optimising a parameter not directly involved in the objective function to be minimised

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someone kindly help me write a code to optimise h using fminsearch such that SSE is minimised. h is is not directly invloved in solving for SSE but is involved in the first differential equation whose output, 'L' is used in the subquest non-differential equations.
I am trying to replicate a publication in which it's mentioned that, 'equation 1 is a 1st order ODE solved by 4th order Runge-kutta solver which facilitates simultaneous solution of equation 2-4 at each time step'. I wonder how to simulataneously solve the differential equation and non-differential equation using ODE45. At the moment am only solving for equation 1 using the ODE45 and then solve for the non-differential equations.
Thank you.
%constants; KA, KV, p, D, Cs, mo, Ni and V
% Cb_exp is a column vector
dLdt = -(KA / (3 * p * KV)) * (D / h) .* (Cs - Cb_exp); %equation 1
mi_j = p * KV *((L).^3)*Ni; % Equation 2
Cb_cal = (mo - mi_j) / V; % Equation 3
S = KA * (L).^2 * Ni / V; % Equation 4
SSE= sum(Cb_cal-Cb_exp)^2
Torsten on 29 Feb 2024
As far as I understand your equations, mi_j, Cb_cal and S can be directly computed once you know L. So what's the problem ? You don't need to "solve" for them with the integrator you use.
Pc on 29 Feb 2024
Edited: Pc on 29 Feb 2024
That's right @Torsten, was just wondering if there was a way since the publication mentioned, they simulataneously solved it using ODE45. Must be my misinterpretation. How about the optimisation of h? do you have any suggestions for that?

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Answers (1)

Torsten on 29 Feb 2024
Edited: Torsten on 29 Feb 2024
t_exp = ...;
Cb_exp = ...; % experimental data
KA =...;
KV =...;
p =...;
D =...;
Cs =...;
mo =...;
Ni =...;
V =...; % constants
h0 = ...; % Guess value for h
h = lsqnonlin(@(h)fun(h,t_exp,Cb_exp,KA, KV, p, D, Cs, mo, Ni,V),h0)
function res = fun(h,t_exp,Cb_exp,KA, KV, p, D, Cs, mo, Ni,V)
tspan = t_exp; % Assumes t_exp starts with t = 0
L0 = ...; % Initial value for L at t=0
fun_ode = @(t,L) -(KA / (3 * p * KV)) * (D / h) * (Cs - interp1(t_exp,Cb_exp,t));
[~,L] = ode45(@fun_ode,tspan,L0);
mi_j = p * KV * L.^3 * Ni;
Cb_cal = (mo - mi_j) / V;
res = Cb_cal - Cb_exp;
Pc on 29 Feb 2024
Hi @Torsten, I get the following error from the code you shared.
t_exp = [0 30 60 90 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600]';
Yexpt= [0.0000 0.1321 0.2447 0.3343 0.4122 0.5298 0.6246 0.6869 0.7348 0.7729 0.7931 0.8114 0.8272]';
Cb_exp= (Yexpt.*0.00425)./V;
p = p * 1e-12;
D=D* 1e8;
h0 = Lc/2;
h = lsqnonlin(@(h)fun(h,t_exp,Cb_exp,KA, KV, p, D, Cs, mo, Ni,V),h0)
Unrecognized function or variable 'fun_ode'.

Error in odearguments (line 92)
f0 = ode(t0,y0,args{:}); % ODE15I sets args{1} to yp0.

Error in ode45 (line 104)
odearguments(odeIsFuncHandle,odeTreatAsMFile, solver_name, ode, tspan, y0, options, varargin);

Error in solution>fun (line 29)
[~,L] = ode45(@fun_ode,tspan,L0);

Error in solution>@(h)fun(h,t_exp,Cb_exp,KA,KV,p,D,Cs,mo,Ni,V) (line 22)
h = lsqnonlin(@(h)fun(h,t_exp,Cb_exp,KA, KV, p, D, Cs, mo, Ni,V),h0)

Error in lsqnonlin (line 242)
initVals.F = feval(funfcn{3},xCurrent,varargin{:});
function res = fun(h,t_exp,Cb_exp,KA, KV, p, D, Cs, mo, Ni,V)
tspan = t_exp;
L0 = 462; % Initial value for L at t=0
fun_ode = @(t,L) -(KA / (3 * p * KV)) * (D / h) * (Cs - interp1(t_exp,Cb_exp,t));
[~,L] = ode45(@fun_ode,tspan,L0);
mi_j = p * KV * L.^3 * Ni;
Cb_cal = (mo - mi_j) / V;
res = Cb_cal - Cb_exp;
Torsten on 29 Feb 2024
Edited: Torsten on 29 Feb 2024
[~,L] = ode45(fun_ode,tspan,L0);
res = 1e16*(Cb_cal - Cb_exp);
instead of
[~,L] = ode45(@fun_ode,tspan,L0);
res = Cb_cal - Cb_exp;

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