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Class: slreq.ReqSet
Namespace: slreq

Run test cases linked to requirement set

Since R2022a


You can use runTests to run MATLAB® unit tests, Simulink tests, and Simulink® Design Verifier™ verifiables.

status = runTests(rs) runs the tests linked to requirements in the requirement set rs.


status = runTests(rs,Select=SelectValue) runs only the tests specified by SelectValue.


Input Arguments

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Requirement set, specified as an slreq.ReqSet object.

Option to select tests to run, specified as:

  • "all" — Run all tests linked to requirements in the requirement set.

  • "failed" — Run only failed tests linked to requirements in the requirement set.

  • "unexecuted" — Run only unexecuted tests linked to requirements in the requirement set.

Output Arguments

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Requirement set verification status summary for the requirement set after the tests are run, returned as a MATLAB structure containing these fields:

Total number of requirements in the requirement set with verification links, returned as a double.

Number of requirements in the requirement set that passed the tests associated with them, returned as a double.

Number of requirements in the requirement set that failed the tests associated with them, returned as a double.

Number of requirements in the requirement set with unexecuted tests, returned as a double.

Number of requirements justified for verification in the requirement set, returned as a double.

Number of requirements without links to verification objects in the requirement set, returned as a double.


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This example shows how to run tests linked to requirements in a requirement set.

Open the ShortestPath project.


Load the shortest_path_func_reqs and shortest_path_tests_reqs requirement sets. Requirements in these requirement sets contain links to tests in graph_unit_tests.m.

funcReqs = slreq.load("shortest_path_func_reqs");
testReqs = slreq.load("shortest_path_tests_reqs");

Run the tests linked to the requirements in the shortest_path_func_reqs requirement set.

status = runTests(funcReqs)
Running graph_unit_tests
.......... ..
Done graph_unit_tests
status = struct with fields:
         total: 8
        passed: 5
        failed: 0
    unexecuted: 0
     justified: 0
          none: 3

Update and get the verification status for the shortest_path_tests_reqs requirement set to see if any tests linked to requirements in that requirement set were run.

status = getVerificationStatus(testReqs)
status = struct with fields:
         total: 14
        passed: 10
        failed: 0
    unexecuted: 3
     justified: 0
          none: 1

Run only the unexecuted tests linked to the requirement set.

status = runTests(testReqs,select="unexecuted")
Running graph_unit_tests
Done graph_unit_tests
status = struct with fields:
         total: 14
        passed: 13
        failed: 0
    unexecuted: 0
     justified: 0
          none: 1

Version History

Introduced in R2022a

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