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Why do I get the error "Failed to add docroot into connector static content" on startup and "Page not found." errors in the help browser for my custom toolbox documentation?

11 views (last 30 days)
When I start MATLAB I see an error in the Command Window that says
Failed to add docroot into connector static content
Further, MATLAB startup is rather slow and, when viewing my custom toolbox documentation, I get "Page not found." errors instead of seeing my content. Removing my documentation from the MATLAB search path (i.e. the folder containing my info.xml file) and re-adding it to the search path seems to resolve the "Page not found" issue (i.e. rmpath('\path\to\my\doc'); addpath('\path\to\my\doc'); ).

Accepted Answer

MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team on 25 Apr 2019
The "Failed to add docroot into connector static content" is likely caused by antivirus and/or firewall software that is interfering with MATLAB at startup. This can prevent MATLAB from initializing your custom documentation correctly, causing the "Page not found." errors.
Please try disabling your antivirus and/or firewall software temporarily to see if that resolves the issue. If so, you can white-list MATLAB in your antivirus and/or firewall software to avoid this issue in the future.
Note that the "Page not found." error can also occur if the path you provided in a hyperlink in the XML source code for your documentation was misspelled or points to a file that does not exist.

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