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Record removal of factory setting or group


remove(upgrader,path) records the removal of a factory setting or settings group. Recording changes to the factory settings tree for each toolbox version ensures that users upgrading to a new version of a toolbox do not have backward incompatibility issues with their toolbox settings.



collapse all

Create a matlab.settings.SettingsFileUpgrader object and record the removal of a setting in the second version of a toolbox.

Create a matlab.settings.SettingsFileUpgrader object for version 2 of mytoolbox.

upgrader = matlab.settings.SettingsFileUpgrader('version2');

Record the removal of the setting MySetting from the mytoolbox factory settings group.


Create a matlab.settings.SettingsFileUpgrader object and record the removal of a settings group in the second version of a toolbox.

Create a matlab.settings.SettingsFileUpgrader object for version 2 of mytoolbox.

upgrader = matlab.settings.SettingsFileUpgrader('version2');

Record the removal of the settings group mysettings from the mytoolbox factory settings group.


Input Arguments

collapse all

Settings file upgrader, specified as a matlab.settings.SettingsFileUpgrader object.

Setting or group path, specified as a character vector or string scalar. Specify the full path of the setting or group, starting from the toolbox factory settings group and including the setting or group name.

Example: remove(upgrader,'mytoolbox.mysettings');

Version History

Introduced in R2019b

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