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Summing results at the end of a loop

1 view (last 30 days)
Lena on 16 May 2024
Commented: VBBV on 17 May 2024
I have a piece of code I want to execute 3 times, changing a set of two variables to different values each time, and then add the results of the three at the end to give the final y-value and plot it.
This is the full code right now.
L = 79.14.*(10.^-3);
N = 58;
I = 0.7;
mu = 4.*pi*(10.^-7);
% Range and steps of x-values to plot:
x = linspace(0, 90.*(10.^-3), 100);
w = 7.5.*(10.^-3);
u = (8.883).*(10.^-3);
a = (mu.*I.*N)/(2.*L.*(u-w));
b = sqrt((u.^2)+(x.^2));
c = sqrt((u.^2)+((x-L).^2));
d = sqrt((w.^2)+(x.^2));
e = sqrt((w.^2)+((x-L).^2));
f = (b+u)./(d+w);
g = x.*log(f);
h = (c+u)./(e+w);
i = (x-L).*log(h);
j = (mu.*I.*N)/(2.*L.*(u-w));
y = j.*(g-i);
plot(x, y);
xlabel('Position Along the Center Axis (m)');
ylabel('Magnetic Field (T)');
title('Magnetic Field Along the Central Axis of the Solenoid');
What I want to do is repeat the code for 3 sets of values of u and w, add the three results at the end to give the final value of y, and then plot it against x.
I thought about using for loops but I can't figure out how to sum the values at the end.
  1 Comment
VBBV on 17 May 2024
L = 79.14.*(10.^-3);
N = 58;
I = 0.7;
mu = 4.*pi*(10.^-7);
% Range and steps of x-values to plot:
x = linspace(0, 90.*(10.^-3), 100);
w = [7.5.*(1e-3); rand(1)*7.5.*(1e-3); rand(1)*7.5.*(1e-3)];
u = [(8.883).*(1e-3);rand(1)*(8.883).*(1e-3);rand*(8.883).*(1e-3)];
x = linspace(0, 90*1e-3, 100);
for k = 1:numel(w)
a = (mu.*I.*N)/(2.*L.*(u(k)-w(k)));
b = sqrt((u(k)^2)+(x.^2));
c = sqrt((u(k)^2)+((x-L).^2));
d = sqrt((w(k)^2)+(x.^2));
e = sqrt((w(k)^2)+((x-L).^2));
f = (b+u(k))./(d+w(k));
g = x.*log(f);
h = (c+u(k))./(e+w(k));
i = (x-L).*log(h);
j = (mu.*I.*N)/(2.*L.*(u(k)-w(k)));
y(k,:) = j.*(g-i);
y = sum(y,1)
y = 1x100
0.0010 0.0011 0.0012 0.0014 0.0015 0.0015 0.0016 0.0017 0.0017 0.0017 0.0018 0.0018 0.0018 0.0018 0.0018 0.0018 0.0019 0.0019 0.0019 0.0019 0.0019 0.0019 0.0019 0.0019 0.0019 0.0019 0.0019 0.0019 0.0019 0.0019
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
plot(x, y);
xlabel('Position Along the Center Axis (m)');
ylabel('Magnetic Field (T)');
title('Magnetic Field Along the Central Axis of the Solenoid');

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Answers (1)

Torsten on 16 May 2024
Edited: Torsten on 16 May 2024
x = linspace(0, 90.*(10.^-3), 100);
w = [7.5.*(10.^-3),7.5.*(10.^-3),7.5.*(10.^-3)];
u = [(8.883).*(10.^-3),(8.883).*(10.^-3),(8.883).*(10.^-3)];
y = zeros(numel(w),numel(x));
for i = 1:numel(w)
y(i,:) = fun(x,w(i),u(i));
sum_y = sum(y,1);
plot(x, sum_y);
xlabel('Position Along the Center Axis (m)');
ylabel('Magnetic Field (T)');
title('Magnetic Field Along the Central Axis of the Solenoid');
function y = fun(x,w,u)
L = 79.14.*(10.^-3);
N = 58;
I = 0.7;
mu = 4.*pi*(10.^-7);
% Range and steps of x-values to plot:
%x = linspace(0, 90.*(10.^-3), 100);
%w = 7.5.*(10.^-3);
%u = (8.883).*(10.^-3);
a = (mu.*I.*N)/(2.*L.*(u-w));
b = sqrt((u.^2)+(x.^2));
c = sqrt((u.^2)+((x-L).^2));
d = sqrt((w.^2)+(x.^2));
e = sqrt((w.^2)+((x-L).^2));
f = (b+u)./(d+w);
g = x.*log(f);
h = (c+u)./(e+w);
i = (x-L).*log(h);
j = (mu.*I.*N)/(2.*L.*(u-w));
y = j.*(g-i);




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