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out of memory error for large data

1 view (last 30 days)
Georges Murr
Georges Murr on 19 Apr 2021
Answered: per isakson on 7 May 2021
I am working with a 50000*2048 matrix, but I want to do the simulation only once and save the data in a h5 file, unfortunately I am having memory problems and I can't save or load the data from the h5 file. Is there any solution to store large data ?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 19 Apr 2021
Okay, so double the storage for complex, still gets you 1.7 gigabytes at most. That would not be a problem unless you have quite a small memory (such as 4 gigabytes)
Georges Murr
Georges Murr on 19 Apr 2021
I will try to solve it thank you

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Answers (1)

per isakson
per isakson on 7 May 2021


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