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mapSolution broken in R2019b?

1 view (last 30 days)
Matt J
Matt J on 15 Aug 2020
Commented: Matt J on 1 Sep 2020
In R2019a, the following code works as intended,
%% Define the variables
y=optimvar('y',1,3,'LowerBound',[0 0 0],'UpperBound',[+300,+400,+500]);
%% Define some constraints
resulting in the output,
idx =
struct with fields:
x: [1 2]
y: [1 2 3]
Something must have been changed in R2019b/R2020a, however, because I instead get an error:
Not enough input arguments.
Error in optim.internal.problemdef.ProblemImpl/mapSolution
Error in test (line 12)
Were there any intentional changes in the behavior of the mapSolution function, and if so how do I get the code above to work in current Matlab?
Matt J
Matt J on 16 Aug 2020
There is a qualifying Note there, however, showing that certain subsets of the input argument list are allowable... Why would the two-input combination no longer be allowable based on what's written there, and considering also that it clearly did work in R2019a?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 16 Aug 2020
Darn, it is a .p file so we can't read it.

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Accepted Answer

Paul Kerr-Delworth
Paul Kerr-Delworth on 28 Aug 2020
Hi Matt and Walter,
Firstly Matt, many apologies that you've run into this unintended behavior. Also, many thanks to you both for looking into this and flagging it up.
What has happened here? The short answer is that mapSolution was made an internal function in R2019a and replaced with varindex. Once we made mapSolution internal, we repurposed it in R2019b leading to the internal error you encountered. We will tidy up the error and add a note in the documentation pointing you to varindex
Matt's original code works with varindex
%% Define the variables
y=optimvar('y',1,3,'LowerBound',[0 0 0],'UpperBound',[+300,+400,+500]);
%% Define some constraints
idx = varindex(prob);
Resulting in the output
idx =
struct with fields:
x: [1 2]
y: [3 4 5]
Also, varindex allows you to get the variable index by name, e.g.
idx = varindex(prob, 'y')
Resulting a double as the output
idx =
3 4 5
Matt, may I ask if you were aware of varindex? Also, is there anything in mapSolution that you are relying on that varindex doesn't provide?
Thanks again for flagging this and hope varindex helps!
Documentation for varindex:
Paul Kerr-Delworth
Paul Kerr-Delworth on 1 Sep 2020
Edited: Paul Kerr-Delworth on 1 Sep 2020
Hi Matt,
Many thanks for the clarification, that's really helpful for us.
For a backwards compatible solution that can work, you can add your own version of varindex to the path as a separate function
function solstruct = varindex(prob)
if ~isa(prob, 'optim.problemdef.OptimizationProblem')
error('First input to VARINDEX must be an OptimizationProblem');
if verLessThan('matlab', '9.6')
error('This function is intended for R2017b - R2018b. Make this a separate function on the path.')
N = sum(structfun(@numel, prob.Variables));
solstruct = mapSolution(prob, 1:N);
Now for R2017b-R2018b, this function will be called as varindex doesn't exist. From 19a onwards the shipping OptimizationProblem method will be called as it is higher in the precedence order than your varindex.
Would you be happy to move to varindex with this solution?
Matt J
Matt J on 1 Sep 2020
Thanks,Paul. That looks great. And yes, varindex is what I would use.

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More Answers (1)

Matt J
Matt J on 17 Aug 2020
Edited: Matt J on 25 Aug 2020
This seems to be a simple work-around,
but I can't help wondering if it's really supposed to be required. It is very uncharacteristic of TMW-supplied commands to require trailing [] input arguments.
  1 Comment
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 25 Aug 2020
Internal code does not do detailed argument checking for performance reasons.

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