Bug Fixes in R2024a Prerelease

The following software and documentation bugs are considered resolved in the prerelease. The bugs listed below may be of interest to customers, based on general use of our products. Return to this page for future updates.

Available in R2024a Prerelease, Update 3

Product Record Bug Summary
Aerospace Toolbox 3059330 Specifying a timetable or timeseries in Satellite Scenario pointAt method results in an error if the step size of the data is less than 1e-12 seconds
DDS Blockset 3134661 Generated DDS executable might drop messages associated with onDataAvailable input event
DO Qualification Kit 3176040 Trace matrix for Simulink model comparison incorrectly references script hRptEvalXMLQualkit.m
Fixed-Point Designer 3109830 Index exceeds number of array elements error when computing ceilDiv, fixDiv, floorDiv, or nearestDiv with m = 2^-128
Fixed-Point Designer 3152928 floorDiv, ceilDiv, fixDiv, roundDiv, and fixed.system.RoundToMultiple return truncated solutions
HDL Coder 2529091 There is a simulation mismatch between the Simulink output and the HDL code output for the Delay block containing Enable and Reset ports.
HDL Coder 3147335 FloatingPointTargetConfig object accepts invalid property value and cause downstream failure in HDL Workflow Advisor.
HDL Coder 3158459 Reciprocal block with ShifAdd architecture might have simulation mismatch when output data type is having negative fractional length
HDL Coder 3164565 Disabling Floating Point configuration with hdlset_param(gcs, 'UseFloatingPoint', 'off') can trigger a segv error when using makehdl()
HDL Coder 3172763
Incorrect HDL code is generated for Gain block that has the vector input, but the input vector orientation is not aligned with the gain factor.

HDL Coder 3176370 HDL Coder may generate incorrect code when a reused subsystem in a feedback loop introduces more latency than the available latency budget in the loop
HDL Coder 3179155 HDL Coder / HDL Operations blocks Serializer1D and Deserializer1D show incorrect block descriptions in HDL Block Properties dialog box
HDL Coder 3179213 HDL code generation throws an internal error when the control port of the Multiport Switch block has an array input with a word length greater than 64 bits.
HDL Coder 3180378 Constant folding error for the Fcn block when using Simulink.Parameter object in the block expression.
HDL Coder 3193427

Assertion error during HDL code generation when you change Target workflow from IP Core Generation to Generic ASIC/FPGA  

MATLAB 3114312 Warning displays in the Command Window after clicking the Request Support button on the MATLAB Home tab
MATLAB 3137229
Computing the LU decomposition of a sparse matrix twice in a row on Apple Silicon might not return the same answers
MATLAB 3147076

Setting the Exponent property on an axes ruler to a negative integer value displays a large positive integer-valued exponent

MATLAB 3157175 Data brushing and data tips are unresponsive in certain tabs of apps
MATLAB 3161712 License Manager Error 4402 "Missing root element in response"
MATLAB 3173637 Incorrect label Interpreter value when loading .mlapp and .mat files
Optimization Toolbox 3180465 fmincon for code generation has poor performance, appears stalled, or returns incorrect exitflag and lambda values
Robotics System Toolbox 3154305 rigidBodyTree functions produce silent wrong answers or unexpected errors after using replaceJoint or replaceBody.
Simscape Driveline 3162302 Vehicles at rest might start to move unexpectedly in models that use the Tire (Magic Formula) block or the Rolling Resistance block
Simulink 3088421 Variant Subsystems with conditionally executed variant choices in startup activation may cause incorrect sim or codegen initial output
Simulink 3160834 Unable to set the Simulink cache and code generation folders to the same location when using the Project API
Simulink 3164667 Model block with initialize, reinitialize, reset, or terminate port produces incorrect simulation results in rapid accelerator mode
Simulink 3180009 Rapid Accelerator simulation that uses runtime diagnostics might produce uncompilable C++ code
Simulink 3184686 Simulink.LookupTable objects unable to share struct data type
Simulink Coder 3138381 Subsystem code might be incorrect when the subsystem contains a masked Model block
Simulink Coder 3176587

Build log from SIL/PIL simulation incorrectly reports Compilation artifacts were out of date

Simulink Compiler 3187417 Incorrect binary generation for FMU Version 2.0 with automatic data type conversion for single data types
Simulink Design Verifier 3158220 Test Generation analysis incorrectly reports objectives as Unsatisfiable on a model with dirty subsystem references.
Simulink Design Verifier 3168605 Compatibility check might fail for a Simulink Model with Initialize subsystem which writes to Data Store Memory.
Simulink Design Verifier 3174847 Simulink Design Verifier compatibility check fails with error: When keys are specified, values must also be specified
Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox 3180307 The function mvncdf might incorrectly error when passed gpuArray inputs
System Composer 3167328 Schedule Editor might incorrectly display partitions for AUTOSAR architecture as scheduable

Available in R2024a Prerelease, Update 2

Product Record Bug Summary
HDL Coder 3114130 HDL code generation throws an internal error when the Variant Subsystem has trigger or enable ports.
MATLAB 3155437 Comparison Tool throws an error when selecting MLAPP files to compare
MATLAB Coder 3159524 Call to dlarray method softmax that includes 'DataFormat' name-value argument

Available in R2024a Prerelease, Update 1

Product Record Bug Summary
DO Qualification Kit 3163100 Test case IDs in the Simulink Test trace matrix do not match the IDs provided in the title for the test case in Test Manager
Embedded Coder 3113050 TLC error when using the S-Function target to generate code
Image Acquisition Toolbox 2988516 Using cameras that have non-ASCII character property values might cause MATLAB to crash
MATLAB 3165531 Floating-point results mismatch when using Xcode 14.3 or later toolchain on Mac with Apple Silicon
Text Analytics Toolbox 3155425 extractFileText fails to extract text from PDF

Available in R2024a Prerelease

Product Record Bug Summary
Antenna Toolbox 2987288 Meshing errors with certain STL files that have bad features
Automated Driving Toolbox 3004868 The Simulation 3D Probabilistic Radar block reports incorrect velocities
AUTOSAR Blockset 2951890 Generated code contains uninitialized local variable for AUTOSAR Classic model containing a function-call subsystem connected to root-level outport
AUTOSAR Blockset 3026233 Generating code for an AUTOSAR model results in MATLAB crash due to presence of a Message Merge block
AUTOSAR Blockset 3073147 Using a For Each Subsystem block in AUTOSAR might generate incorrect code when allowed stack size is limited
AUTOSAR Blockset 3103053 Function Caller block with array type inputs might result in incorrect code for AUTOSAR adaptive model
Bluetooth Toolbox 2997794 getMeasurementsData method of spectrum analyzer gives error or incorrect results for ACPR measurement when used in for loop.
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset 3023242 "Error due to multiple causes" message is not clear in Build screen of SoC Builder
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset 3027690 IPC blocks stop working after a power cycle reset
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset 3027696 IPC block parameters not working as expected
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset 3064554 Inter-processor communication blocks (Interprocess Data Write and Read) do not work as expected with higher level compiler optimization
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset 3095332 Build error for C2000 hardware board with only Texas Instruments C2000Ware setup
Communications Toolbox 3010911 If the AWGN Block sample time is non-integer, the block generates noise with wrong variance
Computer Vision Toolbox 2995308 MATLAB crashes when using Computer Vision Toolbox functions with a crash log containing "icv_k0_ownFilterGaussianRow_MemCom_32f_C1"
Data Acquisition Toolbox 3056784 Cannot set excitation voltage for bridge measurement on some devices
Data Acquisition Toolbox 3099681 Unable to install Data Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for Measurement Computing Hardware
Deep Learning HDL Toolbox 3050280 Incorrect property name within command suggested in error message
Deep Learning Toolbox 3080897 Training or making predictions with a DAGNetwork object errors for networks with Convolution2DLayer objects with non-symmetric padding
Deep Learning Toolbox 3095724 trainnet errors for multi-output networks when using the L-BFGS solver
DO Qualification Kit 2890189 Incorrect results for Simulink Test qualification test case tTIR when using report format .docx
DO Qualification Kit 3081624 Library filters disabled in the DO-178C project template when using sl_refresh_customizations
DO Qualification Kit 3093552 Library filters disabled in the DO-178C example when using sl_refresh_customizations>
DO Qualification Kit 3097521 Summary qualification reports reference an artifact not available in the DO Qualification Kit
DO Qualification Kit 3127022 Checks removed from the Model Advisor in R2021b were not removed from the Simulink Check qualification test suite
DO Qualification Kit 3135741 Collection of signal range coverage is disable for model mSignalRangeLimit.slx in the Simulink Coverage qualification test suite
DO Qualification Kit 3142128 Missing operational requirement in the Polyspace Code Prover traceability matrix
DSP System Toolbox 3082728 Setting the TimeDisplayOffset property to a nonzero value incorrectly scales the x-axis of Time Scope displays
Embedded Coder 2429278 Generated AUTOSAR C code uses uninitialized local variables for explicit writes
Embedded Coder 2601019 Code generated for Bitwise OR operation between negative integer and Boolean variable might produce incorrect answers
Embedded Coder 2882092 Simulink generates code that has incorrect array indexing
Embedded Coder 2914684 MATLAB crashes during code generation for models using scoped Simulink Function blocks with the same function name
Embedded Coder 2967439 Incorrect results are possible when a block with initial conditions is connected to an Assignment block having an external index source
Embedded Coder 2976213 Error when generating code from a model with Simulink Function configured with return argument
Embedded Coder 2988532 Unsupported export-function modeling patterns generate incorrect code instead of throwing an error
Embedded Coder 2993105 Generated code might be incorrect for dataflow subsystems configured for concurrent tasking with a user specified stack size
Embedded Coder 2997586 Error when running SIL/PIL simulation of subsystem within context of parent model that is mapped to AUTOSAR component
Embedded Coder 2997823 Traceability mapping issues between code for subsystem reference and corresponding model elements
Embedded Coder 3009495 Incorrect results might occur for a model containing bus signals that have array elements with inplace update specifications
Embedded Coder 3011299 Subsequent builds generate incorrect code for AUTOSAR reference models that use lookup tables defined in base workspace
Embedded Coder 3011902 Simulink might include incorrect header file in the generated code when multiple models share an imported enumeration type that has inconsistent HeaderFile property values across different models
Embedded Coder 3013278 too few arguments for call compilation error in atomic subsystem SIL/PIL simulations
Embedded Coder 3015279 Generated code might be incorrect when a custom TLC storage class interacts with inlined S-function
Embedded Coder 3019072 Incorrect results are possible when alias data type is used in a model
Embedded Coder 3030059 Comments in custom .cgt files might not correctly appear in shared files
Embedded Coder 3039294 Output of accelerated simulation is incorrect for model containing data store of string type
Embedded Coder 3040440 Using sender services on a root outport driven by an IRT subsystem might result in incorrect code.
Embedded Coder 3052459 Unnecessary casts in the generated code for a model with symbolic dimensions
Embedded Coder 3060965 Incorrect results might occur for a model containing a reference model and signals using Reusable storage class
Embedded Coder 3061104 Incorrect results might occur for a model containing Bus Creator blocks and signals using Reusable storage classes
Embedded Coder 3066330 Neighborhood Processing Subsystem block with fewer output dimensions than input dimensions produces incorrect output
Embedded Coder 3074040 TLC error when running SIL/PIL simulation of subsystem within context of parent model
Embedded Coder 3084759 MATLAB might crash when generating code for a model that has TLC code that updates a ground value
Embedded Coder 3092498 Error when generating C++ class interface code from a model reference hierarchy using parallel builds
Embedded Coder 3095041 SIMD code for loops with negative stride involving complex types
Embedded Coder 3096968 Neighborhood Processing Subsystem block with different numbers of input and output dimensions might use incorrect padded values
Embedded Coder 3098139 Incorrect code generation for a MATLAB Function block that contains vector indexing code
Embedded Coder 3101648 Code generated from Inport blocks does not honor Receiver Service specifications when model also contains In Bus Element blocks
Embedded Coder 3102685 Code generator does not generate sender service call for root outport that is used inside a deeply nested Initialize Function or Terminate Function subsystem block
Embedded Coder 3102728 Code generator generates During execution sender service call inside Stateflow local function instead of in entry-point function
Embedded Coder 3104569 Generated C++ class code might be uncompilable for models configured to use fixed-point data types
Embedded Coder 3106550 Code generation for a referenced model produces error "Unexpected sigKind outputAddr"
Embedded Coder 3111009 Generated code might be incorrect if Inport blocks inside referenced models use a storage class other than Auto
Embedded Coder 3111675 Generated code might contain MISRA C:2012 Rule 2.2 violations
Embedded Coder 3113050 TLC error when using the S-Function target to generate code
Embedded Coder 3113050 TLC error when using the S-Function target to generate code
Embedded Coder 3121216 <Enum_literal> undeclared error when building a referenced Simulink model that uses enumeration types
Embedded Coder 3127254 Incorrect array indexing when passing a multi-dimensional structured type input to a Model block that references a Simulink model
Fixed-Point Designer 3088030 Fixed-point division in Simulink with non-power of 2 scaling might not saturate on overflow
Global Optimization Toolbox 3042881 The problem-based workflow might error when using a Global Optimization Toolbox solver with UseParallel=true
GPU Coder 2970144 coder.gpu.kernel pragma applies to incorrect loop
GPU Coder 3010388 Partially writing to a global or persistent variable on the GPU
GPU Coder 3070937 svd function with certain input sizes and using cuSOLVER library
GPU Coder 3083725 Using coder.gpu.persistentMemory inside recursive function
GPU Coder 3131394 for-loops with negative end values
GPU Coder 3138573 stencilfun with partially fixed size input and row-major layout
GPU Coder 3145171 Parallel nest of for-loops with too many iterations
GPU Coder 3146056 GPU atomic operation moved inside for-loop
HDL Coder 2950460 Default reference design parameter values for a Simulink model are shown as an empty cell array in MATLAB command window
HDL Coder 2956447 HDL Coder optimizations may have limitations with certain masked subsystems
HDL Coder 2971778 HDL Coder does not generate reusable code for atomic masked subsystems when SubsystemReuse is set to Atomic and Virtual
HDL Coder 2984348 Sporadic delay balancing error when generating reusable code for subsystems that contain a feedback loop
HDL Coder 3000121 Simscape HDL Workflow Advisor might cause error if there are commented PS-Simulink Converter blocks in Simscape model
HDL Coder 3014434 Assertion failure when attempting to perform RAM Mapping on a non-scalar access
HDL Coder 3014932 Annotation connector comments for Simulink ports in the model do not show up in the generated HDL code
HDL Coder 3016401 An assertion error can occur when generating RTL code with mixed NFP+HFP configuration
HDL Coder 3016806 Distributed pipelining may result in validation model mismatches
HDL Coder 3026722 Unable to find Repeating Sequence Stair block in HDL Coder Library. 
HDL Coder 3026988 Assertion error may occur when generating HDL code with a model containing a feedback loop
HDL Coder 3029374 HDL Model Advisor check for nonzero output latency may pass when the delay block adjacent to block having latency is comment through.
HDL Coder 3030577 Requirement comments for the top-level DUT subsystem is not emitted in the generated HDL code
HDL Coder 3033372 HDL Coder throws internal assertion after enabling BalanceClockRateOutputPorts
HDL Coder 3041088 HDL Coder may give warning when attempting to rename the locked library
HDL Coder 3042093 Invalid Simulink object handle error thrown during HDL code generation
HDL Coder 3048779 HDL Coder may generate incorrect code for the subsystem that has input port connected to the Vector Concatenate block and Scalarize Ports option is enabled. 
HDL Coder 3051888 Selector block configured with the complex inputs might generate incorrect HDL Code.
HDL Coder 3052113 Blocks using the ShiftAdd HDL architecture appear as unsupported blocks for distributed pipelining
HDL Coder 3054350 Microchip device families RTG4, IGLOO2 and PolarFire are missing in Configuration Parameters settings.
HDL Coder 3056295 Delay balancing can result in an error for a feedback loop through hierarchy even though clock-rate pipelining is enabled
HDL Coder 3060165 HDL Coder may generate incorrect code for a multi-rate subsystem when latency is introduced upstream and clock-rate pipelining is enabled
HDL Coder 3062908 Loop streaming optimization may generate incorrect code for loops that write to a persistent variable
HDL Coder 3070254 Generated model might contain unconnected Compare to Constant blocks
HDL Coder 3072728 HDL code generation fails for the models that have blocks from DSP Builder Advanced (DSPBA) Blockset.
HDL Coder 3079896 HDL Coder may generate inaccurate code for model that has Boolean-to-Single data type conversion
HDL Coder 3081607 Multiply-Add block may generate incorrect HDL code when Output data type is not Inherit via internal rule
HDL Coder 3087732 DSP System Toolbox HDL Support / Sources/ Sine wave block throws an internal error during HDL code generation.
HDL Coder 3089025 IP core generation with AXI4-Stream interface may error out when AXI4-Stream port rate is not an integer multiple of the DUT base rate.
HDL Coder 3093533 Code generation might fail for a model with multiple MATLAB Function blocks using MATLAB Function architecture and SubsystemReuse set to 'Atomic and Virtual'
HDL Coder 3097286 Using SharingFactor with reusable subsystems might force design delays in the subsystem to be mapped to RAM-based shift registers
HDL Coder 3102131 HDL code generation may fail when using the model reference as the DUT and the referenced model has no ports.
HDL Coder 3102411 HDL code generation for the Compare To Constant block throws an error when an expression is provided in the 'Constant value' field.
HDL Coder 3128300 HDL Coder may generate incorrect error message when your model includes Selector block having bus inputs of complex types.
HDL Coder 3133587 HDL code generation may fail when the input dimensions of a Concatenate block are 1x1xn and the base type is complex.
HDL Coder 3141662 UseFloatingPoint cannot be turned off through the command line interface (CLI).
HDL Coder 3154873 Setting InputPipeline on subsystem introduces twice the number of latency cycles than expected
HDL Verifier 2971672 When using frame-based HDL cosimulation, and the HDL port width is greater than 128 bits, the dimension ordering is non-standard.
IEC Certification Kit 3080212 Incorrect value for statement coverage in the expected results for MATLAB Test validation test MLT_CodeCov_005
IEC Certification Kit 3099757 Summary validation reports reference an artifact not available in the IEC Certification Kit
IEC Certification Kit 3138930 Checks removed from the Model Advisor in R2021b were not removed from the Simulink Check validation test suite
IEC Certification Kit 3140908 Collection of signal range coverage is disabled for model mSignalRangeLimit.slx in the Simulink Coverage qualification test suite
Image Acquisition Toolbox 2988516 Using cameras that have non-ASCII character property values might cause MATLAB to crash
Instrument Control Toolbox 2626524 Callback function specified by configureCallback is sometimes not executed
Instrument Control Toolbox 2997284 Using readRegister returns inaccurate data from the internal registers of an I2C peripheral device connected to an Aardvark or NI-845x controller
Instrument Control Toolbox 3026965 Documentation incorrectly states support for KtRFPowerMeter MATLAB driver
Instrument Control Toolbox 3045310 Serial packets not received correctly when terminator character is present in actual data
MATLAB 1592143 Toolstrip items lose focus unexpectedly in MATLAB Online
MATLAB 2732495 Setting up connection to Arduino board over Bluetooth or WiFi stalls on Mac OS 12 (Monterey) and higher versions
MATLAB 2877647 sum and prod misinterpret empty array of operating dimensions
MATLAB 2949337 Obfuscated files within the deployable archive (.ctf file) in fopen and MATLAB compiler workflows
MATLAB 2954021 Unable to enter ^ and ~ characters in MATLAB on Linux systems when using non-QWERTY keyboard layouts
MATLAB 2973294 Reading the BLE descriptor data on macOS version 12.0 or above can cause MATLAB to crash
MATLAB 2996490 Creating a USB webcam object or changing the webcam resolution might crash MATLAB on Windows
MATLAB 3004433 MATLAB might crash when using a grid layout with a custom background color
MATLAB 3006271 In App Designer, axes sometimes appear distorted in Design View
MATLAB 3015529 MATLAB can crash at startup while initializing search functionality in help system
MATLAB 3015913 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/ws/Holder exception displayed using Java Version 11 in R2023a
MATLAB 3033593 MATLAB might crash on startup on Mac
MATLAB 3034491 Invalid comparison report name may prevent further interactions with the Comparison Tool
MATLAB 3051869 MATLAB can crash when calling parsim on Simulink models that contain Simscape blocks
MATLAB 3092284 Warning message or dialog when saving MATLAB search path using savepath or Set Path GUI on Windows
MATLAB 3100983 Statement coverage is incorrect for a for-loop whose body does not run
MATLAB 3104060 MATLAB for macOS (Apple Silicon) might crash when using an unsupported JRE
MATLAB 3104505 gitinit errors when initializing a bare Git repository
MATLAB 3114312 Warning displays in the Command Window after clicking the Request Support button on the MATLAB Home tab
MATLAB 3119913 On Windows, switching a Git branch errors when switching modifies the content of the current folder
MATLAB 3138975 XLS files containing invalid UTF-8 characters read with xlsread in basic mode can cause MATLAB to crash
MATLAB Coder 2869935 Persistent System objects incorrectly initialized within parfor loops
MATLAB Coder 2946423 Build process might fail if the generated code contains class properties whose names match with other class names
MATLAB Coder 2957353 Automatic parallelization of for loops containing saturating reduction operations on integer types
MATLAB Coder 2965604 Growing nested cell array element via subscripted assignment
MATLAB Coder 2983319 Size of variable-size empty cell array might not correctly propagate via assignment
MATLAB Coder 3000493 Generated generic C/C++ code for deep learning networks produces incorrect results for some hardware targets
MATLAB Coder 3002078 Array indexing might be incorrect for inplace MATLAB functions that accept variable-size arrays as inputs
MATLAB Coder 3003356 Code generation might fail on Windows if hardware is set to ROS or ROS 2
MATLAB Coder 3003988 Incorrect optimization of uninitialized variables in MATLAB Function Block
MATLAB Coder 3012012 Using uninitialized property of a value object returned from a function might not produce an error
MATLAB Coder 3012950 Calls to enumeration function with string input
MATLAB Coder 3015051 Automatic parallelization of for loops with reduction operations on floating-point types when nonfinite support is enabled
MATLAB Coder 3016558 Code generated for ARM Compute Library version 19.05 might produce segmentation fault if sequence data are passed to the softmax layer
MATLAB Coder 3032890 Object returned as output from a function call might have uninitialized property values
MATLAB Coder 3035356 Size mismatch of empty fixed-point arrays during MEX execution or extrinsic function call
MATLAB Coder 3048844 Object or cell array that is field of a struct might have uninitialized data if the struct is an output of a multi-output function
MATLAB Coder 3051313 groupNormalizationLayer in a dlnetwork
MATLAB Coder 3086710 Combination of parfor loop with a reduction variable and a nested loop that writes to or reads from cell arrays
MATLAB Coder 3094045 Indexed assignment with multiple indices
MATLAB Coder 3130681 Unassigned fields of a nested structure conditionally defined via a function call
MATLAB Parallel Server 3007155 Compiled applications unable to log in to MATLAB Job Scheduler cluster running at Security Level 3
MATLAB Parallel Server 3092699 Job creation or submission on MATLAB Job Scheduler cluster might fail when attaching multiple files
MATLAB Report Generator 3005419 Generating documents using Word templates that contain invalid XML causes MATLAB to crash
Medical Imaging Toolbox 2929364 Functions specklefilt and imregicp from Medical Imaging Toolbox error when used in deployed applications.
Parallel Computing Toolbox 3006341 MATLAB might crash when using gpuArray/arrayfun containing calls to other functions
Parallel Computing Toolbox 3007644 Error during mexcuda compilation when only Visual Studio 2022 is available
Parallel Computing Toolbox 3068826 MATLAB crashes when the function called by gpuArray/arrayfun contains a function assigning a single output in square brackets
Parallel Computing Toolbox 3131147 MATLAB might stall when using thread-based pools on Windows machines with large number of cores
Polyspace Access 3004593 Polyspace extension not starting in Visual Studio Code version 1.78 and later
Polyspace Access 3077277 Unable to upload to project with multiple imported reviews in Polyspace Access
Polyspace Bug Finder 2638862 Polyspace compilation error when using Tasking compiler attribute __align()
Polyspace Bug Finder 2675746 False positive violation of MISRA-C:2012 18.6 with static local variable
Polyspace Bug Finder 3011984 Bug Finder might compute HIS Comment Density as negative
Polyspace Bug Finder 3044648 Bug Finder and Code Prover performance suffers on code that has large arrays of pointer initializers with high levels of indirection
Polyspace Bug Finder 3059703 polyspace-configure selects incorrect target with Qcc compiler
Polyspace Bug Finder 3071468 False positive violation of AUTOSAR-C++14 A12-1-1 when using a delegating constructor
Polyspace Bug Finder 3099572 False positive violation of CERT-C EXP46-C on parenthesized expression
Polyspace Bug Finder 3135178 False positive violation of MISRA-C:2012 rule 1.3 on function-like macros that are invoked using empty arguments in C99
Polyspace Code Prover 3131915 Code Prover analysis stuck at Software Safety Analysis Level 112 (P_C) with exception "Core.Match(nonexhaustive match failure)"
Predictive Maintenance Toolbox 3060438 Diagnostic Feature Designer app fails to open plots when parallel computation is enabled
Requirements Toolbox 3017699 Requirements Editor column setting for Description does not persist
Requirements Toolbox 3025665 Custom attributes do not import from DOORS Next module when you use non-default stream
RoadRunner 2826588 When trying to set the color of markings and other objects, users are unable to set colors with the mouse in the Set Color dialog
Robotics System Toolbox 2973581 Negative linear velocity inputs produce an incorrect state derivative for the bicycleKinematics object.
Robotics System Toolbox 3007012 importrobot/loadrobot codegen error when rigidBody contains multiple collision objects
ROS Toolbox 3073371 When a ROS 2 node is generated using rosReadImage with the optional "Encoding" argument, an error is thrown about an unrecognized parameter
Signal Integrity Toolbox 3072414 Serial Link Designer and Parallel Link Designer apps error while opening projects on some computers not localized to English
SimBiology 3018835 Running custom programs or exporting program code or arguments from the Model Analyzer app generates an error
SimBiology 3087859 Model diagram is not editable in SimBiology Model Builder if a project contain multiple models
Simscape 3077960 MATLAB crashes when the model is in Restricted mode and you attempt to interact with the Use local solver check box in the Solver Configuration block
Simscape 3091262 Simulating a model directly after receiving the Insufficient memory budget for delay expressions history error might cause MATLAB to crash
Simscape 3100211 Variable Scaling Analyzer shows no output for some Data Import/Export settings
Simscape Electrical 3012899 MATLAB might crash when simulating models with Specialized Power Systems blocks in Discrete mode
Simscape Fluids 3026571 Model compilation error when Ammonia is the working fluid in models with two-phase fluid blocks
Simulink 2530104 Compiler error in Simulink when using custom code from different directories
Simulink 2759927 Symbolic dimension is incorrectly inlined during model reference code generation
Simulink 2822914 Incorrect simulation results for an export function model that references a sample time independent model
Simulink 2872666 Logged data might be incorrect for signals in direct feedthrough path of subsystem or referenced model configured to minimize algebraic loops
Simulink 2903709 Incorrect signal output for bus element port driven by Initialize Function block or Terminate Function block in rapid accelerator mode
Simulink 2922391 Simulating Gain blocks with fixed-point gain parameters may produce incorrect results in Simulink Compiler and RapidAcceleratorUpToDateCheck set to 'off'
Simulink 2925221 Wrong code generated when Simulink.Signal object is attached to string signal
Simulink 2932680 Sine Wave block with discrete sample time inside If Action Subsystem or Switch Case Action Subsystem block might output wrong answer in normal simulation mode
Simulink 2944866 File log data imported to the Simulation Data Inspector might be missing
Simulink 2982991 Exporting a model with a Variant Assembly Subsystem block in expression mode to the R2022b version of MATLAB results in an unsupported exported model
Simulink 2985047 Unreachable disable functions when referencing a model in a function-call subsystem
Simulink 2985410 Variant Subsystems with Model Reference as the active choice, opens the referenced model in a new window on double click
Simulink 2989989 Simulink Realtime targets with startup variant blocks can cause incorrect code generation with page switching storage class
Simulink 2993839 Inactive choices of a Variant Subsystem are built with inherited update diagram activation time with Model Reference as choices
Simulink 3001556 Inactive variant of Variant Subsystem block containing Subsystem Reference block with logged signals might crash Simulink
Simulink 3002370 Error during update diagram or simulation when a referenced model contains Initialize Function block connected to inactive root outport due to variants
Simulink 3006716 Model Advisor check Check return value assignments in Stateflow graphical functions (Check ID: mathworks.maab.jc_0511) does not report warnings for graphical functions.
Simulink 3009950 FMU import to Simulink errors due to newline character sequence in modelDescription.xml file
Simulink 3012306 Simulink fails to load struct input value to root-level inport in rapid accelerator mode simulations
Simulink 3014998 Display block in referenced model does not display signal values during simulation when full path to block contains newline characters
Simulink 3015115 Incorrect Simulink identifiers (SIDs) for blocks in referenced subsystems
Simulink 3015788 Model Advisor check Check signal flow in model (Check ID: mathworks.maab.db_0141) gives false negative result
Simulink 3016727 Subsystem block does not show all code generation parameters
Simulink 3025842 Block icons of masked Sign blocks might render incorrectly
Simulink 3026622 Incorrect simulation results for Just-In-Time Accelerator mode when comparing overflow unsigned integers on Apple silicon systems
Simulink 3027566 When pulse generator sample time values are mismatched, these values are ignored in certain subsystems with periodic rates
Simulink 3039471 Code reuse subsystem inside Initialize Function block generates incorrect initialization code
Simulink 3040054 MATLAB checks out Simulink Check license when displaying edit-time errors and warnings
Simulink 3042374 Incorrect outport initialization code with startup variant blocks inside conditionally executed subsystems 
Simulink 3042951 One time step delay in value read from data store when Data Store Write block is inside subsystem configured to minimize algebraic loops
Simulink 3046321 Simulation results might be incorrect for model reference hierarchies when top model or parent model disables zero-crossing detection
Simulink 3049255 Copying Simulink.sdi.Signal objects in the Signal Analyzer causes sporadic crash
Simulink 3060385 Model simulation and generated code might produce different results for reinitialized triggered subsystem
Simulink 3060816 From Spreadsheet block errors when specified range does not contain any empty cells
Simulink 3061276 Mismatch between Normal simulation mode and Accelerator/Rapid Accelerator simulation mode results.
Simulink 3061344 Wrong port of Multiport Switch block might be selected in code generation execution on Apple silicon
Simulink 3061734 Mask parameter value changes from 'true' to 'on' on editing its mask definition from Mask Editor
Simulink 3065318 Generating reusable function code for atomic subsystem that contain message queues might produce wrong answers
Simulink 3065506 Custom DefinitionFile attribute is ignored for Simulink.VariantVariable with Simulink.Parameter as choice values.
Simulink 3074063 Simulink crashes when using a Model block with messages and not exposing message payload data type to top model
Simulink 3074965 The MaxStep model parameter cannot be tuned when the RapidAcceleratorUpToDateCheck option is set to off in RapidAccelerator mode simulations
Simulink 3077814 Incorrect data dictionary variable value used when running multiple simulations in fast restart
Simulink 3080763 Undefined behavior in conversion from floating-point type to integer type
Simulink 3081627 Simulink function called from Function Caller block in Initialize Function block or Terminate Function block might product incorrect output
Simulink 3083927 From Spreadsheet block parameter Extrapolation before first data point has no effect when Range parameter includes range with only header row
Simulink 3090954 Simulating Model blocks in accelerator mode might cause MATLAB to crash
Simulink 3092809 Signal Editor block signal properties do not save correctly if Active Signal parameter is changed before clicking Apply
Simulink 3094796 Simulating multiple referenced model instances in normal mode might show incorrect port value labels
Simulink 3099103 Simulink fails to report consistent results when Rate Limiter Dynamic block has continuous input signal
Simulink 3103027 Simulink models that use variable-size signals with model reference might produce a silent wrong answer
Simulink 3108261 Terminate Function block might give wrong answer in rapid accelerator mode
Simulink 3112096 MATLAB might crash during model update phase of model containing Math Reciprocal block with Algorithm Method set to Newton-Raphson
Simulink 3112426 Simulink Function block inside a Reset Function block or a Reinitialize Function block might execute twice
Simulink 3118667 Incorrect result when Function Caller blocks used in multiple different Reset Function blocks or Reinitialize Function blocks
Simulink 3128255 Binaries required for Tool-Coupling FMU export are missing in the installation package
Simulink 3139783 Simulink model containing a port-scoped Simulink Function block connected to a root Inport block might crash during simulation
Simulink Check 3005575 Custom folders in sl_customization.m file are not visible in the Library pane of Model Advisor Configuration Editor (MACE)
Simulink Check 3012792 Adding justification for the violations of the check mathworks.hism.hisl_0011 does not work as expected
Simulink Check 3019196 Set As Default button on Model Advisor Configuration Editor (MACE) throws errors for JSON configurations
Simulink Check 3060045 Model Testing and Model Design Dashboards show errors for files inside a MATLAB Compiler application bundle
Simulink Coder 2672110 Unexpected code generated for a model when AdvancedOptControl is set to "-SLCI" and Simulink Code Inspector is not installed
Simulink Coder 3010573 Unnecessary zero-crossing signal value type definition generated for referenced models
Simulink Coder 3029076 Incorrect number of output ports for SIL block generated from subsystem
Simulink Coder 3044895 Incorrect generated code might occur for S-Functions with constant expressions
Simulink Coder 3051537 A2L file generation might cause MATLAB to crash during runtime for model involving multiple instances to other reference models and Simulink bus objects
Simulink Coder 3061604 MATLAB might crash if a model is forced to close while external mode simulation is terminating
Simulink Coder 3064031 Incorrect fixed-point information is generated in C-API file for root-level outputs
Simulink Coder 3064963 Code generator does not produce an error for a Message Triggered Subsystem that uses a service interface
Simulink Coder 3066120 A2L file generation might cause MATLAB to crash during runtime for a model with a Prelookup block connected to a Bus Selector block
Simulink Coder 3076305 MATLAB might crash when using target.update
Simulink Coder 3080452 Quick Start might change solver without notification
Simulink Coder 3089935 Data transfer protections might not be used when multiple tasks write to the global variable for root outport blocks using union sample time
Simulink Coder 3094909 Unnecessary rebuild for models that contain variant blocks
Simulink Coder 3127276 Incorrect results might occur when a Signal Conversion block is used in between Bus Creator and Bus Selector blocks
Simulink Coder 3131485 Incorrect results might occur during Simulink Real-Time external simulations of models with parameter values that refer to an index greater than 1 in an array of structures
Simulink Compiler 3108729 FMU Export fails when run in a project with code folder set
Simulink Coverage 3028470 Error recording coverage for top model and subsystems that contain variants
Simulink Coverage 3071832 Error aggregating coverage for top model and subsystems at different model depths
Simulink Design Verifier 3020985 Enum definition with an element named unknown may cause MATLAB to crash or run test generation indefinitely
Simulink Desktop Real-Time 2992419 Computer restarts when configuring or loading Simulink Desktop Real-Time hardware driver
Simulink Fault Analyzer 3129312 Using Bus Selector and Bus Creator blocks in fault models can cause errors
Simulink PLC Coder 3028704 Incorrect time unit conversion for the Stateflow duration operator
Simulink PLC Coder 3040773 Incorrect data type conversion in generated code for Rockwell IDEs
Simulink PLC Coder 3071986 Incorrect 64-bit floating-point value representation in Rockwell Studio 5000 v33 and higher
Simulink PLC Coder 3135432 Missing call sites of Stateflow temporal functions
Simulink Test 2997845 Very slow importing of Simulink Test results containing temporal assessments
Simulink Test 3017902 Rebuilding test harness crashes MATLAB when harnessInfo.xml file is corrupted
Simulink Test 3033187 Simulation indices of logical and temporal assessment results in equivalence tests are reversed
Simulink Test 3074105 Running MIL vs. SIL equivalence tests in Test Manager with coverage collection enabled might crash MATLAB
Stateflow 3073831 Schedule events from C action language charts are not honored
Stateflow 3086843 Destination state is not executed properly when entered from an Entry Port connected to a supertransition
Stateflow 3108990 Stateflow charts containing a Simulink-based state that contains chart with an atomic box might crash during simulation
System Composer 2992692 Error generating web views for AUTOSAR architectures
System Composer 3052253 MATLAB might crash when cutting elements of an architecture model
System Composer 3063951 MATLAB crashes when loading architecture model with referenced architecture subsystem
System Composer 3111989 Function in a behavior model might not run when invoked from a server port during architecture model simulation
Text Analytics Toolbox 3000261 PDF text extraction drops rotated text
UAV Toolbox 3078656 ULOG files generated by PX4 v1.13.1 onwards cannot be parsed by ulogreader function.
Vehicle Dynamics Blockset 3082569 Combined longitudinal and lateral vehicle dynamics option produces incorrect results in Virtual Vehicle Composer with Model template set to Simscape
Vehicle Network Toolbox 3020179 Schema-based file headers written by the cdfx function are not compliant with the ASAM standard
Vision HDL Toolbox 3047713 Dilation and Grayscale Dilation blocks return incorrect control signals when using a kernel width of 10 pixels with pixel input of 8 pixels per clock cycle
Wireless Testbench 3098555 Wrong samples returned when capturing large amounts of data using multiple antennas
WLAN Toolbox 3008313 Incorrect 802.11be LDPC tone mapping distance for MRU size 52+26 is used in 802.11be waveform generation and reception

R2024a Prerelease

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Content updated: December 13, 2023