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Workflow for CQG

This diagram shows the functions you can use with CQG® to monitor market price information and submit orders.

Flow diagram that shows the functions to establish a CQG connection, get data, create orders, and close the connection

To request current, intraday, or historical data:

  1. Create the CQG connection object using cqg.

  2. Define the CQG event handlers.

  3. Connect to CQG using startUp.

  4. Subscribe to a CQG instrument to request real-time data using realtime.

  5. Request intraday data for a security using timeseries.

  6. Request historical data for a security using history.

  7. Close the CQG connection using close or shutDown.

To submit orders to CQG:

  1. Create the CQG connection object using cqg.

  2. Define the CQG event handlers.

  3. Connect to CQG using startUp.

  4. Create the CQG account credentials object.

  5. Subscribe to a CQG instrument to request real-time data using realtime.

  6. Create and submit the order using createOrder.

  7. Close the CQG connection using close or shutDown.

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