How to resolve this issue in Cluster "Error using cluster Too many input arguments. Error in try_Clust (line 7) T = cluster(Z,'MaxClust',3);

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I am getting error on my Mac Book OSx version
I just ran the live script ClusterDataUsingDistanceCriterionExample.mlx
I am pasting the code in short below (Its part of live script):
clear; clc;
load fisheriris
Z = linkage(meas,'average','chebychev');
T = cluster(Z,'MaxClust',3);
cutoff = median([Z(end-2,3) Z(end-1,3)]);
The error is as posted below:
Error using cluster
Too many input arguments.
Error in try_Clust (line 7)
T = cluster(Z,'MaxClust',3);
Details of the Matlab version being installed is here. For better assimilation I tried the same code on the online version. Error is the same.
Thanks in advance.
MATLAB Version: (R2020b) Update 2
MATLAB License Number: 40841973
Operating System: macOS Version: 11.5 Build: 20G71
Java Version: Java 1.8.0_202-b08 with Oracle Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM mixed mode
which cluster -all
/Users/makamkirankumar/Desktop/EMG_Analysis/emglab1.03/m files/cluster.m
/Applications/ % phytree method
/Applications/ % gmdistribution method
/Applications/ % Shadowed

Accepted Answer

Ananya Tewari
Ananya Tewari on 13 Aug 2021
I tried executing the said example at my end in MATLAB R2020b and it executed successfully without giving any errors. I suspect there is another function named "cluster" which is shadowing the MATLAB function "cluster". This is evident in the output of your "which cluster -all" command.
The cluster function which is being executed is :
/Users/makamkirankumar/Desktop/EMG_Analysis/emglab1.03/m files/cluster.m
Rather than the MATLAB defined function:
/Applications/ % Shadowed
It is recommended not to use the same function names as MATLAB defined functions. You can try renaming the user-defined "cluster" function to resolve the issue.

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