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Source coding mu-law or A-law compressor or expander


out = compand(in,param,v) performs mu-law compression on the input data sequence. The param input specifies the mu-law compression value and must be set to a mu value for mu-law compressor computation (a mu-law value of 255 is used in practice). v specifies the peak magnitude of the input data sequence.


out = compand(in,param,v,method) performs mu-law or A-law compression or expansion on the input data sequence. param specifies the mu-law compander or A-law compander value (a mu-law value of 255 and an A-law value of 87.6 are used in practice). method specifies the type of compressor or expander computation for the function to perform on the input data sequence.



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This example implements a compander by using a mu-law compressor and expander.

Generate a data sequence.

data = 2:2:12
data = 1×6

     2     4     6     8    10    12

Compress the data sequence by using a mu-law compressor. Set the value for mu to 255. The compressed data sequence now ranges between 8.1 and 12.

compressed = compand(data,255,max(data),'mu/compressor')
compressed = 1×6

    8.1644    9.6394   10.5084   11.1268   11.6071   12.0000

Expand the compressed data sequence by using a mu-law expander. The expanded data sequence is nearly identical to the original data sequence.

expanded = compand(compressed,255,max(data),'mu/expander')
expanded = 1×6

    2.0000    4.0000    6.0000    8.0000   10.0000   12.0000

Calculate the difference between the original data sequence and the expanded sequence.

diffvalue = expanded - data
diffvalue = 1×6
10-14 ×

   -0.0444    0.1776    0.0888    0.1776    0.1776   -0.3553

This example implements a compander by using an A-law compressor and expander.

Generate a data sequence.

data = 1:5;

Compress the data sequence by using an A-law compressor. Set the value for A to 87.6. The compressed data sequence now ranges between 3.5 and 5.

compressed = compand(data,87.6,max(data),'A/compressor')
compressed = 1×5

    3.5296    4.1629    4.5333    4.7961    5.0000

Expand the compressed data sequence by using an A-law expander. The expanded data sequence is nearly identical to the original data sequence.

expanded = compand(compressed,87.6,max(data),'A/expander')
expanded = 1×5

    1.0000    2.0000    3.0000    4.0000    5.0000

Calculate the difference between the original data sequence and the expanded sequence.

diffvalue = expanded - data
diffvalue = 1×5
10-14 ×

         0         0    0.1332    0.0888    0.0888

When transmitting signals with a high dynamic range, quantization using equal length intervals can result in signal distortion and a loss of precision. Companding applies a logarithmic computation to compress the signal before quantization on the transmit side and to expand the signal to restore it to full scale on the receive side. Companding avoids signal distortion without the need to specify many quantization levels. Compare distortion when using 6-bit quantization on an exponential signal with and without companding. Plot the original exponential signal, the quantized signal, and the expanded signal.

Create an exponential signal and calculate its maximum value.

sig = exp(-4:0.1:4);
V = max(sig);

Quantize the signal by using equal-length intervals. Set partition and codebook values, assuming 6-bit quantization. Calculate the mean square distortion.

partition = 0:2^6 - 1;
codebook = 0:2^6;
[~,qsig,distortion] = quantiz(sig,partition,codebook);

Compress the signal by using the compand function configured to apply the mu-law method. Apply quantization and expand the quantized signal. Calculate the mean square distortion of the companded signal.

mu = 255; % mu-law parameter
csig_compressed = compand(sig,mu,V,'mu/compressor');
[~,quants] = quantiz(csig_compressed,partition,codebook);
csig_expanded = compand(quants,mu,max(quants),'mu/expander');
distortion2 = sum((csig_expanded - sig).^2)/length(sig);

Compare the mean square distortion for quantization versus combined companding and quantization. The distortion for the companded and quantized signal is an order of magnitude lower than the distortion of the quantized signal. Equal-length intervals are well suited to the logarithm of an exponential signal but not well suited to an exponential signal itself.

[distortion, distortion2]
ans = 1×2

    0.5348    0.0397

Plot the original exponential signal, the quantized signal, and the expanded signal. Zoom in on the axis to highlight the quantized signal error at lower signal levels.

plot([sig' qsig' csig_expanded']);
title('Comparison of Original, Quantized, and Expanded Signals');
axis([0 70 0 20])

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Comparison of Original, Quantized, and Expanded Signals, xlabel Interval, ylabel Apmlitude contains 3 objects of type line. These objects represent Original, Quantized, Expanded.

Input Arguments

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Input data sequence, specified as a row vector. This input specifies the data sequence for the function to perform compression or expansion.

Data Types: double

mu or A value of the compander, specified as a positive scalar. The prevailing values used in practice are µ = 255 and A = 87.6.

Data Types: double

Type of compressor or expander computation for the function to perform on the input data sequence, specified as one of these values.

  • mu/compressor

  • mu/expander

  • A/compressor

  • A/expander

Data Types: char | string

Peak magnitude of the input data sequence, specified as a positive scalar.

Data Types: double

Output Arguments

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Compressed or expanded signal, returned as a positive row vector. The size of out matches that of input argument in.


In certain applications, such as speech processing, using a logarithmic computation (called a compressor) before quantizing the input data is common. The inverse operation of a compressor is called an expander. The combination of a compressor and expander is called a compander.

For a given signal, x, the output of the (µ-law) compressor is


µ is the µ-law parameter of the compander, log is the natural logarithm, and sgn is the signum function (sign in MATLAB®).

µ-law expansion for input signal x is given by the inverse function y-1,

y1=sgn(y)(1μ)((1+μ)|y|1)         for -1y1

For a given signal, x, the output of the (A-law) compressor is

y={A|x|1+logAsgn(x)(1+log(A|x|))1+logAsgn(x)for 0|x|1Afor 1A<|x|1

A is the A-law parameter of the compander, log is the natural logarithm, and sgn is the signum function (sign in MATLAB).

A-law expansion for input signal x is given by the inverse function y-1,

y1=sgn(y){|y|(1+log(A))Aexp(|y|(1+log(A))1)Afor 0|y|<11+log(A)for 11+log(A)|y|<1


[1] Sklar, Bernard. Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1988.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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