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Dicom open from multiple folders

4 views (last 30 days)
ash fairy
ash fairy on 28 Jul 2019
Commented: Walter Roberson on 28 Jul 2019
can u help me with a code to open a folder with a subject name and its n number of subfolders to search for DICOM images? after it finds first subjects dicom file, then it has to go back to the next subject name and go to the subfolders and get dicominfo and go to all the subject list
this below code is'int workig
%%Define a starting folder.
rootdir = '\C:\Users\user\Desktop\dicom';
filelist = dir(fullfile(rootdir)); %get list of files and folders in any subfolder
%filelist = dir(fullfile(rootdir, '**\*.*'));
filelist = filelist(~[filelist.isdir]); %remove folders from list
ash fairy
ash fairy on 28 Jul 2019
this will read the dicom info and get me all files of dicom
% reading the dicom
info = dicominfo(filenames);
dicom = dicomread(filenames);
% % Get all of the files
files = dir(fullfile(file, '*'));
filenames1 = cellfun(@(x)fullfile(file, x), {}, 'uni', 0);
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 28 Jul 2019
No. dicominfo() can only produce information for one file at a time.
info_cell = cellfun(@dicominfo, filenames, 'uniform', 0);
data_cell = cellfun(@dicomread, filenames, 'uniform', 0);
I do not assume here that all of the images are the same size. If they are, then you can
data_array = cat(ndims(data_cell{1})+1, data_cell{:});

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