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Why MATLAB on Macbook Pro behaves weird while working with BLE devices?

1 view (last 30 days)
So I am trying to work with BLE devices on MATLAB. It sometimes says "Bluetooth Low Energy is not supported on this computer or Bluetooth is not turned
on." (which is clearly not true) and it sometimes works. Plus, if I try to reset the BT module on Macbook, MATLAB crashes. This doesn't happen on the Windows machine.
What's wrong?
Swapnil Sayan Saha
Swapnil Sayan Saha on 18 Nov 2019
Tried the alternative advice. Doesn't help. I have to run the command "blelist" like 10-12 times before the error message goes away and I am shown a table of available ble devices.

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Answers (1)

Kaashyap Pappu
Kaashyap Pappu on 27 Nov 2019
I have heard that these issues are known, and the concerned parties may be investigating further.


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