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Create turn coordinator component


turn = uiaeroturn creates a turn coordinator in a new figure. MATLAB® calls the uifigure function to create the figure.

The uiaeroturn function displays measurements on a gyroscopic turn rate instrument and on an inclinometer.

  • The gyroscopic turn rate instrument shows the rate of heading change of the aircraft as a tilting of the aircraft symbol in the gauge.

  • The inclinometer shows whether the turn is coordinated, slipping, or skidding by the position of the ball.

When the ball is centered, the turn is coordinated. When the ball is off center, the turn is slipping or skidding. The turn rate instrument has marks for wings level and for a standard rate turn. A standard rate turn is a heading change of 3 degrees per second, also known as a two minute turn.

The input for gyroscopic turn rate instruments and inclinometers is in degrees. The turn rate value is input as the degrees of tilt of the aircraft symbol in the gauge. The standard rate turn marks are at angles of ±15 degrees. Tilt angle values are limited to ±20 degrees, whereas inclinometer angles are limited to ±15 degrees.

For example, turn indicator and inclinometer values of [15 0] indicate a coordinated, standard rate turn.


Use this function only with figures created using the uifigure function. Apps created using GUIDE or the figure function do not support flight instrument components.


turn = uiaeroturn(parent) specifies the object in which to create the turn coordinator.


turn = uiaeroturn( ___ ,Name,Value) specifies turn coordinator properties using one or more Name,Value pair arguments. Use this option with any of the input argument combinations in the previous syntaxes.


collapse all

Create a turn coordinator component named turn.

turn = uiaeroturn

Figure contains an object of type uiaeroturn.

turn = 
  TurnCoordinator ([0  0]) with properties:

        Turn: 0
        Slip: 0
    Position: [100 100 120 120]

  Use GET to show all properties

Create a figure window to contain the turn coordinator component, then create a turn coordinator component named turn.

f = uifigure;
turn = uiaeroturn(f)

Figure contains an object of type uiaeroturn.

turn = 
  TurnCoordinator ([0  0]) with properties:

        Turn: 0
        Slip: 0
    Position: [100 100 120 120]

  Use GET to show all properties

Input Arguments

collapse all

Parent container, specified as a Figure object created using the uifigure function or one of its child containers: Tab, Panel, ButtonGroup, or GridLayout. If you do not specify a parent container, MATLAB calls the uifigure function to create a new Figure object that serves as the parent container.

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

For a full list of turn coordinator properties and descriptions for each type, see TurnCoordinator Properties.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Turn coordinator component, returned as an object.

Version History

Introduced in R2018b