How to get var from base workspace in test sequence

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How to get var from base workspace in test sequence
Stephen23 on 20 Aug 2024
Edited: Stephen23 on 20 Aug 2024
"I want to use code to iterate a variable in a test sequence, which requires getting the change value from the workspace."
Pass it as an argument.
The approach you are attempting has a very strong smell to it:
Rik on 20 Aug 2024
Why don't you supply the list of test variables in a cell array?
Making your test cases static helps keeping your tests stable. Without a consistent test, it is not possible to have a good regression test.

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Accepted Answer

Shubham on 20 Aug 2024
In MATLAB, if you want to access a variable from the base workspace within a Test Sequence block, you can use the evalin function. The evalin function allows you to evaluate an expression in a specific workspace, such as the 'base' workspace. Here's how you can use it in a test sequence:
  1. Double-click on your Test Sequence block to open the Test Sequence Editor.
  2. You can use the evalin function in your test sequence actions to retrieve the value of a variable from the base workspace. The syntax is as follows:
varName = evalin('base', 'variableName');
Replace 'variableName' with the name of the variable you want to access.
3. Suppose you have a variable named threshold in the base workspace and you want to use it in your test sequence. You would write:
thresholdValue = evalin('base', 'threshold');
Remember that using evalin can make your test sequences dependent on the state of the base workspace, which might affect reproducibility and clarity.

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