UItabgroup does not save position within UIfigure using saveas or savefig

13 views (last 30 days)
I am having issues using saveas with UItabgroups. It seems the position of the uitabgroup is not saved when using saveas, and defaults to a smaller portion of the figure when opened again. I have seen a few similar questions with no concrete answers, a few users had suggested it's a "bug" but all other UIfigure properties I add save fine.
%initialize figure
hfig1 = uifigure;
hfig1.WindowState = 'maximized';
htabgroup = uitabgroup(hfig1,"SelectionChangedFcn",@displaySelection);
htabgroup.Position = [0 0 1600 800];
%% Button for save
save_btn = uibutton(hfig1,"Text","Save Figure","Position",[1610 740 75 25]);
save_btn.ButtonPushedFcn = {@saveFig,hfig1};
function saveFig(src,event,hfig)
%Get new file name
prompt2 = {'Would you like to save the figure? If yes, please enter desired name below, otherwise hit okay'};
dlgtitle2 = 'Input';
fieldsize2 = [1 150];
definput2 = {'Figure_file_name'};
fig_file_cell = inputdlg(prompt2,dlgtitle2,fieldsize2,definput2);
%Covnert file name and save
fig_file_save = convertCharsToStrings(char(fig_file_cell));
Bennett on 7 Nov 2024
Hi @Walter Roberson, apologies for missing that. No particular reason, after your intial comment I tried using savefig and it did not work either.

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Accepted Answer

Madheswaran on 8 Nov 2024
Hello @Bennett
The problem you're experiencing with saving figures appears to be resolved in Update 6 of MATLAB R2022a. I recommend updating your MATLAB to the latest version. You can find the MathWorks documentation on updating an existing installation here: https://mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_env/check-for-software-updates.html
Hope this helps!

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