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Reference 2-D image to world coordinates


An imref2d object stores the relationship between the intrinsic coordinates anchored to the rows and columns of a 2-D image and the spatial location of the same row and column locations in a world coordinate system.

The image is sampled regularly in the planar world-x and world-y coordinate system such that intrinsic-x values align with world-x values, and intrinsic-y values align with world-y values. The resolution in each dimension can be different.


You can create an imref2d object in these ways.

  • affineOutputView — Store the spatial extent of an image that is warped by a 2-D affine geometric transformation.

  • The imref2d function described here


R = imref2d creates an imref2d object with default property settings.

R = imref2d(imageSize) sets the optional ImageSize property.


R = imref2d(imageSize,pixelExtentInWorldX,pixelExtentInWorldY) sets the optional ImageSize, PixelExtentInWorldX, and PixelExtentInWorldY properties.


R = imref2d(imageSize,xWorldLimits,yWorldLimits) sets the optional ImageSize, XWorldLimits, and YWorldLimits properties.


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Span of image in the x-dimension in the world coordinate system, specified as a numeric scalar. The imref2d object sets this value as PixelExtentInX * ImageSize(2).

Data Types: double

Span of image in the y-dimension in the world coordinate system, specified as a numeric scalar. The imref2d object sets this value as PixelExtentInY * ImageSize(1).

Data Types: double

Number of elements in each spatial dimension, specified as a 2-element positive row vector. ImageSize is the same form as that returned by the size function.

Data Types: double

Size of a single pixel in the x-dimension measured in the world coordinate system, specified as a positive number.

Data Types: double

Size of a single pixel in the y-dimension measured in the world coordinate system, specified as a positive number.

Data Types: double

Limits of image in world x-dimension, specified as a 2-element row numeric vector [xMin xMax].

Data Types: double

Limits of image in world y-dimension, specified as a 2-element numeric row vector [yMin yMax].

Data Types: double

Limits of image in intrinsic units in the x-dimension, specified as a 2-element row vector [xMin xMax]. For an m-by-n image (or an m-by-n-by-p image), XIntrinsicLimits equals [0.5, n+0.5].

Data Types: double

Limits of image in intrinsic units in the y-dimension, specified as a 2-element row vector [yMin yMax]. For an m-by-n image (or an m-by-n-by-p image), YIntrinsicLimits equals [0.5, m+0.5].

Data Types: double

Object Functions

containsDetermine if image contains points in world coordinate system
intrinsicToWorldConvert from intrinsic to world coordinates
sizesMatchDetermine if object and image are size-compatible
worldToIntrinsicConvert from world to intrinsic coordinates
worldToSubscriptConvert world coordinates to row and column subscripts


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Read a 2-D grayscale image into the workspace.

A = imread('pout.tif');

Create an imref2d object, specifying the size and world limits of the image associated with the object.

xWorldLimits = [2 5];
yWorldLimits = [3 6];
RA = imref2d(size(A),xWorldLimits,yWorldLimits)
RA = 
  imref2d with properties:

           XWorldLimits: [2 5]
           YWorldLimits: [3 6]
              ImageSize: [291 240]
    PixelExtentInWorldX: 0.0125
    PixelExtentInWorldY: 0.0103
    ImageExtentInWorldX: 3
    ImageExtentInWorldY: 3
       XIntrinsicLimits: [0.5000 240.5000]
       YIntrinsicLimits: [0.5000 291.5000]

Display the image, specifying the spatial referencing object. The axes coordinates reflect the world coordinates.


Read a 2-D grayscale image into the workspace.

m = dicominfo('knee1.dcm');
A = dicomread(m);

Create an imref2d object, specifying the size and the resolution of the pixels. The DICOM file contains a metadata field PixelSpacing that specifies the image resolution in each dimension in millimeters per pixel.

RA = imref2d(size(A),m.PixelSpacing(2),m.PixelSpacing(1))
RA = 
  imref2d with properties:

           XWorldLimits: [0.1562 160.1562]
           YWorldLimits: [0.1562 160.1562]
              ImageSize: [512 512]
    PixelExtentInWorldX: 0.3125
    PixelExtentInWorldY: 0.3125
    ImageExtentInWorldX: 160
    ImageExtentInWorldY: 160
       XIntrinsicLimits: [0.5000 512.5000]
       YIntrinsicLimits: [0.5000 512.5000]

Display the image, specifying the spatial referencing object. The axes coordinates reflect the world coordinates.

imshow(A,RA,'DisplayRange',[0 512])

Compare the width of the image in world coordinates and intrinsic coordinates. This image width in intrinsic coordinates, with units of pixels, is:

ans = 512

The image width in world coordinates, with units of millimeters, is:

ans = 160

More About

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  • You can create an imref2d object for an RGB image. If you create the object specifying the ImageSize property as a three-element vector (such as that returned by the size function), only the first two elements are used to set ImageSize.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2013a