[status, cvdo, filenames, newmodel]
= sldvgencov(block, options, showUI, startCov)
analyzes the block by using the
sldvoptions object options. The
software returns a handle to the newmodel, which contains a
copy of the block subsystem.
Analyze the coverage data and collect the missing coverage
Analyze the Cruise Control model and simulate a version of that model by
using data from test cases from the previous analysis. Compare the model
coverage data and collect the coverage missing from the
sldvdemo_cruise_control_mod model analysis:
opts = sldvoptions;
% Generate test cases
opts.Mode = 'TestGeneration';
% Specify MCDC coverage
opts.ModelCoverageObjectives = 'MCDC';
% Don't create harness model
opts.SaveHarnessModel = 'off';
% or report
opts.SaveReport = 'off';
openExample('sldv/ExtendTestCasesForModifiedModelExample',...'supportingFile', 'sldvdemo_cruise_control');
[ status, files ] = sldvrun('sldvdemo_cruise_control', opts);
open_system 'sldvdemo_cruise_control_mod';
[ outData, startCov ] = sldvruntest('sldvdemo_cruise_control_mod',...
files.DataFile, [], true);
cvhtml('Coverage with the original test suite', startCov);
[ status, covData, files ] = sldvgencov('sldvdemo_cruise_control_mod',...
opts, false, startCov);
cvdata object containing coverage data for new
filenames — Analysis results file names structure
A structure whose fields list the file names resulting from the
MAT-file with the raw input data.
Simulink harness model.
HTML report of the results.
Simulink model extracted from the
Simulink model obtained after block
status — Status of model coverage data logical
Logical value that indicates if the analysis collected model
true for analysis collected model coverage
false if analysis does not collect model coverage
newmodel — Handle to new model double
If the API is invoked with block, then the software
returns the handle to the new model in newmodel which
contains a copy of the atomic subsystem block.
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