7,682 results

Run-length- decodes or encodes any ML datatype.

This exciting tool with a small footprint run-length- decodes and encodes any MATLAB data type including- numbers- strings- cells with any contentsin almost no timelook at the accompanying published


Version 3.1.2

by Jos (10584)

linear indices for each run in a vector (run length encoding, and decoding)

] = rundindex(V) also returns a run length encoding of V in the N-by-3 array RLE. Each row is a run, with the value in the first column, the start index in the second column, and the run length

RLE Run Length Encoding and Irle Inverse Run Length Encoding

rle:Run Length Encoding, use it to compress a vector of values.irle:Inverse Run Length Encoding, use it to reconstruct a vector of values.Readme:Help, how you can use this code.

Run Length Encoding - Loss less Coding Technique

% rleenc - Run Length Encoding Algorithm% rleenc - function performs run length encoding for binary input sequence.% ins - input sequence% enc - encoded output%% For example, x=randint(1,10,[0

This file encode input matrix using RLE

This file is use for data compression on run time for this purpose it use run length encoding and here operation is perform bit by bit

These two m files are for RLE encoding and decoding.

Simple m files, one for Run Length Encoding and the other for Run Length Drcoding.

SPIHT Run length encoded

This zip contains a simple paper of SPIHT generated streams run length encoded ... later i'll be posting the MATLAB source code also and also SPIHT with Arithmetic codingRavi Lakkundi

It will decode run length encoded data

This file is use for decoding of run length encoded data by function i give previously that is run_length

Encodes data run lengths for specified sequence in manner similar to RLE

RLE encodes the runlengths of constant values in a vector. SEQLE takes an increment value as a second argument and encodes sequences which increment by that value.Decoder included.Design based on

Huffman, Extended Huffman, Arithmetic, LZ78, Run Length Encoding, Run Length Decoding, DCT

Compression of Motion Capture Data (ASF/AMC format) using Discrete Wavelet Transform

This GUI based code performs the lossy coding of motion capture data stored as ASF/AMC file format. 1) Read the file "0-Readme-Help How to Use the System.pdf"2) Run the script



by Jan

RunLength coding as fast MEX and M-code

RUNLENGTH - Run-length codingRun-length encoding splits a vector into one vector, which contains theelements without neighboring repetitions, and a second vector, whichcontains the number of

Bit plane encoding of an image uses run length coding algorithm to get the number of runs of zeros and ones in each plane.

format is stored in a structure for all eight plane with first column representing the number of ones or zeros and the second column representing the bit one / zero. Also run length coding can be done

2D RLE Image

Version 1.0.1

by hilal nuha

This is a code for my paper Lossless Text Image Compression using Two Dimensional Run Length Encoding

Lossless Text Image Compression using Two Dimensional Run Length EncodingPlease cite the followingNuha, Hilal H. "Lossless Text Image Compression using Two Dimensional Run Length Encoding." Jurnal

A simple m-file which (de)compresses your data using RLE.

A simple (de)compression program using Run Length Encoding.Compression is done that easy:compressedData = rle(originalData);Decompression:originalData = rle(compressedData);

Build, Simulate, and Run Quantum Algorithms

MATLAB Support Package for Quantum Computing lets you build, simulate, and run quantum algorithms. The support package enables you to prototype algorithms to accelerate solving problems such as

Run models on Arduino boards.

unaffected.Log4j CVE-2021-44228 Vulnerability : Affected releases - R2019b and OnwardsGetting StartedRun Models Interactively on Arduino and Raspberry PiSimulink IO on ArduinoDeploy Algorithms to Arduino Using

Lets the user hide a text string into the lowest bits of image pixels so that it is unnoticeable.

This demo lets the user type in a text message, choose an image to hide the message in (from the list of demo images shipped with MATLAB), and choose the bit plane to encode the message in. It

rle is performed on a binay stream of data

Run models on Raspberry Pi.

Simulink® Support Package for Raspberry Pi™ Hardware enables you to create and run Simulink models on Raspberry Pi hardware.The support package includes: ● Library of Simulink blocks for configuring

Implements runLength coding for image processing

This version supports encoding and decoding binary images and also large binary signals. ----------------------------------------------- Change log v4----------------------------------------------- o

The toolbox provide useful functions for extract high order run length features

This toolbox provides several state of the art high order run length matrix statistics for image analysis. Currently supported features are:1. 0,45,90,135 direction run-length matrix2. Fully

A toolbox to encode/decode JSON/UBJSON/MessagePack files in MATLAB/Octave

jsonencode/jsondecode using the BuiltinJSON optionautomatically switch from struct to containers.Map when encoded key-length exceeds 63provide fall-back zlib/gzip compression/decompression function (octavezmat) on Octave



Matlab utilities to encode/decode Base64 string and GZIP bytes.

Matlab encoding utilities=========================Matlab utilities to encode/decode a byte sequence. The package supports thefollowing features. * Base64 encode * ZLIB compression * GZIP compression

returns binary data from run length encoded array

returns binary data from run length encoded arrayworks with run length encoding.



by Jos (10584)

concatenate vectors with different lengths by padding with NaN

PADCAT - concatenate vectors with different lengths by padding with NaN M = PADCAT(V1, V2, V3, ..., VN) concatenates the vectors V1 through VN into one large matrix. All vectors should have

a shannonfano encoder with a row matrix input of occurrences/probab and outputs codewords&avelength

its credibility, play sf encoder (need to change the location of ff7.txt)sfencoderkasan is a function file for shannon-fano encoderits input is a row matrix of occurrences or probabilitiesits outputs

RUNS = CONTIGUOUS(A,NUM) returns the start and stop indices for contiguous runs of the elements NUM

vector NUM. These matrices have the following form: [startRun1 stopRun1] [startRun2 stopRun2] [ ... ... ] [startRunN stopRunN]Example: Find the runs of '0' and '2' in vector A



by Oleg Komarov

Find sequences of repeated (adjacent/consecutive) numeric values. NaNs and Infs are supported.

last value of the sequence- 4th col.: the length of the sequence[VALUES, INPOS, FIPOS, LEN] = findseq(...)Get OUT as separate outputs. For details see helpFor examples see the attached

A simple pair of functions to encode messages and decode them by means of frequency analysis.

time but,depending of the length of the text, highly likely to get the letters "T"and "E" correct. From here the user may spot an error in the decoding,such as "TQE" which is obviously "THE", and the

Encode a MATLAB (R) figure or file on disk as a string in Base64

Base64img takes a MATLAB figure and encodes it as a JPEG in a base64 string. This string can be used directly in a web page to display an image without an image file (in a subset of browsers only- 32

Little and simple Tool for DTMF Encoding/Decoding

This little and simple dtmf tool was created at university. It encode and decode an array of dtmf characters.MFV ist ein Programm, welches während einer Hochschulvorlesung entworfen wurde. Das

image encode/decode using DCT, quantization, zigzag reordering & run-level coding of JPEG standard

This is a JPEG encoding & decoding program of still image. It does not use level shifting. Discrete Cosine transform (DCT) is performed both by classical & Chen's Flowgraph methods



by Peter Burns

Read and write full Exif metadata from image files. A Matlab front end for ExifTool, by Phil Harvey.

Conventional Encoder


by paritosh

Matlab code that encodes given input using convolution encoding

Use this to convolutionally encode bit sequences of any length. It takes the bit sequence and constraint length as input. It returns the encoded sequence and the generator polynomial used to encode

M-file that takes input bit sequence of any length and constraint length and gives the convolutional

Use this to convolutionally encode bit sequences of any length. It takes the bit sequence and constraint length as input. It returns the encoded sequence and the generator polynomial used to encode

Functions to encode and decode a QR bar-code in images

A wrapper to the zxing library (http://code.google.com/p/zxing/). This submission includes files to encode a QR code from a string message, and decode a string message from an image containing an

Shannon's Binary Encoding Using MATLAB

A MATLAB code that encodes the given set of probabilities into Shannon's Binary Code and finds the entropy, efficiency, redundancy of the Encoding process.



by Daniel Ennis

Plots a 3D line with color encoding along the length.

This function plots a 3D line (x,y,z) encoded with scalar color data (c) using the specified colormap (default=jet). Thus, lines with variable color can be plotted (eg. temperature along a 3D line

Functions to change aspects of Quiver plots in Matlab. Color, length of vector, length of head and angle of the head can easily be changed.

I provide two functions.SetQuiverColor and SetQuiverLength.The function SetQuiverColor is heavily based on the answer by Suever found on Stackoverflow forum

Compute image statistics from the gray level run length matrix.

This matlab program computes several image statistics from a gray scale image using the gray level run length matrix, these are:1. SHORT RUN EMPHASIS (SRE)2. LONG RUN EMPHASIS(LRE)3. GRAY LEVEL

Convolutionally encode binary data considering initial value of shift registers

value of the shift register of the encoder shall be set to the values corresponding to the last 6 information bits in the input stream.It defines tail biting convolutional code with constraint length 7

rle application to image compression

Quadtree decomposition (Encoding) and Decoding of RGB Image of size M-by-N-by-3.

minimum value of the block elements is greater than its respective threshold then the RGB block is split into 4 blocks. For lossy encoding (individual) mean value R,G,B are assign to RGB block. Image is

Quadrature encoder route implemented with interrupts with WiringPi

This code is port of Giampy's encoder SFunction from Arduino using the WiringPi library.It has support for multiple encoders.Other device driver block, and the hardware it was run on is available at

QR Code encoder


by ejs

The QR Code encoder, based on Lior Shapira's work

This is the next incarnation of Lior Shapira's QR encoder, based on ZXing library.It supports error correction levels, character sets other than ISO-8859-1 and the parameters are passed on more

4B/5B Encoder line written in Matlab / Codificador de linea 4B/5B escrito en Matlab.

, unrestricted length encoding and presents the spectrum of the signal.No tiene restricciones en la longitud de la senal, y presenta el espectro.En telecomunicación, 4B5B es una forma de código de línea de

Arithmetic coding is a popular encoding technique in compression engines.

Incremental encoding and decoding techniques are implemented.

mp3 audio encoding/decoding

Simple and instructive implementation of symmetric-key encryption and decryption.

Tristan Ursell Encoder - dual level Jan 2017 Includes two functions -- an encoder and decoder which together form a private symmetric key encryption system, with message-length masking

This example shows how to create a conditional variational autoencoder (VAE) in MATLAB to generate digit images. 条件付き変分オートエンコーダによる手書き数字生成

difference from Variational Auto Encoder (VAE) is that conditional VAE can input the class label to generate, which enables to synthesize clearer images. A conditional GAN (Generative Adversarial Network) is

This is an implementation of Lempel Ziv encoding algorithm.

Convolutional Encoder


by J C

M-file for simulating a convolutional encoder

This m-file allows the user to input a source code to be encoded and also input the values of the generator polynomials. It outputs the encoded data bits, where 1/n is the code rate.

Implementation of the Motion-Encoded Particle Swarm Optimization (MPSO) algorithm for the optimal search of a lost target using UAVs

This is the source code for the algorithm Motion-Encoded Particle Swarm Optimization (MPSO). The current implementation is for the optimal search of a lost target with the focus on Unmanned Aerial

Day Length


by Travis Wiens

Calculates the length of daylight for any day and latitude

Calculates the length of daylight for any day of the year and latitude. This uses Herbert Glarner's formulae which do not take into account refraction, twilight, size of the sun, etc

This baseline uses an encoding scheme based on the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT).

Transform (DCT) to blocks of pixels, thus removing redundant image data.5. Quantize each block of DCT coefficients using weighting functions optimized for the human eye.6. Encode the resulting coefficients

MATLAB class and Simulink blocks for communicating with an Arduino board

0a.encoderStatus; % get status of all three encodersa.encoderDebounce(0,12) % sets debounce delay to 12 (~1.2ms)a.encoderDetach(0); % detach encoder #0%-- adafruit motor shield (with AFMotor library)a.motorRun

Functions that simulate data encoding (digital baseband modulation).

Functions that simulate data encoding (digital baseband modulation).For more information, visit: http://www.matpic.com

Plots a 3D line with color encoding along the length using the patch function.

This function plots a 3D line (x,y,z) encoded with scalar color data (c). This function is an improvement over the CLINE function previously made available on TMW File Exchange. Rather than using

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