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Perform Manual Gain-Tuning of Current Controller

This step shows you how to manually tune the gains of the d-axis and q-axis current controllers. This step is optional, however you can use it to tune the control gain parameters.

The procedure includes adding a step change to the Id_ref current and analyzing the current controller performance using the step response of the Id_meas current to tune the d-axis current controller. It explains a similar process for the Iq_ref current to tune the q-axis current controller.

Before starting the manual tuning procedure, you should lock the rotor in the plant model to ensure that the motor does not run when you provide a step change to Id_ref or Iq_ref currents. In the Surface Mount PMSM block parameters dialog box, set the Mechanical input configuration parameter to Speed. Set the Spd input (of the Surface Mount PMSM block) to 0 to ensure that the rotor is locked.

The integrated plant and controller subsystem simulation model enables you to manually tune the gains of the current controllers. Provide a step input to Iq_ref in the range (0 to 0.2) PU and observe the measured Iq_meas current feedback. Adjust the control parameters of the q-axis current controller to meet your control objectives.

Simulate the model and plot the Iq_ref_PU and Iq_meas_PU current signals and analyze the step response. This helps you to tune the control parameters for the q-axis current controller to meet the control objectives.

Follow the same procedure for the Id_ref current to tune the d-axis current controller. After tuning both current controllers, set the Mechanical input configuration parameter, in the Surface Mount PMSM block parameters dialog box, back to Torque.

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