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i have a binary image with gird i want to select each segments in a grid

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Help me to extract or select a region in a grid because i want to find foreground pixels in each grid in the attached image.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 20 Feb 2017
What are the rows and columns of your grid lines? You know how to compute the center of mass - it's just the mean of the rows and columns in the grid.
thisGridTile = binaryImage(row1:row2, column1:column2);
[y, x] = find(thisGridTile);
centroidx = mean(x);
centroidy = mean(y);
Raghu Rao
Raghu Rao on 21 Feb 2017
My question is I want to divide a binary image into CxR equal size and in each segment Sij I want to to find foreground

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Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 20 Feb 2017
I don't know exactly what that means, but to extract a grid tile from the large image, if you know the rows and columns, you can simply do this:
thisGridTile = binaryImage(row1:row2, column1:column2);
beyond that then you will need to specify exactly what information you want when you say you want to "find" or "select" the white foreground pixels in each tile. In my mind they're already automatically selected. What else more do you want???
  1 Comment
Raghu Rao
Raghu Rao on 22 Feb 2017
Sorry, am working on handwritten word image in grid. When I select an image I want to convert that image into binary after converting the image I want to add rows and columns like C = width of binary image / w, where w is user defined width and R = height of binary image / h, where h is user defined height, and finding C And R values I want to divide an binary image of equal size CxR, after dividing in each segment Sij for i:C for j:R In each segment I want to find foreground pixels based on foreground pixels I want to find the centre of mass after finding the centre of mass I want to add node to where centre of present in the segment Sij

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More Answers (2)

Raghu Rao
Raghu Rao on 20 Feb 2017
Please go through the above attached image, am working on hand written word image and I want to extract graph from it using grid strategy.

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 21 Feb 2017
blockproc() large blocks over the image. Have blockproc call regionprops on the binary negation of the image to determine the centroid of the black pixels.


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