Shashank Gupta
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vpasolve/solve not returning all answers
Hi Daniel, I see the equation contain exponential terms. There is no way to ask for more than one solution when the input to vp...
4 years ago | 0
To Apply 2D sliding window on data to calculate doppler parameter rapidly
Hi Amjad, There are many things, I don't understand in the code. First line defining the variable "img" seems odd because the w...
4 years ago | 0
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Using Contrast Limited Adaptive Histograph Equalization for data augmentation
Hi, I see you want to use CLAHE as one of the data augmentation technique, you can simply add the adapthisteq function in the a...
4 years ago | 0
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Hello everyone. I would like to ask that how to use for loop statement to import. Mat file.Thanks a lot.
Hi Wesley, You can use dir function to list down all mat files and then use load function to load the mat file in workspace. Be...
4 years ago | 0
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How to get prediction scores from exported Classification model
Hi, The ability to export figures from the Classification Learner App is not available in the Statistics and Machine Learning T...
4 years ago | 0
The results of my training in Matlab and artificial intelligence are far from each other. What should I do?
Hi Mert, The function newff is obsoleted. In order to create a feedforward network, you can use some other function like feedfo...
4 years ago | 0
how is YMSE calculated
Hi, forecast function explicitly does not return the error matrix, The function forecasts the output of an identified time seri...
4 years ago | 1
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MATLAB supported LIDAR devices
Hi Mark, As far as hardware is concerned MATLAB only support Velodyne lidar sensors and this link shows the supported sensor un...
4 years ago | 0
Can the classifcation learner app and regression apps be used with sequential data?
Hi Christopher, Classification and regression learner APP does not take cell array as input, thus its not trivial to do a class...
4 years ago | 0
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how to classify the leukocytes(WBC) using CNN
Hi Keerthi, As far as I understood, you want to use CNN to classify the different WBCs, How about you start with this example l...
4 years ago | 0
output of neural network changes
Hi, It won't be necessarily identical, since you are dealing with LSTM network which means the testing data is sequencial in na...
4 years ago | 0
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Why is there only one p-Value for the friedman test although it's a two way design
Hi Jonas, Friedman test in MATLAB as you pointed out give only one p-value which is associated with the column effect. Friedman...
4 years ago | 1
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Model from data and optimization
Hi Juan, Seems like a prediction model, you can use any neural network framework that fits your data appropriately and used th...
4 years ago | 0
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Fzero: Index exceeds array elements (1)
Hi Agra, Looking at the setup of the problem, it seems like you are trying to find out the value of 2 variable. I think fzero f...
4 years ago | 0
Pearson correlation coefficient between 2 images
Hi Ankur, Simplest way to understand/execute the PCC is to check up the source code of the inbuild function "corrcoef" or if yo...
4 years ago | 0
eqn = sym() not working
Hi Aric, As the error message says, the function "sym" does not support a character array or a string, if you want to convert s...
4 years ago | 0
I want highest possible accuracy in my Training network
Hi, I haven't tried training your data, but I can give you suggestion on how to improve the accuracy, It generally takes time t...
4 years ago | 0
Array indices must be positive integers or logical values in facial detection
Hi Evan, I think you got confused in defining a facedetector. Check out the following code, this might help you. faceDetector ...
4 years ago | 0
Adding Dropout to narxnet
Hi Andriy, There are some workaround to add a dropout in narxnet, you can add the dropout by defining a custom transfer functio...
4 years ago | 0
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Auido fingerprinting like Shazam
Hi, As of now MATLAB doesn't have an explicit function or example to showcase audio fingerprinting. With a quick search I found...
4 years ago | 0
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Using fmincon and multistart to fit parameters of an ODE
Hi Alistair, Have you tried some other global optimisation techniques such as GlobalSearch or Genetic algorithm, Check out this...
4 years ago | 0
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solving for parameters which make f(x1,y1,z1)=f(x2,y2,z2)=f(x3,y3,z3)...etc, given equation f(x,y,z) is known and x,y,z are experimental values.
Hi Sean, I think the best way to approach this problem is to convert them into a matrix form and depending upon the linearity o...
4 years ago | 1
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How to Decompose Time Series Data into Trend and Seasonality?
Hi Carolina, MATLAB as of now does not have an explicite function for decomposition of time series data. But there are workarou...
4 years ago | 0
Neuron Network Training - lstm network - record sounds by microphone
Hi Raz, It looks like an underfitting problem. By the first look of your results, it seems the model is not able to train the d...
4 years ago | 0
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Machine learning methods to segment cells
Hi, There are many good segmentation algorithm available which you can try. Its hard to point out one. Check out this file exch...
4 years ago | 0
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Spam Word Analysis in text
Hi Arthur, Kmeans is also a good option. But I believe Naive Bayes filter will work better. Check out this function. You can al...
4 years ago | 0
How to use a .wav file to extract features of speech?
Hi Abraham, Check out extract or mfcc function in MATLAB. It should help you extract important feature for your audio file. I ...
4 years ago | 0
How to get NaN when txt file is not exist
Hey Benjamin, Check out textscan function, it is useful in the same scenerio as you are interested in. This will help you fill ...
4 years ago | 0
How to find center (i.e., x and y) of the interference fringes?
Hi, The image which you shared looks like some kind of shock wave. From the first look of the image, I think hard thresholding ...
4 years ago | 0
Training feedforward neural network
Hi Jente, By my first glance of the code, I can see input is concatenation of transpose of trainSet1 and trainSet2 but output i...
4 years ago | 0