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Create feed location for customAntennaStl object

Since R2020a


Feed location of plateMesh.stl, a default custom antenna 3-D geometry file used in customAntennaStl object.

createFeed(antenna,FeedLocation,NumEdges) creates antenna feed for a customAntennaStlobject using the feed location defined in FeedLocationand the number of edges specified in NumEdges. The antenna feed is created along the triangular edges defined in FeedLocation.


createFeed(antenna) opens a UI figure window from which you can interactively create the antenna feed for a customAntennaStlobject. The figure window has two panes: Slice Antenna and Add Feed .



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Create antenna feed for a customAntennaStl object using the command-line interface. First create a customAntennaStl object with default properties.

ant = customAntennaStl
ant = 
  customAntennaStl with properties:

          FileName: []
             Units: 'm'
      FeedLocation: []
    AmplitudeTaper: 1
        PhaseShift: 0
     UseFileAsMesh: 0
              Tilt: 0
          TiltAxis: [1 0 0]

Specify the file name of the STL file to determine the antenna structure.

ant.FileName ='plateMesh.stl'
ant = 
  customAntennaStl with properties:

          FileName: 'plateMesh.stl'
             Units: 'm'
      FeedLocation: []
    AmplitudeTaper: 1
        PhaseShift: 0
     UseFileAsMesh: 0
              Tilt: 0
          TiltAxis: [1 0 0]

Specify FeedLocation and NumEdges and display the antenna structure.

ant.createFeed([0 0 0],1)

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title customAntennaStl element, xlabel x (m), ylabel y (m) contains 3 objects of type patch, surface. These objects represent PEC, feed.

Create a customAntennaStl object with default properties.

ant= customAntennaStl;

Import the STL file.

ant.FileName = 'plateMesh.stl';

Open the UI figure window.


Figure Create Feed contains an axes object and other objects of type uipanel. The axes object with title Select a Feeding Edge or Polygon., xlabel x (m), ylabel y (m) is empty.

The UI figure window consists of two panes, Slice Antenna and the Add Feed pane. Select the Slicer Mode, then click YZ to select that as the plane along which to slice your antenna.

Select the region you want to hide and then click Hide to hide the selected region.

Repeat the process until you reach the region of interest.

Select Select a Feeding Edge or Polygon under the Add Feed pane to select the edges to form a closed polygon. Click OK to define the selected edges as the feeding edges.

The feed location is displayed.

The selected edges must be connected to other edges, else UI figure window will display an error.

Input Arguments

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Custom 3-D antenna, specified as a customAntennaStl object.

Example: customAntennaStl

Number of feeding edges, specified as a positive real scalar. You can also select the feeding edges using the UI figure window.

Example: 2

Points to identify antenna feed location, specified as Cartesian coordinates in meters. The three elements of the vector are the X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates, respectively.

Example: [0.07 0.01 0.02];

Version History

Introduced in R2020a