How do I insert the comma marker for thousands into large numbers while printing to file or Command Line in MATLAB 7.7 (R2008b)?
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MathWorks Support Team
on 18 Jan 2010
Commented: Stephen23
on 14 Nov 2023
I would like my numbers to appear with comma markers for thousands. For instance, I would like to display the number 1200387 as 1,200,387
Accepted Answer
MathWorks Support Team
on 28 May 2021
Edited: MathWorks Support Team
on 28 May 2021
To add comma separators between groups of three numbers to indicate the thousands place of a large number, save the following code to a file called "ThousandSep.m":
function out = ThousandSep(in)
%THOUSANDSEP adds thousands Separators to a 1x1 array.
% Example:
% ThousandSep(1234567)
import java.text.*
v = DecimalFormat;
out = char(v.format(in));
Then you can use the ThousandSep function (as defined above), to obtain a string with comma separated digits using the following line of code:
The resulting answer is:
ans =
More Answers (1)
Toshiaki Takeuchi
on 14 Nov 2023
Using pattern
vec = 123456789;
txt = string(vec);
pat1 = lookBehindBoundary(digitsPattern); % (?<=\d)
pat2 = asManyOfPattern(digitsPattern(3),1); % (\d{3})+
pat3 = lookAheadBoundary(pat2+lineBoundary("end")); % (?=(\d{3})+$)
pat4 = pat1+pat3; % (?<=\d)(?=(\d{3})+$)
1 Comment
on 14 Nov 2023
vec = 1234.56789;
txt = string(vec);
pat1 = lookBehindBoundary(digitsPattern); % (?<=\d)
pat2 = asManyOfPattern(digitsPattern(3),1); % (\d{3})+
pat3 = lookAheadBoundary(pat2+lineBoundary("end")); % (?=(\d{3})+$)
pat4 = pat1+pat3; % (?<=\d)(?=(\d{3})+$)
See Also
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