FPGA Data Capture
Use FPGA data capture to observe signals from your design while the design is running on the FPGA. This feature captures a window of signal data from the FPGA and returns the data to MATLAB® or Simulink®. To capture the signals, HDL Verifier™ generates an IP core that you must integrate into your HDL project and deploy to the FPGA along with the rest of your design. HDL Verifier also generates an app, System object™, and Simulink model that communicate with the FPGA and return the data to MATLAB or Simulink.
To capture FPGA data:
Generate customized components and an IP core. Specify port names and sizes for the generated IP. These ports connect to the signals you want to capture, and the signals you want to use as triggers to control when the capture occurs.
Integrate the generated IP into your FPGA design and deploy the design to your FPGA board.
Use the generated app, System object, or Simulink model to capture data for analysis, verification, or display. You can configure a trigger condition to control when the capture occurs and a capture condition to control which data to capture.
Capture data from different clock domains to debug your FPGA design by using multiple FPGA data capture IPs. For more information about multiple FPGA data capture, see Capture Asynchronous Data.

FPGA Data Capture Component Generator | Configure and generate FPGA data capture components |
FPGA Data Capture | Capture data from live FPGA into MATLAB workspace interactively |
hdlverifier.FPGADataReader | Capture data from live FPGA into MATLAB workspace |
dataCaptureHub | Communicate with multiple data capture IPs (Since R2024a) |
generateFPGADataCaptureIP | Open FPGA Data Capture Component Generator |
addFPGADataCaptureToVivado | Add data capture IPs to Vivado project (Since R2024a) |
FPGA Data Reader | Capture data from live FPGA into Simulink model |
- Data Capture Workflow
Capture signal data from a design running on an FPGA.
- Capture Asynchronous Data
Capture asynchronous data from a design running on an FPGA using multiple data capture IPs.
- Capture Data over PS Ethernet
Capture data over PS Ethernet interface.
- Capture Data over USB Ethernet
Capture data over USB Ethernet interface.
- Triggers
Use trigger conditions to capture data around specific events on the FPGA.
- Capture Conditions
Use capture condition to control which data to capture from the FPGA.
- Design Considerations for Data Capture
Signal, timing, and interface limitations for FPGA data capture.