||
Embedded Coder | 3414942 | Simulink models with Neighborhood Processing Subsystem block might produce incorrect Halide code | ||
Embedded Coder | 3419440 |
SIL/PIL and normal mode simulation results might differ numerically when std::array type signals are logged
Embedded Coder | 3436036 | PIL simulation with connectivity customized using Target Framework produces execution-time profiling error even if profiling is not enabled | ||
Embedded Coder | 3451339 | Incorrect results might occur for models containing Data Store Memory blocks with non-zero initial values | ||
Fixed-Point Designer | 3060197 | Function approximation with lookup tables does not error for stateful subsystems |
Fixed-Point Designer | 3287082 |
Incorrect numerical results from fixed-point conversion of expressions using pow2 |
Fixed-Point Designer | 3444741 | Non-Square Jacobi SVD HDL Optimized block errors or ignores sample time settings when sample time is not equal to 1 | ||
GPU Coder | 3308321 | Function partially writes to global variable on GPU | ||
GPU Coder | 3340869 | GPU acceleration by using Simulink Bus data might produce wrong answer | ||
GPU Coder | 3363887 | Entry point function with GPU input partially writes to global variable | ||
GPU Coder | 3409104 | Using variable named warpSize in a parallel reduction loop | ||
HDL Coder | 2875876 | HDL Coder "Setup Time" parameter may be updated when dependent parameters updated, and Configuration Parameters window is closed and reopened. | ||
HDL Coder | 3152537 | HDL Coder does not generate the DUT port for the tunable mask parameter. |
HDL Coder | 3284644 | Clock-Rate Pipelining usage with Distributed Pipelining can cause validation model mismatches in the presence of hierarchy or non-zero initial values on design delays | ||
HDL Coder | 3298789 | Clock-rate pipelining on a Rate Transition block that upsamples the input signal may ignore a non-zero initial condition | ||
HDL Coder | 3304111 | Internal assertion encountered for model that uses clock-rate pipelining | ||
HDL Coder | 3304873 | Generated model may be incorrect when generating HDL code for a model containing a Shift Arithmetic block with a vector shift value | ||
HDL Coder | 3321415 | Error occurred while running synthesis in the Generic ASIC/FPGA workflow when the target language is SystemVerilog and the synthesis tool is Cadence Genus | ||
HDL Coder | 3323271 | Lookup Table(n-D) block with fixed point inputs and table data type setting as 'double' generates incorrect HDL code | ||
HDL Coder | 3332025 | Bit shift operators lack sufficient default data types in float-to-fixed conversion | ||
HDL Coder | 3334496 | Internal error may occur while generating code from Shift Arithmetic block when Binary points to shift parameter is set from workspace | ||
HDL Coder | 3352581 | Cannot change "PackingMode" for AXI4-Stream Interface in HDL IP Core Generation Workflow | ||
HDL Coder | 3353697 | Upstream optimizations cause validation model mismatches due to delays with non-zero initial values | ||
HDL Coder | 3354957 | Incorrect Bitstream generation in reference design workflow for Microchip Libero SoC Tool |
HDL Coder | 3358188 | Reference design parameters are not properly loaded in HDL Workflow Advisor |
HDL Coder | 3362129 | An error exists on simulating the HDL code generated from a Subsystem containing pipeline delays with matrix of boolean inputs and turning on the 'MapPipelineDelaysToRAM' parameter. | ||
HDL Coder | 3363079 | Register utilization details are absent in the resource summary table when using the IP Core Generation or Generic ASIC/FPGA workflow for Versal devices. | ||
HDL Coder | 3363238 | SynthesisAttributes property value set on the Delay block is not considered when UseRAM parameter is enabled | ||
HDL Coder | 3371862 | HDL Workflow Advisor errors out in Task 1.2 Set Target Reference Design when targeting RFSoC examples and using Xilinx Vivado 2023.1 as a synthesis tool. |
HDL Coder | 3377861 | Enumerated name present in multiple enum types when generating HDL code from a model containing multiple Stateflow charts | ||
HDL Coder | 3391181 |
Incorrect implementation of saturate block for array inputs in mixed native floating point and vendor floating-point mode
HDL Coder | 3392939 | HDL Workflow advisor errors out in step 4.4 Program Target Device when targeting RFSoC examples and using Xilinx Vivado 2023.1 as a synthesis tool. | ||
HDL Coder | 3405099 | Mapping a design delay to external memory using the frame-to-samples optimization in HDL Coder may result in incorrect code |
HDL Coder | 3406956 | Unclear error when mapping multiple vector ports to AXI4-Stream interfaces with "SamplePackingDimension" set to "All" | ||
HDL Coder | 3408257 | Delays with non-zero initial values produce incorrect results in frame-to-sample |
HDL Coder | 3413206 | Lookup Table(n-D) block with fixed point inputs may generate incorrect code when Saturate on integer overflow block parameter is enabled | ||
HDL Coder | 3418182 | When generating HDL code using the frame-to-sample optimization, the hdl.iteratorfun function produces incorrect code if the first input is 3D |
HDL Coder | 3418421 | HDL Coder-related error when opening non-active configset for a model |
HDL Coder | 3427131 | Assertion message in MATLAB functions with nested loops with at least 3 levels of nesting when loop streaming is on |
HDL Coder | 3434749 | VHDL is incorrectly generated instead of Synthesizable SystemC in the MATLAB to Stratus HLS GUI workflow. | ||
HDL Coder | 3449106 | Enabling "Data Logging" may cause an internal assertion error during HDL Coder Testbench generation |
HDL Coder | 3455224 | Fixed-point data type overflow/underflow can cause incorrect hardware output results in Simscape hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) workflow | ||
HDL Verifier | 3476748 | In a free-running FPGA-in-the-loop simulation, if a negative value is sent to a control data port, it is converted to zero. | ||
IEC Certification Kit | 3356416 | IEC Certification Kit for Simulink Check sporadically reports a false positive for test case verifying the output of Model Advisor check mathworks.hism.himl_0004 | ||
IEC Certification Kit | 3380397 | Measures in Embedded Coder TQP document might indicate a restriction on Polyspace version used to check MISRA compliance of generated code | ||
IEC Certification Kit | 3431700 | IEC Certification Kit for Simulink Test might fail to execute when running multiple qualification modes sequentially | ||
Image Acquisition Toolbox | 3451306 | getdata function errors while acquiring metadata using the gentl adaptor | ||
Instrument Control Toolbox | 3386522 | UDP Send and UDP Receive blocks do not obey Byte order parameter setting | ||
MATLAB | 1382373 | MATLAB for macOS crashes when certain screen events occur | ||
MATLAB | 1797911 | Text fields in a MATLABWindow application on some Linux desktop environments do not allow text entry |
MATLAB | 2795585 | Incorrect layout when running a 2-panel or 3-panel responsive app | ||
MATLAB | 3226733 | MATLAB crashes creating multiple USB webcam objects | ||
MATLAB | 3291220 | Clicking the Run Section button from the MATLAB toolstrip to run a function file with a parfor loop within it leads to a MATLAB crash | ||
MATLAB | 3293694 | Executing clear all can make certain Python modules unusable, leading to the error "no module or function". | ||
MATLAB | 3294222 | MATLAB errors when disp, display, or details is called on a matlab.metadata.EnumerationMember instance | ||
MATLAB | 3336761 | MATLAB shows Git LFS-tracked files as modified when switching branches | ||
MATLAB | 3338765 | Passing invalid property name for COM interface to set function crashes MATLAB | ||
MATLAB | 3339274 | UI components might appear clipped or misplaced when Windows accessibility text scaling is greater than 100% | ||
MATLAB | 3364401 | MATLAB crashes when running findobj in AppDesigner apps | ||
MATLAB | 3367973 | In MATLAB Online, pressing the Esc key when a quick access toolbar drop-down menu is open does not return focus back to the parent button | ||
MATLAB | 3387403 | ismember returns error for some complex integer inputs | ||
MATLAB | 3397846 | Scalar values in the fields of a structure array may be incorrectly displayed with square brackets | ||
MATLAB | 3419133 | readtable does not support reading URLs containing the # or %23 characters | ||
MATLAB | 3436796 | Classes that customize the load process using matlab.mixin.CustomElementSerialization may not perform customization correctly and therefore may not load a serialized property correctly | ||
MATLAB | 3454346 | Wrong result from pagesvd for some cases where the pages have more columns than rows |
MATLAB | 3456212 | Multi-level indexing that begins with dot on an object that inherits from both dynamicprops and matlab.mixin.indexing.RedefinesDot errors. | ||
MATLAB Coder | 2498090 | Read operation of a System object property in resetImpl method might produce different answers in generated code and MATLAB if the property has an initial value | ||
MATLAB Coder | 2510948 | Missing CRL replacement in generated code for matrix multiplication with transposed inputs | ||
MATLAB Coder | 2929616 | Source MATLAB code uses aliased nested handle objects with properties that are only assigned on some computation paths | ||
MATLAB Coder | 3288767 | GPU Coder generates GPU kernels with unexpected undefined behavior | ||
MATLAB Coder | 3291900 | Logical operators | and & with nonscalar operands in an if or while statement | ||
MATLAB Coder | 3304088 | Logical operator | with operands of incompatible sizes in an if or while statement | ||
MATLAB Coder | 3311135 | Code generation causes MATLAB crash that has stack trace beginning with CGI::PointerConstImpl::write | ||
MATLAB Coder | 3319956 | Recursive functions with multiple outputs | ||
MATLAB Coder | 3322344 | Underlying type of an enumeration in MATLAB execution changes from string to coder.internal.string after code generation | ||
MATLAB Coder | 3323243 | Incorrect code might generate for MATLAB functions with persistent variables that are called as size arguments of another functions | ||
MATLAB Coder | 3330584 | parfor-loop that writes to a sparse matrix | ||
MATLAB Coder | 3347359 | Updating or simulating a Simulink model that passes a cell array of character vectors as a parameter to a MATLAB Function block might crash MATLAB | ||
MATLAB Coder | 3383168 | fft function using the CMSIS library on ARM targets | ||
MATLAB Coder | 3396255 | MATLAB code containing A = B(:) that are evaluated at code-generation time might produce incorrect results | ||
MATLAB Coder | 3431170 | gcd function when first input is negative and second input is 0 | ||
MATLAB Coder | 3432183 | Generated code for the function batchnorm may produce incorrect result if an unformatted but permuted dlarray object is used as input | ||
MATLAB Compiler | 3454082 | Launching apps via Finder or open shell command on macOS fails | ||
MATLAB Compiler SDK | 3305753 |
MATLAB Runtime crashes during shutdown after calling Java package on Apple Silicon
MATLAB Web App Server | 3350868 |
Color picker in web app shows gray for preset and gradient switching |
Model Predictive Control Toolbox | 3264319 | If you do not have a MATLAB Report Generator Toolbox license, and you attempt to use the MPC Toolbox review command, a license manager error occurs. |
Motor Control Blockset | 3361467 | BLDC block from Motor Control Blockset generates incorrect Hall sensor signals | ||
Optimization Toolbox | 3304142 | lsqcurvefit function errors with option SpecifyObjectiveGradient set to true when solving a constrained problem | ||
Parallel Computing Toolbox | 3312951 | Interrupt during data transfer to MATLAB Job Scheduler cluster might cause MATLAB to hang | ||
Parallel Computing Toolbox | 3317173 | mldivide and mrdivide with gpuArray input causes host memory leak for some overdetermined problems | ||
Parallel Computing Toolbox | 3411106 | MATLAB might crash when using gpuArray/arrayfun containing multiple conditional statements that initialize the same variable | ||
Parallel Computing Toolbox | 3421499 | Incorrect indices returned by min and max for gpuArray inputs when reducing more than 8192 elements in columns or higher dimensions of the data | ||
Parallel Computing Toolbox | 3443969 | movstd might error and movvar might incorrectly return negative values with single-precision gpuArray input data | ||
Parallel Computing Toolbox | 3461288 | Parallel pool creation might time out on machines with non-UTF-8 locales | ||
Polyspace Access | 3279191 | Sporadic performance issue when updating fields in Result Details pane | ||
Polyspace Access | 3389558 | Polyspace Access might be slow when uploading a new analysis | ||
Polyspace Access | 3411128 | Jira Server migration requires OAuth2.0 and Jira Issue Types do not appear for projects in Jira Cloud | ||
Polyspace Bug Finder | 3291729 | Validating MATLAB Job Scheduler connection profile generates undefined function error | ||
Polyspace Bug Finder | 3312857 | Cannot upload coverage results from the new Polyspace Platform user interface to the Polyspace Access web server | ||
Polyspace Bug Finder | 3317292 | Polyspace analysis fails with project or options file created from a compilation database using QNX compiler commands (qcc, q++) | ||
Polyspace Bug Finder | 3324120 | Build error when running polyspace-configure on a Windows machine with the SentinelOne software enabled | ||
Polyspace Bug Finder | 3350903 | Diab v5 C++ compiler uses the std namespace by default | ||
Polyspace Bug Finder | 3351560 | Long code snippets in the SARIF location properties can cause the export results error: GetFindings server error 500 | ||
Polyspace Code Prover | 3277378 | PolyspacePackNGo stops with the error message: Unrecognized function or variable 'pslinkprivate' | ||
Polyspace Code Prover | 3375576 | A calculation error in the bitxor operator on intervals can lead to incorrect results | ||
Reinforcement Learning Toolbox | 3366701 | DDPG agents, TD3 agents, and DQN agents do not apply exploration noise during training when getAction is called before training | ||
Requirements Toolbox | 3176879 | Closing a requirement sets file discards unsaved changes in link set files, resulting in lost modifications. | ||
Requirements Toolbox | 3290120 | Requirements Editor shows incorrect verification status rollup when linking to external results | ||
Requirements Toolbox | 3350554 | Navigation to linked requirement in Requirements Perspective fails when requirement set is not expanded and Requirements Editor is closed |
Requirements Toolbox | 3403412 | Exporting project to previous version fails when link sets for the project artifacts are not loaded | ||
Robotics System Toolbox | 3291484 | Incorrect wheel speed range data in the loadrobot function output for the robot library models of the Robotics System Toolbox |
Robotics System Toolbox | 3306966 | Warnings and NaN values from generalizedInverseKinematics and inverseKinematics when using the BFGSGradientProjection solver algorithm | ||
Robotics System Toolbox | 3307152 | MATLAB Compiler fails to generate executable for a script that uses the contopptraj function | ||
ROS Toolbox | 3322659 | ROS 2 Get Parameter block generates double_array as integer_array | ||
SerDes Toolbox | 3460015 | Eye Measurement block and functions show incorrect results when Extrapolation method is set to DualDirac | ||
Signal Processing Toolbox | 3345536 | Digital filters created with Signal Processing Toolbox fail to load in Filter Analyzer app | ||
SimBiology | 3306582 | Incorrect application of group-specific variant and doses for Group Simulation or Fit Data programs in SimBiology Model Analyzer | ||
SimBiology | 3341381 | SimBiology Model Analyzer displays incorrect transformations in the row and column labels of the covariance matrix for fit results | ||
SimBiology | 3342699 | SimBiology project fails to save after a failed program run | ||
SimBiology | 3389157 | Error when trying to run a Fit Data or Group Simulation program in SimBiology Model Analyzer | ||
SimBiology | 3401116 | Time plot for SimBiology.gsa.Sobol results can show incorrect values for unexplained variance | ||
Simscape | 3166176 | MATLAB crash when renaming Simscape model after closing its Variable Viewer | ||
Simscape | 3330212 | MATLAB might crash with calls to physmod_common_mf_system_xform.dll in the crash stack if model contains custom Simscape blocks with equations assigning outputs to parameters | ||
Simscape | 3405750 | For certain combinations of the Solver Configuration block parameter values, MATLAB crashes when you change Solver type to Partitioning | ||
Simscape Fluids | 3437430 | Incorrect results for Pressure Compensator Valve (TL), Pressure Reducing Valve (TL), and Pressure Relief Valve (TL) | ||
Simulink | 2479866 | Extra delay at input port of block connected to output port of Mux block with Subsystem block source |
Simulink | 2999921 | MATLAB might crash during accelerator mode simulation of an unmodified model that references a modified model | ||
Simulink | 3174951 | On Windows 11, closing model windows or dialogs quickly may crash Simulink. | ||
Simulink | 3179540 | SLXP file changes might cause incorrect simulation results | ||
Simulink | 3207356 | Incorrect Accelerator mode simulation results for model with top-level Model block | ||
Simulink | 3207738 | Unexpected error about Stateflow blocks and Matlab Function blocks placed in Signal Viewers |
Simulink | 3243261 | Inconsistent bus object definitions in data dictionaries used by model hierarchy might cause MATLAB to crash |
Simulink | 3249048 | Protected models (.slxp) that specify any tunable parameters might produce incorrect simulation results | ||
Simulink | 3265350 | Models containing Display blocks might cause MATLAB to crash during simulation | ||
Simulink | 3268671 | Simulink might throw assertion when updating models containing MATLAB Function blocks with break statements | ||
Simulink | 3269339 | Parameter Writer block writing to global workspace variable in referenced model produces incorrect simulation | ||
Simulink | 3276618 | Comparison tool does not detect changes in mask constraints in Simulink models | ||
Simulink | 3279320 | Simulink mistakenly resaves unchanged referenced dictionaries in a data dictionary hierarchy when hierarchy contains non-empty Architectural Data sections | ||
Simulink | 3285779 | Blocks that have fixed-in-minor-step sample time might produce wrong answers if one or more models in the model hierarchy use a local solver | ||
Simulink | 3304210 | Wrong output for Weighted Sample Time and Weighted Sample Time Math blocks with Software Deployment Platform (SDP) workflow | ||
Simulink | 3307261 | Missed rebuild of referenced models that use dynamic enumerations at interface | ||
Simulink | 3320659 | Parameter tuning using slider/dial widget fails with External or Rapid Accelerator Simulation mode | ||
Simulink | 3321304 | Enum typename prefix is removed from Enum element names when using Simulink.importExternalCTypes | ||
Simulink | 3321999 | MATLAB might crash when compiling or simulating models containing custom code that uses imported const alias types | ||
Simulink | 3322083 | Export of model as a Tool-Coupling FMU might error | ||
Simulink | 3322750 | MATLAB might crash when simulating models that contain multiple instances of a referenced model and active breakpoints | ||
Simulink | 3322801 | From Spreadsheet block with Range defined and many data rows in spreadsheet errors | ||
Simulink | 3328847 | Simulink crashes on loading a model having mask parameter values saved with an old parameter name.
Simulink | 3332760 |
Simulink | 3340151 | Creating a protected model might reset the file generation control preferences | ||
Simulink | 3341589 | Incorrect generated code with code compile variants within reusable subsystems | ||
Simulink | 3341982 | Simulink may ignore handle object property assignment with Simulink.data.Connection object connected to a data dictionary | ||
Simulink | 3342976 | Simulink UI might be slower when connected with a VPN | ||
Simulink | 3343047 | Dataflow subsystems using Automatic frame size calculation and directly connected to inline Variant Source blocks might produce incorrect results | ||
Simulink | 3343307 | Changes to mask callback files used by referenced models might cause incorrect simulation results | ||
Simulink | 3343892 | Selecting a block whose data type is an invalid variable name might result in an error in the Diagnostic Viewer when the Type Editor is open and docked in the Simulink canvas | ||
Simulink | 3348226 | MATLAB Function and Stateflow block produce simulation and code mismatches when using unbounded arrays and buses from custom code | ||
Simulink | 3351426 |
Variant Subsystem with runtime activation may cause incorrect results in rapid accelerator or code generation
Simulink | 3355699 | Simulation result incorrect when Parameter Writer block in event-based subsystem writes to workspace variable used in same subsystem | ||
Simulink | 3356835 | Incorrect result when performing accelerated simulation on model with bus parameter of strings | ||
Simulink | 3365528 | Incorrect results from Shift Arithmetic block in accelerator and rapid accelerator modes and code generation | ||
Simulink | 3366432 | String type output from MATLAB Function block inside While Iterator Subsystem does not hold value from previous iteration | ||
Simulink | 3368027 | Incorrect initial values with conditionally executed subsystems and variant blocks under specific conditions | ||
Simulink | 3368475 | Model with MATLAB System blocks using setNumTicksUntilNextHit might produce incorrect results in Rapid Accelerator mode | ||
Simulink | 3369688 | MATLAB might crash when you use the set_param function to set the EventTriggers parameter of an input port inside a library | ||
Simulink | 3371687 | Simulink hangs when publishing model comparison reports | ||
Simulink | 3377404 | If you close a model while the model is being saved, Simulink might crash | ||
Simulink | 3377950 | Drag and drop in Mask Editor parameters table does not work in certain scenarios | ||
Simulink | 3377992 | Parameter Writer block at root level writing to Model block parameter with non-auto storage class produces incorrect simulation result
Simulink | 3379336 | Simulink.SimulationInput or sltest.testmanager.TestCase object configured with the VariantConfiguration property might produce incorrect simulation results. | ||
Simulink | 3384256 | Simulation results are incorrect for Model block with initialize port | ||
Simulink | 3385250 | Rapid accelerator mode simulation results are incorrect for Parameter Writer block when simulating using Simulink.SimulationInput object | ||
Simulink | 3386966 | Simulink crashes when custom code uses a template class with integer constant |
Simulink | 3388471 | Signal Editor layout does not persist when signal data or property panes are repositioned to bottom or left in application window | ||
Simulink | 3391107 | Simulink Coder might generate incorrect code for reusable subsystems when UseSpecifiedMinMax parameter is set to on | ||
Simulink | 3391801 |
Variant Subsystem with runtime activation may produce incorrect result in accelerator mode
Simulink | 3414241 | MATLAB crashes when running simulation for model containing To Workspace or Record blocks | ||
Simulink | 3419245 | Simulink.Parameter objects of string type with value set to an expression might cause MATLAB crash | ||
Simulink | 3419623 | No generated code for an active (sim)/(codegen) variant subsystem in the presence of another lexicographically greater named inactive (sim)/(codegen) variant subsystem. | ||
Simulink | 3420328 | When a model is saved with Model Advisor window open, reopening the model also opens the Model Advisor window | ||
Simulink | 3426114 | Noninlined nested functions in MATLAB Function block might produce wrong answers during simulation | ||
Simulink | 3427329 | Signal Editor performance issues when saving large and nested buses and scenarios to MAT file | ||
Simulink | 3427764 | Placing a Parameter writer block outside the initialize function block, which writes to a startup variant block leads to incorrect simulation or code generation behavior | ||
Simulink | 3429161 | Parameter Writer block writing to non-tunable base workspace variable produces incorrect simulation results | ||
Simulink | 3430896 | Simulink crashes or generates incorrect results during simulation and code generation for models containing Simulink.BusElement objects with bus data type and unbounded dimensions | ||
Simulink | 3434397 | MATLAB might crash when simulating a model containing custom code | ||
Simulink | 3434707 | Dataflow domains at root model might produce incorrect logging results during first simulation | ||
Simulink | 3435209 | Code generated from noninlined Stateflow Chart inside a reinitialize environment might not be compilable |
Simulink | 3460721 | Power Systems Simulation Onramp task is erroneously marked incorrect (false negative) | ||
Simulink 3D Animation | 3177807 | Removing an actor using the context menu in the Simulation 3D Viewer for a model with Fast Restart enabled might error | ||
Simulink 3D Animation | 3253698 | MATLAB might crash when loading actors from a MAT file containing a sim3d.Actor object | ||
Simulink 3D Animation | 3293529 | Unreal Engine Support Package Incompatible with Linux platform |
Simulink 3D Animation | 3302163 | Attaching a light as a child actor fails to update the light actor during run-time | ||
Simulink 3D Animation | 3386860 | 3D simulation containing sim3d.Light object errors when transform properties of light do not match the number of lights | ||
Simulink 3D Animation | 3391543 | Setting Scene View in Simulation 3D Scene Configuration Block to Simulation 3D Actor creates an offset in the view | ||
Simulink 3D Animation | 3393519 | Simulink 3D Animation does not work with JavaScript-Based Desktop | ||
Simulink Check | 3300706 | Model Advisor reports generated with exportReport incorrectly filter Failed and Passed checks | ||
Simulink Check | 3315062 | When a configuration file created using Model Advisor Configuration Editor (MACE) is selected, edit-time checks with BlockTypeParameters table input parameter do not give results as expected | ||
Simulink Check | 3328809 | Custom Model Advisor checks with input parameters of type "PushButton" generate errors | ||
Simulink Check | 3353993 | MATLAB might crash when updating requirement verification status, dashboards, or metrics | ||
Simulink Check | 3356369 | Model Maintainability Dashboard fails to calculate Halstead complexity for models that contain State Transition Table blocks | ||
Simulink Check | 3419466 | MATLAB crashes when dashboard re-analyzes project in a previous release | ||
Simulink Check | 3445231 | Model Advisor check Placement of requirement links in a model (Check ID: mathworks.himl.hisl_0070) encounters an error due to the missing System Composer product | ||
Simulink Code Inspector | 3374112 | Code Inspection might fail for model using Round block with MinGW compiler | ||
Simulink Code Inspector | 3411291 | Code inspection fails when Code generation folder structure is set to Target environment subfolder | ||
Simulink Coder | 3290674 | Code generator incorrectly omits data transfer protection code for muxed signal branches connected to triggered subsystems that run as different tasks | ||
Simulink Coder | 3320015 | Error using custom system target file (STF) with option that uses a callback without arguments | ||
Simulink Coder | 3329054 | Compilation error occurs due to generated C++ structure containing a data member with its member type name identical to its member name | ||
Simulink Coder | 3361210 | Code generator omits data transfer code for virtual bus signal consisting of elements that originate in multirate function-call subsystems | ||
Simulink Coder | 3387652 | Using XCP-based external mode simulation with a target that runs at a different rate from the model and uses a hardware timer for sample timestamps, might result in incorrect time data | ||
Simulink Coder | 3428602 | Incorrect paths created by parallel building of referenced models that use blocks from DDS Blockset | ||
Simulink Compiler | 3002785 | Exporting a Simulink model to Standalone FMU errors when there are leading or trailing whitespace and newline characters in port block names | ||
Simulink Compiler | 3314303 | Simulink App with SimulationProgress component errors out when running as a deployed standalone app or as a deployed web app | ||
Simulink Compiler | 3337049 | Variable-step FMU exported from Simulink model errors out during simulation | ||
Simulink Compiler | 3338521 | Exporting FMU with parameters might result in error '<missing> string element not supported' | ||
Simulink Compiler | 3382732 | FMU generated from model with single data type interface violates FMI 3.0 standard |
Simulink Control Design | 3400206 | MATLAB may crash with commented out or inactive variant blocks as operating points with linearize() | ||
Simulink Coverage | 3166757 | Cyclomatic Complexity incorrect when coverage filter excludes subsystem containing Stateflow chart | ||
Simulink Coverage | 3259009 | Aggregation of coverage data for subsystem into top-level model might fail | ||
Simulink Coverage | 3277131 | Coverage details not displayed when simulating harness model of Stateflow chart that calls external MATLAB file |
Simulink Coverage | 3294406 | Coverage results in the generated PDF might not match the results in the Simulink Test Manager |
Simulink Coverage | 3305337 | Coverage aggregation for test harnesses causes an error when combining a fast restart normal mode testcase with a SIL mode testcase | ||
Simulink Coverage | 3310931 | The combination of SIL or PIL simulation mode, fast restart mode, and coverage analysis on models containing custom code might cause errors when attempting to generate coverage reports | ||
Simulink Design Verifier | 2905934 |
Automatic stubbing of unsupported blocks during analysis can result in incorrect reporting of dead logic |
Simulink Design Verifier | 3190563 | Compatibility check for Test Generation analysis crashes MATLAB if model coverage objectives is set Enhanced MCDC |
Simulink Design Verifier | 3270721 | Simulink Design Verifier analysis might report an error for models utilizing Simulink.Signal objects with enumerated data types | ||
Simulink Design Verifier | 3290314 | Test cases get linked to incorrect requirements, when exporting Simulink Design Verifier generated test cases for a Requirements Table block to Simulink Test. | ||
Simulink Design Verifier | 3299312 | Simulink Design Verifier analysis report may not show unsupported blocks | ||
Simulink Design Verifier | 3324799 | Simulink Design Verifier incorrectly reports "multiple initiators" incompatibility error for export function models containing model references with multiple function-call inports | ||
Simulink Design Verifier | 3334939 | Failed to honor block sorted order for Initialize task during block replacement error message during compatibility check |
Simulink Design Verifier | 3339078 | Assertion with Design Error Detection and Property Proving analysis when Test generation target set as Code Generated as Top Model or Code Generated as Model Reference |
Simulink Design Verifier | 3344701 | Satisfied Decision objectives are incorrectly reported as unsatisfiable for MATLAB system blocks under certain conditions. | ||
Simulink Design Verifier | 3359067 | When a model contains a Simulink.VariantVariable with a specification input that contains a non-auto storage class, Design verifier shows them as incompatible. | ||
Simulink Design Verifier | 3386546 | Simulink Design Verifier reports model configured for accelerator model simulation as incompatible for the analysis |
Simulink Design Verifier | 3389779 | Simulink Design Verifier ignores overridden parameters on a referenced configuration set from a model reference | ||
Simulink Design Verifier | 3413859 | Incorrect results for export function models which access a global data store | ||
Simulink Design Verifier | 3435068 | Simulink Design Verifier compatibility check might fail when the model file name length is 63 characters | ||
Simulink Fault Analyzer | 3282784 | Deleting faults with behaviors can cause Matlab to crash | ||
Simulink PLC Coder | 2757281 | Incorrect code generation for the Recursive Least Squares Estimator block when the PLC Coder target IDE is set to MULTIPROG 5.0 or PCWORX 6.0 |
Simulink PLC Coder | 3260551 | Function nchoosek is not supported for code generation | ||
Simulink PLC Coder | 3298178 | Reuse of global signals at atomic subsystem boundary can lead to uninitialized variables. | ||
Simulink PLC Coder | 3408640 | When the "Remove unused ssmethod FB call arguments" is switched on as an optimization option for nested Matlab Function block inside nested subsystem, Code generation fails. | ||
Simulink Real-Time | 3272924 | MATLAB crash can occur while using built Real-Time application for a model with atomic subsystem having bus selector output | ||
Simulink Real-Time | 3283805 | Using DDS blocks in a Simulink Real-Time model causes an error during external mode simulation | ||
Simulink Real-Time | 3311668 | Log data does not appear in the LOG section of the status monitor | ||
Simulink Real-Time | 3421659 | When multiple J1939 Transmit blocks in model use different sample times, real-time application execution can drop some J1939 messages | ||
Simulink Test | 3208842 | Parallel test execution in Simulink Test Manager might fail for reference configuration sets | ||
Simulink Test | 3236964 | Coverage filter in test file not applied to aggregated test coverage result | ||
Simulink Test | 3272145 | Using fast restart with test case containing logical and temporal assessments causes test to fail | ||
Simulink Test | 3385061 | Equivalence tests using two harnesses with the same name and different top models might produce incorrect test results | ||
Simulink Test | 3390468 | Deleting all test results might not reduce temporary disk space used for results | ||
Simulink Test | 3404225 | Simulink Real-Time models using C++11 or newer language standard might error during build | ||
Simulink Test | 3411465 | Triggered subsystems containing test sequences with verify statements might cause error | ||
Simulink Test | 3451139 | Iterations in real-time tests might use out-of-date real-time application | ||
Stateflow | 3121311 | Stateflow Chart and MATLAB Function blocks that use ismember generate shared utility code that has missing headers | ||
Stateflow | 3283048 | Exiting Atomic Subchart via event on entry can execute incorrect actions |
Stateflow | 3301395 | Incorrect values logged by Stateflow for local buses containing an enumeration |
Stateflow | 3315617 | Stateflow chart crashes when an entry action calls a MATLAB function | ||
Stateflow | 3327855 | Error message hyperlinks and sfhelp result in "Documentation File Not Found" error | ||
Stateflow | 3334287 | MATLAB crashes when simulating a Stateflow chart that uses a MATLAB Function to trigger a local event | ||
Stateflow | 3367977 | Disabling Saturate on integer overflow property does not prevent safe cast checks in generated code | ||
Stateflow | 3388827 | Incorrect outputs from Stateflow charts with unsaved changes in variant subsystems |
Stateflow | 3390399 | Stateflow find operator does not return Stateflow.AtomicBox using IsLink property | ||
Stateflow | 3395839 | Unexpected error for chart and test sequences containing verify operator due to missing slTestBlockInfo definition |
Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox | 3323303 | kfoldLoss can return incorrect results when you pass a ClassNames value to the fitting function or you specify a ScoreTransform value | ||
System Composer | 3298963 | Stereotypes not reported properly when multiple profiles are imported into the model using the Report Generator APIs | ||
System Composer | 3301996 | Connecting a port to a Reference Component block that references an unloaded model might cause MATLAB to crash | ||
System Composer | 3343263 | MATLAB might crash when opening top model with subsystem reference and data dictionary | ||
System Composer | 3350346 | MATLAB might crash when two subsystem reference components and adapter are connected inside an architecture model | ||
System Composer | 3366758 | MATLAB might crash during compilation of a test harness model created for an architecture model containing an Adapter block | ||
System Identification Toolbox | 3293725 | The Hammerstein-Wiener model estimation dialog of the System Identification app fails to open on certain desktops. | ||
System Identification Toolbox | 3404632 | When estimating Hammerstein-Weiner models, if your data has different input and output sizes, the System Identification app throws an error | ||
Text Analytics Toolbox | 3387466 | MATLAB might crash during CPU inference on language models for out-of-bounds sequence lengths | ||
Vehicle Dynamics Blockset | 3316428 | The left side anti-sway bar force feedback has the wrong sign for independent suspension blocks with the anti-sway bar option | ||
Vehicle Dynamics Blockset | 3323555 | The right rear wheel aligning moment steer compliance characteristic lookup table associated with the AlgnTrqSteerCompl parameter in the K&C Suspension blocks has no effect in the K&C Suspension library blocks | ||
Vehicle Dynamics Blockset | 3325069 | K and C suspension steer angle effects are improperly influenced by unrelated K and C suspension effects | ||
Vehicle Dynamics Blockset | 3337547 | The Predictive Driver block Grade port units are in radians rather than degrees when both the longitudinal and lateral control modes are set to "Predictive" | ||
Vehicle Dynamics Blockset | 3431399 | Suspension block parameter values unexpectedly changed when saving older model in newer release | ||
Vehicle Network Toolbox | 3339066 | getValue reads CDFX file hexadecimal numbers ending with "E" as NaN | ||
Wireless HDL Toolbox | 3315719 | The LTE Turbo Decoder block outputs incorrect results when a discrete valid signal is provided as an input. This problem occurs silently without triggering any error message. | ||
Wireless HDL Toolbox | 3359400 |
Symbol Demodulator block errors during HDL code generation when you specify custom constellation mapping as a variable.
Wireless Testbench | 3317720 | Host interface script fails to execute for Simulink models with exactly one streaming interface configured as 'Host' | ||
WLAN Toolbox | 3303420 | Incorrect EHT-LTF and HE-LTF channel estimates for EHT TB and HE TB formats under some parameter combinations | ||
WLAN Toolbox | 3398970 | Unable to recover PSDU bits from EHT or HE Data fields for a user with STAID 2046 in an OFDMA configuration |
R2025a Prerelease
Preview and test the next product release.
If you have any questions, please contact the Technical Support team.
Content updated: December 18, 2024