
Riccardo Scorretti

Lab. Ampère - UMR 5005 CNRS, France

Last seen: 8 days ago Active since 2020

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Programming Languages:
Spoken Languages:
English, French, Italian
Professional Interests:
Electromagnetics, Finite Element Analysis (FEA)


  • 3 Month Streak
  • Knowledgeable Level 4
  • First Answer
  • Thankful Level 2
  • First Submission
  • GitHub Submissions Level 1

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Why do I receive a message that MATLAB will expire in XX days?
Just a comment. On Linux systems, I followed the procedure described at the point 3 -- that is: Open MATLAB Select the drop-do...

2 months ago | 0

Problem with Simulink/coder to use LCD 1602 display
Actually I solved myself the problem. In case it may be useful to someone: problem: the file LiquidCrystal_I2C.h was included f...

9 months ago | 0

| accepted


Problem with Simulink/coder to use LCD 1602 display
Hi there, I'm trying to write a Simulink block to use with Arduino an LCD 1602 driven through the I2C port. What I would like ...

9 months ago | 1 answer | 1




How to set programmatically the stepping mode of a stepper motor driver in Simscape?
I'm running a Simscape model stepper_motor.slx inspired by the demo "Stepper Motor with Control" (file ee_motor_stepper.slx). Th...

1 year ago | 1 answer | 0



Can't type tilde ~In MATLAB 2023a
Dear Martin, I have a similar problem with the key ^. By all evidence Antonio is right: the problem is with the uncorrect hand...

1 year ago | 2

how to plot graph for specific points
Assuming that variables a, b, ... j make sense, you can do more or less like this: x = [1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9]; y = [a b c d e f g h...

2 years ago | 0

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how to differentiate this function
Assuming that you want to differentiate ph and a with respect of r, you have several options (and the best option depends on wha...

2 years ago | 0

contour level appointing problem
Hi Asliddin, the problem is that in your own data sometimes the value for which you wish to plot the isovalue does not exist. S...

2 years ago | 0

if else statement with strings
That's being said, your problem is (most probably) that you wish to ask the user to enter a string: filter_option = input(msgou...

2 years ago | 0

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functions not working for a matrix created in for loop.
It gives that error the second time you run the code; the very first time it works nice. The problem is that in the last line: ...

2 years ago | 1

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How do I make my fprintf columns output neatly?
Hi. I think it is better to work with fixed length fields rather than tabulations (which have the problem of being system-depend...

2 years ago | 1

Colormap limits between 0 and 1
I think you have to rescale the plotted quantity. That is: val = mean(abs(Ex).^2 + abs(Ey).^2, 3); val = val / max(val(:)); p...

2 years ago | 0

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How to distribute random number of users within the different circles
That's ok? % Coordinates (x0,y0), radius (rad) and number of users (nbu) for each circle x0 = [100 450 500 650 900 900 800]...

2 years ago | 0

Table define colums in more columns
Perhaps you need something like this? load Test_Table.mat tab = table('Size', [numel(Test_Table) 3], ... 'VariableNames',...

2 years ago | 1

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Why these two similar operations (a sparse matrix w/o transpose times a vector) take different time to finish?
Interesting. I tried to see what happens with matrix of different sizes: n = round(logspace(1, 6, 30)); t = []; figure for k...

2 years ago | 0

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Diagonal sums with non-zero elements
Hi Ingrid, I guess you mean you want to compute te sum of the diagonals of the permuted matrices containing all non-zero elemen...

2 years ago | 1

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How to correct the error in code?
Hi Susan, there is a macroscopic error in your code: F1=@(A)(-H(x,:).*log(1+A(x,:))+a1(k).*(G(x,:)-A(x,:))); You defined an...

2 years ago | 2

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Error while using a function instead of a .csv file
n = 5:40; % these are the limits of the function n runs from 5 to 40: you are bound to have problems when trying to evaluat...

2 years ago | 0

Coding a "Are you sure you want to exit?" prompt when exiting app GUI
You could modify the code of callback ExitPressed more or less in this way: answer = questdlg('Are you sure you want to exit?',...

2 years ago | 0

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Eig Argument Command Error
Hi. The problem is not with the size of K and M; the problem is that in your code K and M are symblic variables. Juste convert t...

2 years ago | 0

i m trying interpret this simple matrix code..
rand('seed',345); B = randi([-150,300], 10, 7); [y,in] = sort(B(:,3)); You are sorting a column vector (= the 3rd column of B...

2 years ago | 1

for loop to evaluate every minute
% Setup variables data = [ 20 1 20 1 0 0 375 0 200 0 20 1 50 0 150 0 ...

2 years ago | 0

Calculate the required area
Let's start by checking the function g = profile of your building: g = @(x, y) 1./((2+1.1.*x.^2+1.1.*y.^2).^(1/2)); a=0.0; b=...

2 years ago | 2

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Can a for statment contain a matrix
The problem is formulated in a somehow unclear way. However, assume that we have a 200x1 matrix: % Generate some random data, f...

2 years ago | 0

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several minimum values on a vector
I'm not sure to understand completely the question, hower you can use find to get all the values which are strictly equal to the...

2 years ago | 0

How to integrate given the two data columns
Most probably like this: CHARGE = sum(CURRENT(1:end-1) .* diff(tz));

2 years ago | 0

Reversing a part of matrix
Another way (more efficient, I think) is to do a swp by hand: M=[10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100]; t = randsample(10, 2) % I ...

2 years ago | 0

Reversing a part of matrix
A possible way is to pass through an vector of index (= ind in the code hereafter): M=[10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100]; t = ra...

2 years ago | 0

How to resize UI table to fill window?
Hi Logan, setting Units to normalized is not enough: you have to modify also the property Position: LastName = {'Sanchez';'Jo...

2 years ago | 0

I would like my code to allow the user to plot as many circles as they want until the user right clicks, if the circle plotted intersects any other circle it must change color
Hi. Here is a possible implementation of what you want. Basically, the set of circles are stored in arrays setOf_xc, setOf_yc an...

2 years ago | 1

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