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how to execute an .m file by clicking push button in an another gui file?

7 views (last 30 days)
hi, i have created a gui file with a push button. i want to run another matlab file by clicking the push button in gui file. help me regarding this.
thank you.

Answers (2)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 12 May 2015
Just put the name of the second m-file in the callback function of your push button. If the file is a function, rather than a script, you can also pass it input arguments if you want to or need to.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 13 May 2015
Not sure what that means, but I've tried running a script in another script, in a simple function, and in the pushbutton callback of a program written with GUIDE, and in all cases simply putting this on it's own line
ran secondscript.m. I did not have to do

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Othmane ELMOUATAMID on 18 Jul 2018
This answer works well with me.


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