Problem 58513. Google Drive: MATLAB mat file download

Matlab 'mat' files are notoriously hard to email and download as they are binary files.
To make a 'mat' file downloadable from Google Drive requires a trick.
Copy the 'mat' file and change its extension to 'PDF'. Place this 'PDF' on the Google Drive.
To download this file into 'mat' form use urlwrite with a Google Drive url, which will need to be fixed, and a destination fname ending in '.mat'
This Challenge is to download a file given a GoogleDrive link and a fname, ending in '.mat', to the local directory.
The file for this URL ends in 'PDF' on a GoogleDrive.
Verification will be done by loading the fname and verifying the size. This file is the ICFP2023 Orchestra Problem set compressed 90% as a mat file.

Solution Stats

61.54% Correct | 38.46% Incorrect
Last Solution submitted on May 18, 2024

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