

Last seen: 2 months ago Active since 2018

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- CAE Engineer / Powtertrain Analysis. - Process & in-house built numerical tools developer for consumption and emissions optimization of powertrain. - I hold a master's degree in Electrical Engineering.

Programming Languages:
C, MATLAB, Visual Basic
Spoken Languages:
English, French, Arabic


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View progress of simulation (on simulink) when using sim command (on matlab)
Hello, Even if this comment is little late, but maybe this could help someone else with same question. I suggest to try the S...

1 year ago | 0

Search for files in directory
Just in case someone looks for the same problem : I needed to list only .mat files that contains a specific string (here my va...

4 years ago | 2

Deselect Cells on Excel Sheet
Hello Katerina, Try to select one cell then Excel will unselect all other cells, for instance select the very first cell of y...

6 years ago | 0

sampling rate in sawtooth
Hello Ahmad, You might want to try with this function : < resample>. ...

6 years ago | 0

i have a flow equation. how to create simulink model of this equation
Hello Bhargavkrishna Kondreddy, I think it is not complicated to design a Simulink model if you already have the equation. Th...

6 years ago | 0

| accepted

Deleting pictures from Excel: Shapes.Item.Delete doesn't work
Hi AR, Check this < an...

6 years ago | 0

how to execute an .m file by clicking push button in an another gui file?
This <

6 years ago | 0