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Galois field array


x_gf = gf(x) creates a Galois field (GF) array, GF(2), from matrix x.


x_gf = gf(x,m) creates a Galois field array from matrix x. The Galois field has 2m elements, where m is an integer from 1 through 16.


x_gf = gf(x,m,prim_poly) creates a Galois field array from matrix x by using the primitive polynomial prim_poly.



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Specify a matrix of 0s and 1s.

x = [0 1 1; 0 1 0; 1 1 1];

Create a GF(2) array from x.

x_gf = gf(x)
x_gf = GF(2) array. 
Array elements = 
   0   1   1
   0   1   0
   1   1   1

Set the order of the Galois field to 16, where the order equals 2m. Specify a matrix of elements that range from 0 to 2m-1. Create the Galois field array.

m = 4;
x = [3 2 9; 1 2 1];
y = gf(x,m)
y = GF(2^4) array. Primitive polynomial = D^4+D+1 (19 decimal)
Array elements = 
   3   2   9
   1   2   1

Create a sequence of integers. Create a Galois field array in GF(25).

x = [17 8 11 27];
y = gf(x,5)
y = GF(2^5) array. Primitive polynomial = D^5+D^2+1 (37 decimal)
Array elements = 
   17    8   11   27

Determine all possible primitive polynomials for GF(25).

pp = primpoly(5,'all')
Primitive polynomial(s) = 
pp = 6×1


Create a Galois field array using the primitive polynomial that has a decimal equivalent of 59.

z = gf(x,5,'D5+D4+D3+D+1')
z = GF(2^5) array. Primitive polynomial = D^5+D^4+D^3+D+1 (59 decimal)
Array elements = 
   17    8   11   27

Use the genpoly2b function to return the corresponding Galois field array value and the generator polynomial validity indication.

Create a valid Galois field array object.

genpoly = gf([1 1 6],3)
genpoly = GF(2^3) array. Primitive polynomial = D^3+D+1 (11 decimal)
Array elements = 
   1   1   6
[b,ecode] = genpoly2b(genpoly,3,11)
b = 
ecode = 

Input Arguments

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Input matrix, specified as a matrix with values greater than or equal to zero. The function uses this value to create a GF array.

  • If you do not specify the prim_poly input argument, each element of x must be an integer in the range [0, 2m–1].

  • If you specify prim_poly input argument, each element of x must be 0 or 1.

Data Types: double

Order of primitive polynomial, specified as a positive integer from 1 through 16. The function uses this value to calculate the distinct number of elements in the GF.

Data Types: double

Primitive polynomial, specified as one of these options:

  • Binary row vector — This vector specifies coefficients of prim_poly in the order of ascending powers.

  • Character vector or a string scalar — This value defines prim_poly in a textual representation. For more details, refer to polynomial character vector.

  • Positive integer — This value defines prim_poly in the range [(2m + 1), (2m+1 – 1)].

If prim_poly is not specified, see Default Primitive Polynomials for the list of default primitive polynomial used for each Galois field array GF(2m).

Data Types: double | char | string

Output Arguments

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Galois field array, returned as a variable that MATLAB recognizes as a Galois field array, rather than an array of integers. As a result, when you manipulate the variable, MATLAB works within the Galois field the variable specifies. For example, if you apply the log function to a Galois array, MATLAB computes the logarithm in the Galois field for that Galois array and not in the field of real or complex numbers.

More About

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Default Primitive Polynomials

This table lists the default primitive polynomial used for each Galois field array GF(2m). To use a different primitive polynomial, specify prim_poly as an input argument. prim_poly must be in the range [(2m + 1), (2m+1 – 1)] and must indicate an irreducible polynomial. For more information, see Primitive Polynomials and Element Representations.

Value of mDefault Primitive PolynomialInteger Representation
1D + 13
2D2 + D + 17
3D3 + D + 111
4D4 + D + 119
5D5 + D2 + 137
6D6 + D + 167
7D7 + D3 + 1137
8D8 + D4 + D3 + D2 + 1285
9D9 + D4 + 1529
10D10 + D3 + 11033
11D11 + D2 + 12053
12D12 + D6 + D4 + D + 14179
13D13 + D4 + D3 + D + 18219
14D14 + D10 + D6 + D + 117475
15D15 + D + 132771
16D16 + D12 + D3 + D + 169643

Galois Computations

This table lists the operations supported for Galois field arrays.

+ -Addition and subtraction of Galois arrays
* / \Matrix multiplication and division of Galois arrays
.* ./ .\Elementwise multiplication and division of Galois arrays
^Matrix exponentiation of Galois array
.^Elementwise exponentiation of Galois array
' .'Transpose of Galois array
==, ~=Relational operators for Galois arrays
allTrue if all elements of a Galois vector are nonzero
anyTrue if any element of a Galois vector is nonzero
convConvolution of Galois vectors
convmtxConvolution matrix of Galois field vector
deconvDeconvolution and polynomial division
detDeterminant of square Galois matrix
dftmtxDiscrete Fourier transform matrix in a Galois field
diagDiagonal Galois matrices and diagonals of a Galois matrix
fftDiscrete Fourier transform
filter (gf)One-dimensional digital filter over a Galois field
ifftInverse discrete Fourier transform
invInverse of Galois matrix
lengthLength of Galois vector
logLogarithm in a Galois field
luLower-Upper triangular factorization of Galois array
minpolFind the minimal polynomial for a Galois element
mldivideMatrix left division \ of Galois arrays
polyvalEvaluate polynomial in Galois field
rankRank of a Galois array
reshapeReshape Galois array
rootsFind polynomial roots across a Galois field
sizeSize of Galois array
trilExtract lower triangular part of Galois array
triuExtract upper triangular part of Galois array

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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