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Why in simscape the Piston Engine has a default damping value of crankshaft of 1000Nm*s/rad.

2 views (last 30 days)
Why in simscape the Piston Engine has a default damping value from crankshaft of 1000Nm*s/rad. What means the value? I did a whole project and found this value has too little effect on the torque and speed obtained by the subsequent modeling. So mainly I want to know how the value of 1000 came from and what exactly does it affect.

Answers (1)

Steve Miller
Steve Miller on 20 Dec 2022
The documentation for the Piston Engine block describes the Damping parameter.
That parameter is enabled when you set the "Shaft Dynamics" to "Specify shaft stiffness, damping, and inertia". That damping represents the rotational damping of the shaft as part of the shaft rotational flexibility. The higher that value, the faster twisting oscillations due to shaft deflection will dissipate.


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