Provide inputs for simulation using blocks that define and generate
signals or load signal data
Use blocks from the Sources library to provide input signals for simulation.
Generate signals in your model using blocks such as the Sine Wave block and the Constant block.
Load signal data from the workspace or a file using blocks such as the Playback block, the From Workspace block, the From File block, and the From Spreadsheet block.
Create and edit signals using blocks such as the Signal Editor block.
Band-Limited White Noise | Introduce white noise into continuous system |
Chirp Signal | Generate sine wave with increasing frequency |
Clock | Display and provide simulation time |
Constant | Generate constant value |
Counter Free-Running | Count up and overflow back to zero after reaching maximum value for specified number of bits |
Counter Limited | Count up and wrap to zero after specified upper limit |
Digital Clock | Output simulation time at specified sampling interval |
Enumerated Constant | Generate enumerated constant value |
From File | Load data from MAT file into Simulink model |
From Spreadsheet | Read data from spreadsheet |
From Workspace | Load signal data from workspace into Simulink model |
Ground | Ground unconnected input port |
In Bus Element | Select input from external port |
Inport | Create input port for subsystem or external input |
Playback | Load data from workspace, file, or Simulation Data Inspector (Since R2022b) |
Pulse Generator | Generate square wave pulses at regular intervals |
Ramp | Generate constantly increasing or decreasing signal |
Random Number | Generate normally distributed random numbers |
Repeating Sequence | Generate arbitrarily shaped periodic signal |
Repeating Sequence Interpolated | Output discrete-time sequence and repeat, interpolating between data points |
Repeating Sequence Stair | Output and repeat discrete time sequence |
Signal Editor | Display, create, edit, and switch interchangeable scenarios |
Signal Generator | Generate various waveforms |
Sine Wave | Generate sine wave, using simulation time as time source |
Step | Generate step function |
Uniform Random Number | Generate uniformly distributed random numbers |
Waveform Generator | Output waveforms using signal notations |