
Andrea Picciau

Last seen: 2 months ago Active since 2017

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how to install supported CUDA Toolkit 10.2 on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Linux
This page from the documentation might help! Requires at least MATLAB R2023b.

1 year ago | 0

CUDA for M1 MacBook Pro
Hi Fatemah, You might be interested in this blog article of ours: Exploring the MATLAB beta for Native Apple Silicon. This talk...

2 years ago | 1

how to install supported CUDA Toolkit 10.2 on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Linux
Hi Michal, Parallel Computing Toolbox (and GPU coder from what I know) comes with its own version of the toolkit, so you should...

4 years ago | 1

gpuDevice suddenly stopped working
Hello there! I would check the following: Make sure that the environment variable CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES is not set. You can do ...

4 years ago | 0

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Large discrepency between CPU and GPU with fftn and ifftn?
Hi Nathan, The results differ for two related reasons: GPUs and CPUs have quite different architectures, the CPU and GPU algo...

5 years ago | 1

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Why is MATLAB gpuArray sparse matrix multiplication so fast despite using double precision?
Hello there! The correct way to time GPU operations is by using gputimeit. mvm_time = gputimeit(@() gpu_matrix*gpu_input, 1); ...

5 years ago | 2

Alternatives to accumarray for faster calculations?
Hi Nathan, Accumulation operations require synchronisation and are never going to squeeze the best performance out of your GPU....

5 years ago | 3

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How to run program on GPU
Hi Sania, If you're training your network, you need to set 'ExecutionEnvironment' to 'gpu' or 'multi-gpu' in trainingOptions. ...

5 years ago | 0

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GeForce GTX 1080 TI "GPU acceleration using the Parallel Computing Toolbox"
Hi Khaled, It's going to be difficult for anyone to help without a crash dump. The best thing to do is to click on the button a...

5 years ago | 1

Why is the gpuArray version of my code slower?
Hi Ariel, There are three problems with your script. Your code is doing a lot of for loops and indexing of gpuArray data, whic...

5 years ago | 1

GPU utilization and parallel computation With Matlab for heavy computation
I'll try to answer your questions in order... Yes! Isn't that great? Yes, because there are two problems with your code: (a) y...

5 years ago | 0

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Out of memory issue on evaluating CNNs
The problem is that your GPU's 6GB memory is not enough to execute the semantic segmentation with the default settings. Reducing...

5 years ago | 4

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Setting up desktop computer for remote computing
To do that, you'll need to have a MATLAB Parallel Server license. If you have it, you can install the MATLAB Job Scheduler on yo...

5 years ago | 0

PARFOR Transparency violation error
The problem occurs in this line: syms tt Although the syms function is very handy for hacking symbolic math on your client mac...

5 years ago | 6

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Running Code on GPU Seems much Slower than Doing so on CPU
You don't need to disable JIT acceleration. Rather, you need to measure using timeit and gputimeit like so: % CPU data a = one...

6 years ago | 1

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