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Fixed joint constraint between bodies

Since R2022a


The constraintFixedJoint object describes a closed-loop fixed joint constraint between a successor and predecessor body on the same rigidBodyTree. The constraint is satisfied when there is no relative orientation, and the origins of the frames coincide. This constraint allows no relative motion between the intermediate frames when satisfied.



fixedConst = constraintFixedJoint(successorbody,predecessorbody) returns a fixed constraint object, fixedConst, that represents a constraint between the specified successor body successorbody and predecessor body predecessorbody of the joint. The successorbody and predecessor arguments set the SuccessorBody and PredecessorBody properties, respectively.


fixedConst = constraintFixedJoint(___,Name=Value) specifies properties using one more name-value pair arguments in addition to all input arguments from the previous syntax.


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Name of the successor body frame, specified as a string scalar or character vector. When using this constraint with the generalizedInverseKinematics inverse kinematics (IK) solver, the name must match a body specified in the RigidBodyTree of the generalizedInverseKinematics object.

Name of the predecessor body frame, specified as a string scalar or character vector. When using this constraint with the generalizedInverseKinematics inverse kinematics (IK) solver, the name must match a body specified in the RigidBodyTree of the generalizedInverseKinematics object.

Fixed transform of the joint constraint with respect to the successor body frame, specified as 4-by-4 matrix.

Example: [1 0 0 1; 0 1 0 1; 0 0 1 1; 0 0 0 1]

Fixed transform of the joint constraint with respect to the predecessor body frame, specified as 4-by-4 matrix.

Example: [1 0 0 1; 0 1 0 1; 0 0 1 1; 0 0 0 1]

Position tolerance of the joint constraint in meters, specified as a non-negative scalar.

Orientation tolerance of the joint constraint in meters, specified as a nonnegative scalar.

Weights of the constraint, specified as a two-element vector. The elements of the vector corresponds to the weights for the PositionTolerance and OrientationTolerance properties, respectively. These weights are used with the weights of all the constraints specified in the generalizedInverseKinematics solver to properly balance each constraint.

Example: [1 4]


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Create a revolute, prismatic, and fixed joint constraints for a simple rigid body tree.

Use the exampleHelperFourBarLinkageTree helper function to create a simple robot model to demonstrate the closed-loop constraints.

rbt = exampleHelperFourBarLinkageTree;
view([0 0 pi])
xlim([-1 4])

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel X, ylabel Y contains 11 objects of type patch, line. These objects represent link0, link1, link2, link3, link1_coll_mesh, link2_coll_mesh, link3_coll_mesh, link0_coll_mesh.

Revolute Joint Constraint

To demonstrate a revolute joint constraint, create a four-bar linkage by connecting the end of the last link, link3, and the first link, link0.

Create a generalized inverse kinematics solver with a revolute joint constraint and a joint bounds constraint.

gikSolverWithRevoluteJointConstraint = generalizedInverseKinematics(RigidBodyTree=rbt, ...

To ensure repeatable IK solutions, disable random restarts.

gikSolverWithRevoluteJointConstraint.SolverParameters.AllowRandomRestart = false;
theta = pi/2+pi/4;

Fix the first joint by setting theta as both the minimum and maximum bound.

activeJointConstraint = constraintJointBounds(rbt);
activeJointConstraint.Weights = [1 0 0];
activeJointConstraint.Bounds(1,:) = [theta theta];

Create a revolute joint constraint with successor and predecessor bodies set to the last link link3 and the first link link0, respectively. Specify predecessor and successor transforms that create intermediate frames 1 meter away, in the X-axis, from their respective body. Once defined, these intermediate frames move such that their frame origins coincide when their Z-axes align.

cRev = constraintRevoluteJoint("link3","link0", ...
    PredecessorTransform=trvec2tform([1 0 0]), ...
    SuccessorTransform=trvec2tform([1 0 0]));

Provide [theta 0 0] as an initial guess to the solver, along with the constraints.

qConst = gikSolverWithRevoluteJointConstraint([theta 0 0],cRev,activeJointConstraint);

Visualize the robot to see the robot acting as a four-bar linkage. If the first joint rotates, the solver tries to keep the intermediate frames of the revolute joint constraint coincident, acting as a joint and resulting in four-bar motion.

figure(Name="Revolute Joint Constraint")
ans = 
  Axes (Primary) with properties:

             XLim: [-2.5000 2.5000]
             YLim: [-2.5000 2.5000]
           XScale: 'linear'
           YScale: 'linear'
    GridLineStyle: '-'
         Position: [0.1300 0.1100 0.7750 0.8150]
            Units: 'normalized'

  Use GET to show all properties

view([0 0 pi])

Figure Revolute Joint Constraint contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel X, ylabel Y contains 11 objects of type patch, line. These objects represent link0, link1, link2, link3, link1_coll_mesh, link2_coll_mesh, link3_coll_mesh, link0_coll_mesh.

Prismatic Joint Constraint

Use a prismatic joint constraint to create a slider-crank. Create a new solver with a prismatic joint constraint and a joint bounds constraint.

gikSolverWithPrismaticJointConstraint = generalizedInverseKinematics(RigidBodyTree=rbt, ...

Create the prismatic joint constraint with link3 and link0 as the successor and predecessor bodies, respectively, and set the predecessor transform such that the predecessor intermediate frame is 1 meter away on the X-axis and rotated pi/2 in the Y-axis from the predecessor body frame.

cPris=constraintPrismaticJoint("link3","link0",PredecessorTransform=trvec2tform([1 0 0])*eul2tform([0 pi/2 0]));

Provide [theta 0 0] as an initial guess to the solver along with the constraints.

qConst = gikSolverWithPrismaticJointConstraint([theta 0 0],cPris,activeJointConstraint);

Visualize the robot to see the robot acting as a slider-crank. If the first joint rotates, the solver tries to keep the intermediate frames of the prismatic joint constraint coincident, acting as a joint and resulting in slider-crank motion.

figure(Name="Prismatic Joint Constraint")
ans = 
  Axes (Primary) with properties:

             XLim: [-2.5000 2.5000]
             YLim: [-2.5000 2.5000]
           XScale: 'linear'
           YScale: 'linear'
    GridLineStyle: '-'
         Position: [0.1300 0.1100 0.7750 0.8150]
            Units: 'normalized'

  Use GET to show all properties

view([0 0 pi])

Figure Prismatic Joint Constraint contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel X, ylabel Y contains 11 objects of type patch, line. These objects represent link0, link1, link2, link3, link1_coll_mesh, link2_coll_mesh, link3_coll_mesh, link0_coll_mesh.

Fixed Joint Constraint

To demonstrate a fixed joint constraint, create a triangle with the links that is preserved when the first joint moves. Create a new solver with a fixed joint constraint.

gikSolverWithFixedJointConstraint = generalizedInverseKinematics(RigidBodyTree=rbt, ...

Create the fixed joint constraint with link3 and link0 as the successor and predecessor bodies, respectively, and set the successor transform such that the predecessor intermediate frame is 1 meter away on the X-axis from the predecessor body frame.

cFix = constraintFixedJoint("link3","link1",SuccessorTransform=trvec2tform([1 0 0]));

Set the weight of the orientation constraint of the fixed joint constraint to 0.

cFix.Weights = [1 0];
[qConst,solInfo] = gikSolverWithFixedJointConstraint([theta 0.1 0],cFix);

Visualize the robot to see how the fixed constraint joint acts on the robot frame. If the first joint rotates, the solver tries to keep the intermediate frames of the fixed joint constraint coincident, acting as a fixed joint.

figure(Name="Fixed Joint Constraint")
ans = 
  Axes (Primary) with properties:

             XLim: [-2.5000 2.5000]
             YLim: [-2.5000 2.5000]
           XScale: 'linear'
           YScale: 'linear'
    GridLineStyle: '-'
         Position: [0.1300 0.1100 0.7750 0.8150]
            Units: 'normalized'

  Use GET to show all properties

view([0 0 pi])

Figure Fixed Joint Constraint contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel X, ylabel Y contains 11 objects of type patch, line. These objects represent link0, link1, link2, link3, link1_coll_mesh, link2_coll_mesh, link3_coll_mesh, link0_coll_mesh.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2022a