Function unable to retrive spike_shape data from Spike shape function (M)

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In the following code I am trying to enable my function to retrive spike-shape data that are the results of another function called M. However, for an unknown reason it doesnt read that function and cannot retrive those data to go to the next steps of the code: See below please: I get errors like the following:
Unrecognized field name "maxAmpASamp".
Error in Fig_RN_Shape_v4 (line 82)
AHPSamp(h) = M(h).maxAmpASamp; % calculation based on Fig_LC code
maxAmpASamp and the rest are present in M.
function [A,ampDCList,FilesNotFound,STATS,as,alme] = Fig_RN_Shape_v4
S = RNDataStruct;
ampDCList = [0.5 1 2 3];
nCols = 1;
nucleusCode = 'RN';
getSpikeWaveforms = 1;
doPlot = 1;
fs = 30e3;
preTime = -5e-3;
postTime = 10e-3;
preSamp = round(preTime*fs);
postSamp = round(postTime*fs);
sampVec = [preSamp:postSamp];
tvec = sampVec/fs;
nAmps = length(ampDCList);
for n = 1:nAmps
eval(['A.A' num2str(n) '= [];'])
FilesNotFound = [];
ii = 0;
for n = 1:length(S)
if S(n).isSpikedSorted == 1;
for m = 1:length(S(n).fileListDC)
dataFolder = [S(n).dataPath S(n).fileListDC{m}];
nChans = S(n).nChans;
dataFolder = unixCheckPath(dataFolder);
phyFolder = [dataFolder filesep 'continuous_filt' filesep 'continuous_filt.GUI'];
% get the cluster Info FileName
clusterInfoFileName = [phyFolder filesep 'cluster_info.tsv'];
if exist(clusterInfoFileName, 'file')
phySpikeFile = [dataFolder '\' S(n).fileListDC{m} '.physpks'];
if exist(phySpikeFile, 'file')
disp(['Loading ' phySpikeFile])
I = getPhySpikeTimes(dataFolder,getSpikeWaveforms,nChans);
disp(['Saving ' phySpikeFile])
M = struct();
for o = 1:length(I)
ii = ii + 1;
if isfield(I(o), 'avgSpike') % Check within the current element I(o)
avgSpike = I(o).avgSpike - min(I(o).avgSpike);
avgSpike = avgSpike / max(avgSpike);
M(ii) = quantifySpikeWaveform(I(o).avgSpike, I(o).tvec, doPlot);
if ~isempty(I)
I = analysePhySpikeTimes(I,0);
for h = 1:length(I)
I(h).ratName = S(n).ratName;
I(h).ratNumber = str2num(I(h).ratName(4:5));
A.A1 = I; %% arbitrary
if ~isnan(I(1).ampDC)
indAmp = find(I(1).ampDC(1) == ampDCList);
if ~isempty(indAmp)
eval(['A.A' num2str(indAmp) '= [A.A' num2str(indAmp) ' I];'])
FilesNotFound{i} = clusterInfoFileName;
i = i + 1;
filteredNeurons = [];
B = A.A1;
for h = 1:length(B)
AHPSamp(h) = M(h).maxAmpASamp; % calculation based on Fig_LC code
TroughSamp(h) = M(h).minAmpSamp; % calculation based on Fig_LC code
TroughAHPDur(h) = M(h).tvec(AHPSamp(h)) - M(h).tvec(TroughSamp(h)); % calculation based on Fig_LC code
if B(h).spikeRatePreMean >= 1 && B(h).spikeRatePreMean <= 5
if B(h).spikeRateDurMean >= 1 && B(h).spikeRateDurMean <= 5
if B(h).spikeRatePostMean >= 1 && B(h).spikeRatePostMean <= 5
if TroughAHPDur(h)*1e3 >= 1 % I am not certain whether TroughAHPDur(h)*1e3 gives spike duration in ms; please double-check
filteredNeurons = [filteredNeurons B(h)];
A.A1 = filteredNeurons;

Accepted Answer

Ronit on 20 Sep 2024
Hello Alireza,
The issue you're encountering is likely due to the scope and persistence of the variable "M". In your code, "M" is being defined inside a loop, and it is not being stored or passed outside of that loop in a way that the later part of your code can access it.
To troubleshoot the error you're encountering, here are a few potential issues and solutions:
  • Initialization of "M": Ensure that "M" is correctly initialized and populated with data.
M = struct(); % Initialize M outside the loop
  • Debugging Output After Populating "M"
% Debugging: Check the fields of M(ii)
disp(['Fields of M(' num2str(ii) '):']);
  • Check if "M" is Not Empty Before Accessing Fields
if ~isempty(M)
  • Field Existence Check: Before accessing fields like "maxAmpASamp", verify that they exist in "M". Use “isfield” to check for the presence of these fields.
if isfield(M, 'maxAmpASamp') && isfield(M, 'minAmpSamp') && isfield(M, 'tvec')
AHPSamp(h) = M(h).maxAmpASamp;
TroughSamp(h) = M(h).minAmpSamp;
TroughAHPDur(h) = M(h).tvec(AHPSamp(h)) - M(h).tvec(TroughSamp(h));
These changes help ensure that "M" is correctly populated and accessed, with additional checks and debugging outputs to trace potential issues.
Please refer to this MATLABs documentation for more debugging techniques:
Please refer to the documentation of “isfield” for more details:
Hope it helps!

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