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Are there any other methods to pass value into a predefined function of matlab . (Fmincon problem- passing extra parameters)

4 views (last 30 days)
I am trying out an optimization problem which involves usage of fmincon.
I am using the command in following way ------> [optival,fval] = fmincon(@objfun,x0,A,b,Aeq,Beq,Lb,Ub,@confun)
My question is how to pass additional parameter into confun()
As per matlab syntax for confun() we can only pass one parameter inside it , which is z. But for my problem I need values of L, Lb, Ub to be passed into confun() for my problem to work. Is there any other way I can pass the values inside the confun()
This is how my confun() looks but it can only take Z . Z has decesion variables like a,b so it cannot store other values like Lb , Ub & L . Besides Lb & Ub are passed in fmincon and cannot be used as a parameter for Z.
function [c,ceq] = confun(z)
% z = [a,b]
% assign local variable name for readability
a = z(1);
b = z(2);
% we needto enter L
xe = xa + L*30;
ye = ya + L*20;
% constraints c <= 0
% lower and upper bounds on xa an xb {20<xa<50 ; 30<xb<70} [Thus ub and lb also needs to be added in this function]
c(1) = lb(1) - xa;
c(2) = xa - ub(1);
c(3) = lb(2) - xb;
c(4) = xb - ub(2);
% constraints ceq = 0, you don't have any equality constraints, but
ceq = [];
Can the values L, Lb, Ub be passed into it by means of some other function inside it?? Is there any way to approach this??

Accepted Answer

Jan on 18 Dec 2020
Edited: Jan on 18 Dec 2020
function [c,ceq] = confun(z,L,Lb,Ub)
Now create an anonymous function to provide the parameters:
L = ...
Lb = ...
Ub = ...
myCofun = @(z) confun(z,L,Lb,Ub);
fmincon(@objfun,x0,A,b,Aeq,Beq,Lb,Ub, myCofun)
Now fmincon calls the cofun with the single argument z and the other arguments are taken from the definition of the anonymous function.
An alternative but less stable approach is storing the parameters in a persisent variable:
function [c,ceq] = confun(z, inL, inLb, inUb)
persistent L Lb inUb
if nargin > 1
L = inL;
Lb = inLb;
Ub = inUb;
... your code
Then you define the values and call confun with 4 inputs, while the first is a dummy. The values of the paramters are stored persistently in the function and you can run fmincon with the standard call.
This has the drawback, that any clear command removes the values and you have to care to set the variables reliably before running the optimization. I prefer the anonymous function.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 27 Dec 2020
However you can define multiple outputs, and after you have the best x, call the objective function again with the best x and record the additional results
Ron Herman
Ron Herman on 28 Dec 2020
Thank you sir....
Can you give a small example if possible to visualise this better.....??? I dint exactly get the above point

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