Teaching Controls with MATLAB and Simulink - MATLAB & Simulink

Teach with MATLAB and Simulink

Educators teach controls with MATLAB and Simulink by drawing on available course modules, onramp tutorials, and code examples.

Apps provided with Control System Toolbox let users interactively design and analyze control systems as well as graphically tune PID controllers and lead/lag compensators using root locus, Bode diagrams, and Nichols charts. Educators can use MATLAB live scripts to create lectures that combine explanatory text, mathematical equations, code, and results. Live Editor tasks that can be inserted into live scripts let students perform control design tasks, such as tuning PID controllers, interactively.

Below is a sampling of course curricula, textbooks, educational videos, code examples, online labs, and additional tools for teaching controls with MATLAB and Simulink.


MATLAB Tech Talks are short educational videos that teach different controls concepts to students. These videos can help supplement instructors’ curriculum materials.

Check out other MATLAB Tech Talks

Auto Grading with MATLAB

Use MATLAB Grader to create interactive course assignments, automatically grade student work, and provide feedback.

MATLAB Resources

Teaching Controls with Matlab and Simulink Image

Interactive Live Script Control Tutorials for MATLAB and Simulink

Control Systems Engineering -  zyVersion by Norman Nise

Web-based book that offers a comprehensive introduction to the design and analysis of feedback systems through interactive questions, animations, and automated MATLAB assessment